Tools to Actualize More Money in Your Business

How much are you willing to receive?
Why settle for enough when you can have more? In this episode, Glenyce will be sharing tools from Access Consciousness that would help you actualize MORE money, both in your business and in your life.
[00:16] This week, we are going to talk about Tools to Actualize More Money in Your Business. If you don’t have a business, tools to actualize more money in your life, because all of these tools can be used in any way, shape, or form. For the purpose of this show, we’re going to talk about them from a business standpoint, but please use them everywhere.
[00:38] Number one, and this one is a really interesting one. I first heard Gary, Dain, Simone, and Brendon from Access Consciousness discuss it. It was over a year ago in a business class that they did online. They talked about creations in your business that don’t necessarily actualize cash.
[01:06] There’s lots of things in my business that I’ve done over the years that weren’t necessarily for money. They weren’t to generate money, it was [just] things that I was aware would contribute. Photoshoots – we could even say that. I went and used those photos on my web page or in social media and stuff like that. However, they don’t linearly create money. People aren’t going to pay me because I had a photo shoot. [But] you know what? What else is possible there that I’ve never even considered? How much fun would that be? You get what I mean.
[01:46] There’s creations that create greater and then there’s creations that are created that we get paid for in a business. What you want to ask with those creations that aren’t generating cash is: What revenue stream can I create to support this creation? Actually, I would change it a little bit: What revenue stream can support this creation? You don’t have to create the revenue stream, it’s just something to be aware of.
[02:26] When you’re asking that, it allows you to be way more present in the business: (1) with what you know [that] is actually actualizing the cash; and (2) what is creating greater. Sometimes, they’re the same thing and sometimes, they’re not. It also allows you to be very present with the finances. I know that’s a lot of energy on that, my sweet friends. [It’s] because a lot of people don’t like to be present with their finances, and that will change everything for you. We’ll actually talk about that here soon but just know.
[03:03] The more you’re willing to be present with your finances in your business, the more they will grow. Same with the more that you’re willing to acknowledge what creations are not actualizing cash and which ones are creating greater and which ones are doing both, then it creates so much space and so much awareness. Then you can really be present with it and then you’re also not choosing only based on money. Right?
[03:31] How many people… maybe you’ve done this yourself, I know I certainly have over the years, where I knew it would create greater to hire somebody to do something but the energy of like, “Well, if I pay it out and somebody’s editing my videos, I’m not getting paid for them to edit my videos.” There was this reality, this linear idea that A + B ≠ C so I shouldn’t do it instead of recognizing that having other people contribute in the business can be a huge contribution which then takes us back to What revenue stream can support this creation?
[04:19] I’ve even heard Gary talk about actually asking the people in the business to say “Hey, what revenue streams could you create that would support you being here?” What a totally different way to look at it. I don’t mean asking that from the place of “Now you must figure out how to pay for yourself.” It’s not that, but it just opens up the door to a whole other possibility. He was speaking about it more from, say, a few brought-in interns that worked for three months to learn the skills and then it was going to possibly move into a paid position. You can ask them, “Hey, what revenue streams could create you staying?” How much fun is that? You can also ask that of anybody in the business, just for fun. Again, not from the linear of “you have to pay for yourself.” It’s not that at all.
[05:14] I have Ericka, you guys have heard me talk about her. She’s magical, amazing. I am so incredibly grateful for her. We just had our year anniversary, maybe call it a “play-a-versary”, together. I’m so, so grateful. She creates so much in my business. Nobody has paid me yet for her being here and yet, her being here has paid billions and billions and billions of ways. It’s really not going into the linear of anything in the business.
[05:47] Let’s say you want to make t-shirts. You would buy a press to make those t-shirts and go, “Okay, I need to print off 100 t-shirts to pay for it.” If you get [that] it’s going to create, if you get that it’s expansive, if you get that the business is going to be greater with it, then the question is What revenue stream can support this creation? Anything that doesn’t allow you to BE that question…
[06:21] If you’re new around here, that might sound funny to you. We might say [to] ask that question, but it is more than just asking. It’s actually BEing that question, too. Yeah, right, wrong, good, bad, all-nine, shorts, boys and beyonds. That is the Access Consciousness Clearing Statement. You can go to for more about how it works. Just know that it works like a magic wand.
