Tools to Trust the Universe

What are the infinite possibilities?
When you trust the universe, it will open you up to a gazillion possibilities you have never even considered. In this episode, Glenyce discusses these tools from Access Consciousness you can utilize to do exactly that – trust the universe and create the future you desire.
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[00:26] You can only ever trust yourself. The minute you put your trust into something or someone else, you’ve already given your power away. It’s because by doing so, you also shut off your awareness. You trust them and put up these “blinders” rather than asking yourself if you’re willing to trust you with regards to them.
[01:11] You can trust the universe, because YOU ARE IT. It isn’t about this big energy outside of you that’s greater than you, dictating your life. The universe is everything around us, including us. We are not separate, we are oneness. Therefore, this is really about the tools to trust you.
Trusting YOU
[02:04] Trust is knowing that you will always do what you’ve always done as opposed to this reality’s meaning of trust which is blind faith. When you trust people when they say they would or wouldn’t do something, there’s those blinders that you need to take off. Trust is knowing that the person, the situation, the event, or the universe will always do what it’s always done.
[05:48] There were lots of times that I didn’t trust me until I started playing with the tools from Access Consciousness. I really got a sense of what trust is: (1) I only trust me; and (2) I’m willing to be honest with me when I’m actually trusting me in regards to something else.
[08:04] When we do trust that people will do what they’ve always done, we don’t want to project that on them. There is an energetic difference between trusting and expecting a person to do what they’ve always done, and that is being totally open to any possibility.
[09:39] Know that trust is knowing that you will always do what you’ve always done. In the case of other people, that they will always do what they’ve always done. The universe will do what it’s always done.
The universe has your back to the degree that you have your back.
Having your back means you don’t judge you or you don’t judge at all. The thing about judgment is even though you think they’re yours, they’re not. Your only job is to let them go through.
[11:52] When we become aware of us being judgmental, let it go up. You can use the tool of Who does this belong to? Return to sender with consciousness or Interesting point of view, I have this point of view over and over. Stop playing with the judgment as though it’s yours. Those judgy points of view are not yours. But the minute you play with them, they become yours.
TOOL #1: Your awareness
13:28 Our awareness might show up differently. You might be more of a knower than a perceiver. A Perceiver perceives the energy of lightness and heaviness while a Knower gets it in a split second. However, what we often do is we’ve heard the idea of light and heavy so much that we try to make that real and the only way.
[14:10] Start looking at how you read your awareness. There’s no right or wrong way to your awareness, you just want to start honoring it.
TOOL #2: Ask everything
Once we play with our awareness, we start to get a sense of what is true for us. The next tool would be to start asking everything. Truth: Will it create the future desire decay the future desire? You ask that of everything – that is trusting the universe.
[15:07] Once you start choosing to create the future you desire, guess what shows up? The future you desire.
But first… clear the points of view!
[16:50] Often, what we have is the fantasy of what we think it should be or the fantasy of what we would like it to be rather than truly asking a question. You want to make sure that you’re clearing the points of view before you ask the question. Run this: All of the decisions, judgments, conclusions, computations, projections, rejections expectations, separations, and refined judgments that I have about this, I destroy and uncreate them all. Right, wrong, GOOD, BAD, all-nine, POD, POC, shorts, boys, and beyonds.
[19:38] Another question you can run is: What energy, space, consciousness, choice, magic, miracles, mysteries, and possibilities can you and your body be to allow the abundant universe to provide you with a multiplicity of possibilities designed to support and encompass your growth, your awareness, and your joyful expression of life? Anything that doesn’t allow that to show up as if by magic we destroy and uncreate it all. Right, wrong, good, bad, all-nine POD POC, shorts, boys and beyonds. You’re allowing the abundant universe to provide you with all of these beautiful possibilities. Truly, how does it get any more magical than that?
TOOL #3: “What’s right about this I’m not getting?”
[21:05] When it doesn’t show up the way we think or decided it’s supposed to, we often wonder what we did wrong, or that we screwed up. That’s never going to create the future you desire.
[21:39] You want to be asking What is right about this I’m not getting? because when you’re willing to ask that, a whole multiplicity of possibilities get to show up because the universe has your back. The more that you’re willing to get out of the wrongness, the more of your back the universe can have.
TOOL #4 “Is this the change I’ve been asking for?”
[22:26] When it seems like it’s not going the way that you thought it should based on what you chose, ask: Truth, is this the change I’ve been asking for? It never shows up the way we think it will, so be willing to stay aware by asking the questions. That will allow you to trust you more every day, which then will allow you to trust the universe, which then will allow you to be all of you and generate, create and actualize the life you truly desire.

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