Have you ever wondered what you could actually create if you allowed the Universe to be part your energetic team???

What magic might be possible??

In this phenomenal 3-part class, we will discuss the topics listed below and also do energetic exercises on each to create more magic than you never knew possible.

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Part 1

Your Energetic Team



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Part 2


Shift Difficult Situations

Body Love

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Part 3

Money, Wealth & Cash

Vibration of Gold

Lottery Wins

January 9, 10 & 11, 2024
11:00am MST each day

You will receive…


January 9, 10 and 11, 2024
Classes will run 1 to 2 hours each


of each class


all of the energetic exercises completed in each class will be separated on audio for continued use


Register before January 9 at 7am MST and save BIG!

$167 CAD ONLY $67 CAD

$147 USD ONLY $57 USD


A Personal Note from Glenyce Hughes


Hello, sweet friend.

I get to facilitate thousands of people around the world to change their life, and I do it for one core reason: to show people that creating a magical life IS possible.

After spending decades believing that suffering is the only way to get through life, I discovered a different possibility: you can choose a magical life.

Hubby (Rodney) and I now travel the world full time as pet and house sitters. When I’m not working with clients, teaching powerful tools in my global classes, or hosting my podcast, you will find me snuggling furbabies, laughing with hubby, or checking out cool things in the area.