[06:45] As we talk about these things, you might go into “That’s impossible” or “That can’t happen” or “I could never hire somebody” or any of that insanity. We clear that energy so that something else might be possible.
[07:01] Another tool would be to ask: What can I create that is so easy and fun for me to create, that would allow me to actualize a fortune? That is inspired from the Advanced How to Become Money Workbook. We’re just almost finished up. We are just doing a 9-day program with it. If you are interested in the How to Become Money Workbook or the Advanced How to Become Money Workbook, get on my list if you’re not there already. I do those programs about twice a year, sometimes maybe even three, because they’re so potent.
[07:40] This question is inspired from that book because Gary talks in it about being so willing to recognize that money, cash, wealth, or whatever you want to call it, can be total ease. Chances are if you’re willing to do the things that are easy and fun for you, you will make way more money than if you are trying to do the struggle, the hard work for money and all of that insanity.
[08:14] This question of What can I create that is so easy and fun for me to create, that if I would create it would allow me to actualize a fortune?… how the heck do you use that? You just ask it. Maybe you want to set a reminder app on your phone or something so that you can start asking that question and allow the universe to deliver you the awareness. It’s not about sitting down with a pen and paper and figuring out the answer to that question. Please don’t do that, that will not get you anywhere. It truly is just asking it and allowing the awarenesses to show up.
[08:57] There are things that each one of us does with so much ease that we don’t see it as any great gift. We don’t see it as any big thing, to be honest. We’re just like, “Everybody can do that.” Here’s the secret: It’s not true. Not everybody can do that.
[09:19] I had no idea that not everybody could get on a video or get on a podcast and just talk. I honestly had no idea. I just assumed everybody could do that. Nope. Now, I do not find it easy to sit down and write. For me, talking is so much more ease. Just talking with the energy that comes up [and] not thinking about it [or] trying to figure it out. Just speaking and knowing that whatever comes out of my mouth is what’s creating greater, whereas there’s people who actually can do that with writing.
[09:55] It’s just knowing that there’s things for you that are so easy but you don’t let yourself, for the most part, be paid for them because you’ve assumed everybody can do it. For a long time, I didn’t allow myself to be paid.
[10:11] The radio show is another one of those creations that I don’t linearly get paid for. Totally, it also is a huge contribution to people getting a sense of how I be, what I offer, and then they make choices on classes or not classes with me or sessions or whatever. It totally creates. Absolutely. When you look at that, it’s just the asking of it and letting it go, and then whatever comes up.
[10:46] Let’s say you’re like me and you get that talking is one of those things that is super easy and fun for you to do. Universe, how can how can I get paid to talk? Maybe it’s different than just talking: How can I get paid to share stories? How can I get paid to inspire people? Whatever it is. Maybe you get that being with horses is so ease for you and so fun for you. Universe, how can I get paid to be with the horses? Show me what else is possible that I’ve never even considered. It’s just opening it up.
[11:30] If you are in business already, you could also be adding more things. What else would you like to add that would be so fun for you and so easy for you? Most of the time, we’re doing it for free. That’s often what’s occurring before we acknowledge that it’s something that we could be paid for. I could even reword that: before we’re willing to be paid for something we do for free, once we’re in business, we would [still] do it for free [because] we love it so much. What would it take for you to be aware of what is so easy and so fun for you that if you would choose it, would actualize a fortune for you? Anything that doesn’t allow that, we destroy and uncreate it all. Right, wrong, good, bad, all-nine, POD, POC, shorts, boys, and beyonds.
