Tools to Honour the Universe
What if you could create a different possibility, instantaneously?
In this episode, Glenyce shares some tools from Access Consciousnes that invited her to receive more than she’d been willing to receive before. Truly, what else is possible that we have never even considered?
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[00:36] To honor is “to treat with regard” meaning you’re aware of, you’re not forcing, you’re not pushing, and you’re not making something happen that wouldn’t create greater.
[00:58] In Access Consciousness, where the tools that I share are from, there are what we call “Elements of Intimacy” where there’s honor, trust, allowance, gratitude, and vulnerability.
[02:04] It was the end of July/early August when I had one of my beautiful listeners message me. I was talking on the show, yet again, about a private jet. She said she’s got a friend who works with people who would like to fly on private jets and if I want to connect. My first thought? No. I couldn’t afford to buy a you know, $100,000 ride on a jet plane… But then I went, “Wait, that is not honoring the universe.”
To treat the universe with regard would mean you would actually ask a question. It doesn’t necessarily mean that I would actually have that conversation with the person that the listener was talking about. It’s actually going to a question.
TOOL #1 – BE the Question
[04:59] When you’re in any situation, BE the question. We’re taught pretty much right from the beginning to be the RIGHT answer. It’s time to change that and recognize that it’s BEing the question that will invite you to more possibilities than you never imagined possible.
[05:38] In my case, I asked the question: Truth, would saying yes to the listener, who had offered to connect me with her friend working on private jets, create the future desire or decay, the future I desire? I got that it would create the future. I responded back that I would love to connect with them.
[06:01] It was such a magical conversation with them that invited me to way, way more. What else occurred is when I was responding to my listener, I remembered from 2 years earlier a Facebook friend who had posted about a free jet that was flying empty and if anybody want to fly. Hubby and I were going to England that same weekend so I couldn’t take it. I forgot about it until that moment.
[06:55] Then I reached out to that woman who originally posted that thing from two years ago. That was what created the private jet ride. By honoring the universe through being willing to ask the question, that opened up a whole new set of possibilities beyond what I could have ever imagined possible.
[07:49] The first step to honoring the universe (which includes you and everything) is by asking a question. Look at one area of your life where you’re struggling. What if you choose from this moment forward to always BE the question with regards to that? That is an honoring of you like nothing else that will open up more possibilities, and you will have more awarenesses with regards to that than anything else.
TOOL #2 – Interesting Point of View
[10:10] Interesting point of view, I have this point of view – sprinkle that sh*t on everything. If you’re truly honoring the universe, there is no room for judgment. The minute you judge, you are dishonouring. This tool is the quickest and most magical tool to get out of judgment.
[13:01] When you are not judging, anything is possible. The more that you BE interesting point of view in every area of your life, the more you will create and actualize #asifbymagic. Everything you’re asking for can start to show up because you’re not limiting it with the point of view that it can’t.
What else is possible that I have never even considered?
[15:32] By asking this question, we go beyond what we’ve already decided is possible into truly what else is possible we’ve never even considered. That really allows the universe to deliver it in ways that are so magical to us.
[17:37] Every day, all day, no matter if things are going magically, crappy, or anything in between: What else is possible here that I’ve never even considered?
TOOL #3 Acknowledge You
[20:21] You ARE the universe. Therefore, to honor the universe is to acknowledge what is true about you, constantly.
[20:57] Acknowledge the magic that you BE, the possibilities that you BE, the change that you BE, and what you’re choosing now. Have a note on your phone or a notebook with you all day long. Start jotting down the things you could be acknowledging because it’s so easy to be stressed about something that you forget all the magic that you BE. If you jot them down, then you can refer to them when it’s required. There’s always something to acknowledge about you.
[22:22] You don’t have to acknowledge only the good stuff. What if we don’t judge? What if you actually acknowledge everything? Remember, judging is not honoring. [24:02] Acknowledging you is acknowledging it all – what we would judge as the good, the bad, and the ugly.