Is it time to start communing with your business more?




#1 – Instead of a to-do list create an action list and ask: Business which action requires my attention now?


#2 – Business what can we be and do different today to generate, create and actualize more _________(revenue, clients, sales, ease, joy, business, staff etc) right away with total ease?


#3 – Destroy and uncreate the relationship with the business, with your clients, projects, creations, staff, ideas, products, sales, revenue, with anything and everything, from every lifetime, times a godzillion. Right, wrong, good, bad, all nine, POD, POC, shorts, boys, and beyond®


Bonus #4 – What energy, space and consciousness can my body and I, and the business be to outcreate ourselves today as if by magic?



Additional Resources:

Explore my upcoming Access classes here.

Get more information on Access Consciousness® here.

For more on The Clearing Statement® here.