[12:19] I would like to invite you to an amazing 2nd round of From Idea to Offer. Some of you might remember this. I offered it in June – it was amazing. It’s a 5-part program where we go through [these 5 steps:] Step #1 is all about how to commune with your business. Step #2 is about creating the invitations. You have an idea for a class or a creation. From idea, [you have] all the steps to actually [make] the offer. Step #3 is graphic. We’ve got 10 different graphic templates. Each 10 have all the different sizes. Facebook post size, video, Instagrams, all the pieces. Step #5 is about sharing your class. Finally, Step #6 is tools to add magic to your class, creation, or whatever you want to call it. I ran this in June and we’re going to run it again starting on October 26. If you would like to come and play, I would love to have you. You’ll find the link [somewhere]. Also note that once this round is complete, the price increase will be $100. You want to get in now.
[13:40] If you kind of want to get a sense of this, I have a FREE Private Podcast to Get Your Idea for Your Creations. I know a lot of people would love to do this, but how do they get their idea? I’ve got this free private podcast. Let me just take a moment to explain the private podcast piece because I’ve got a few of them out there. They are on the same podcast app that you listen to. You do not need to download anything, you are not giving permission to anybody to access your stuff. I’ve had all sorts of interesting emails about these, guys. Please know it’s no different than the way you listen to your podcast regularly except it’s hidden, which means not everybody can access it. When I upload this onto the podcast app that I use, anybody with a podcast app can listen to it. The hidden ones, the private ones, it just means they’re behind a closed door. By opting in, you receive the code to open the door, so to speak. Just so we’re clear on that. If you’d like that, we’ll also have the link somewhere here, too. If you can’t find these links, just message me and I will get them for you.
[14:43] Alright, tool number three. These tools, please know, are in no way, shape, or form in order. There’s no [right or wrong] way to do this. These are just some tools that popped up when I was looking at the energy of what this podcast and this video desired to be.
[15:02] Number 3: Ask this to actualize more money in your business, every day, all day: What can I be and do different today to actualize more money right away? You could also change that [to] actualize more cash right away, actualize more paying clients right away. It doesn’t matter what, you can end it with anything. Same as the other questions: let it go. Those possibilities will show up – you’ll suddenly be aware of something, you could choose something, you could do something, you could BE, and you might not even be aware of it cognitively. But by asking that question throughout the day, you will just choose to BE it because you’ve asked for it.
[15:59] This is the magic – you’ve asked for it so you’re going to receive it. It’s just that often we don’t ask that question. What we do is we conclude and we say, “Oh, I would like more money so I must do A, B, C or D.” [It] doesn’t work, my friends. How do I know? Because any where I’ve done that, it doesn’t work. What can I be or do different today to actualize more whatever right away. That will get so much more energy going and so many more possibilities showing up.
TOOL #3.5
[16:38] Now, the next tool is somewhat like that, and totally different. What can I add to my life today to actualize more money right away? What can I add to my life today? Often we are taught in this reality to subtract. If you want to have more money, you must budget [or] you must stop spending the money to have more money. That often doesn’t work for us, guys. If you’re listening to this radio show, chances are that doesn’t work for you. The question instead is: What could I create to actualize this right away? or the one we said before: What can I be or do different to to pay for this right away? rather than trying to subtract.
[17:28] That’s where this question of what can I add to my life today changes everything for you. It’s about adding. That’s what’s actually natural for us, not subtracting. The more that you’re willing to add, the more magic that you will be. The more we have on the go, the more ease it is for money, wealth, cash, and fortune to show up because we’re not focused on one thing.
[17:59] Even if you have a business that only offers one thing, there’s probably many different pieces that you could be playing with. You don’t have to just play with the one thing. It might be a radio show to invite people to that thing. There might be a video to invite people to that thing. There might be a Facebook Live to invite people. There’s so many other pieces to it.
[18:21] Also, don’t do the logical of what can I add to my life today to actualize more money right away that it has to be money-related, what you’re adding. Remember those creations we talked about in [tool] number one. There’s a lot of creations that are going to contribute so much to your business and finances without it being the actual cash-generating thing. Don’t conclude, just choose. There we go. Don’t conclude, just choose. I love it.
