Stop Spinning in Doubt, Unworthiness and Frustration

Coaches, Healers, Facilitators Learn a Tool to Crush Imposter Syndrome

COACHES, Healers, Facilitators

✅ do you ever feel like you’re faking it?
✅ do you struggle with needing everything to be perfect?
✅ do you echo other people’s work instead of sharing your unique voice and gifts with the world?

I’ve got you!

In this free training, I will give you a tool to crush imposter syndrome so you can truly succeed in business and life.

The truth is imposter syndrome can eat away at your confidence, limit your possibilities, and leave you exhausted.

Right now, you need
to crush imposter syndrome because:

😣 You feel completely frustrated, overwhelmed, burnt out and ready to give up.

😵‍💫 You are constantly spinning in doubt and shame

😔 Even when you do put yourself out there, it feels like a huge waste of time because it doesn’t have the results you know are possible

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Here’s exactly what this free training will help you with:

  • Understanding what imposter syndrome is
  • A key to crush imposter syndrome
  • How to use that key in any situation

Wouldn’t it be nice to finally stop being an echo and share your unique voice and gifts with the world?

A Personal Note from Glenyce


Hello, sweet friend.

Ever since I started my business in 2002 I was teaching someone else’s work.

Decades of being an “echo” instead of sharing my own voice. 🫣

In 2022, one of the people I had been echoing for years, chose something that went against everything I stood for. I had a huge choice to make… go against what I stand for to continue to be an “echo”… or take the steps to conquer imposter syndrome and finally start succeeding in business and life, beyond what I never imagined possible!

Hubby (Rodney) and I now travel the world full time as pet and house sitters. When I’m not working with clients, teaching powerful tools in my global classes, or hosting my podcast that has over a million downloads a year, you will find me snuggling furbabies, laughing with “hubby” Rodney, or checking out cool things.

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