Simone was $187K in debt when she met Gary Douglas (founder of Access Consciousness) and she had pretty much nothing to show for it. Everything has changed now, and is still changing. She has money, she spends money, she creates money, she generates money, she invests money, she PLAYS with money. She has made choices that some would consider not so wise, and yet it has created her life, business to where she is today. She has a gratitude for money, her choices and her life. Her money flows increase every year and she has created some pretty phenomenal things to show up and is still asking for more every day. Join us while Simone shares the tools and processes she used from Access Consciousness that changed everything for her. Is now the time for you to have more money?

Additional Resources:

Explore my upcoming Access classes here.

Get more information on Access Consciousness® here.

For more on The Clearing Statement® here.