[19:05] Now, tool number four. I’m going to invite you not to stop listening. Maybe I should tell you to stop listening now. I joke about it because it took me many, many years before I would even consider this. Set up a 10% account for your business. If you’re still here, I’ll keep talking. I know. It’s really funny that we do this.
[19:35] Now, the 10% account is something we talk about in Access, and it’s also in a billion other books out there to do with finances because it’s something that you can contribute to you and your life and your living. That can contribute so much to you having money. I have a radio show from 100 years ago about a 10% account. We’ll link that here somewhere if you’d like to listen to it.
[19:59] Basically, it’s about taking 10% of everything that comes in and putting it in separate account for you, under your bed, in a sock drawer, or whatever you want to do with it, except that you want to make sure that it’s going to either stay as is or increase. You don’t want to buy a house with it. You don’t want to buy stocks with it, you don’t want to buy a car with it. Those are things that are going to cost you money or potential of not having the amount of money you would like in it.
[20:34] For me, I kept it as cash for many years until the first thing that I ever bought with it was this beautiful ring. Oh my gosh, I love her so much. That was the first thing that I bought with it. But I didn’t choose that until I had enough money in my 10% account that I felt like I had money.
[20:57] If you’re just starting this out, you may just want to put it away, do something like put it in an account or in your drawer, whatever. Just put it away. Just allow it to accumulate. This is specifically, of course, about business. If you are doing it personally and you have a business, what if you start doing it for each?
[21:20] When I first started a 10% account, I was running my business as a sole proprietor, which meant all the money that came in went into the bank account. From the bank account, all the bills were paid. Now, 5 years ago I believe, I incorporated as a business which means all the business money comes into the business account. I pay hubby and I wages from that, so hubby and I are employees of the company. Why it’s so much more easy to do now? Because there is a difference between the business money and the personal money. The personal money goes over here [and] has a personal 10% account and then the business account has its money that sits here and then also has a 10% account. Mine is 15%.
[22:11] The other thing that I highly recommend and, this might work for personal too but for business specifically, is the book called Profit First. His first name is Mike and his second name, I believe, is Ukrainian so it’s very long and I never remember it but if you just type in Profit First, you will find it with ease. It is such a brilliant book and it’s basically about having different accounts in your bank account, so that you’ve got a wages account, an operating expense account, a taxes account, a main account – all the money comes into the main account and then each time money comes in or each week, month, or however you want to do it, you then put percentages of that amount into those other accounts – and then the profit account. It’s such a gift.
[23:04] I can’t think of a radio show specifically, but I do have one video that we’ll link here. It’s the toothpaste analogy that Mike uses in his book and it’s what really inspired me. If that’s something you would like to do (you don’t have to do 15% profit, you can do 10%, it’s just a baby step), maybe you want to do 5% or 2%, just do something so that you’re creating towards this. [It’s] because once you start it, it’s amazing. The magic – it can create just by you being willing to be present with it and you being willing to know that you can.
[23:48] You are the source of the money in the business, you are the source of the money in your life. If you are putting 10% into a different account, you’ll still have enough over here because you’re the source. But if we go, “This is all I have and I should pay off my debt first. I should pay off this first. I should court it. I better keep it. I might lose it” … what if we let that go and we acknowledged us as the source? We know that by putting 2%, 5%, 10%, or 20% even over here that we are going to actualize even more here to be able to do it all with ease. Anything that doesn’t allow that to show up as if by magic, we destroy and uncreate it all. Right, wrong, good, bad, all-nine, POD, POC, shorts, boys, and beyonds.
[24:40] Depending on when you are listening to this, I do have coming up a call called Questions to Increase the Cash Flow in Your Business. If you’re listening later, the recordings will always be available and you can check it out. We’ll have a link somewhere for that too if you would like to join us or to get the recording after. Because much like these questions, there are questions that you can ask to increase and exponentialize the cash flow in your business. All right guys have a fabulous week and I look forward to playing again next week.

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