Tools to Choose Beyond Doubt
Tools to Choose Beyond Doubt
What else can we choose?
Doubt is one of the many things people I work with often talk about. Especially with all the crazy going on the planet right now, it’s just waaay too easy and tempting to go down that rabbit hole.
In case you’re already playing with it (like I do, not gonna lie), these tools from Access Consciousness will help you start choosing beyond doubt. Remember, doubt is designed to distract you and ensure you never create greater. Will you choose to doubt you… or trust you?
In this episode, I will cover:
- [02:41] The thing about doubt
- [04:39] Acknowledgizing you
- [10:09] When you’re choosing doubt…
- [14:06] What is the value of doubting you?
- [17:48] BEing the spaciousness
I invite you to join us on the Living Beyond Distraction Book Club where we will take a deep dive on distractor implants, doubt being one of them. Or, you can always #getyourbutttoFoundation – I have an upcoming Online Foundation this December 2021 and would love for you to join us.
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[00:00] Hello and welcome to Tools to Create a Better Life with myself, Glenyce Hughes. Thank you so much for being here. I am so incredibly grateful for each and every one of you.
[00:16] In case you’ve been playing with some insanity like I have, this show is all about Tools to Choose Beyond Doubt. Yes. I specifically titled that because normally, I would call it something like “Tools to Deal with Doubt,” but it’s not about dealing with doubt. You can’t deal with doubt. It’s about choosing beyond the doubt.
[00:43] Now, why can’t you deal with doubt? Because it is one of the distractor implants. We talk about it in Access Consciousness Foundation (#getyourbutttoFoundation). Of course, I have another one coming up. The next one — at the time of this recording anyway — is the end of December 2021, and it is online. So how does it get any better than that? You’ll find a link somewhere. If not, reach out – I will get it for you.
[01:16] I am also offering a 6-week deep dive into this amazing book – Living Beyond Distractions by Gary Douglas and Dain Heer from Access Consciousness. Yes, my friends, it is time.
We’re going to go and do two calls each week on each of the sections – there’s anger, rage, fury, hate, blame, shame, regret, guilt, addictive, compulsive, obsessive perverted points of views, love, sex, jealousy, peace, fear, doubt, business and relationship. I may have missed some, but I’m not sure. Anyway, those are all the distractor implants, and all of them are in sections. We’re going to do a call on each — two calls on each section per week — to really get that deep dive and really start changing this insanity of playing with these distractor implants.
[02:10] This show though is all about choosing beyond doubt. I chose doubt because it is the one that when I work with clients — people come to classes, all of that — it’s the one that I hear the most from people.
I play in it also [but] not nearly as much as I used to. I am so grateful for using these tools for over 10 years now and what that has contributed to my life, my living, the business, money flows, body, and all the things. Especially lately, there has been some times that I’ve been playing with doubt. Which tells me, there’s a lot of it going on on the planet right now because I am infinitely aware just like you, my sweet friends.
[02:41] The thing you really want to recognize with doubt — we’ve talked about it already, and I’ll talk about it again — is that you can’t deal with it. You can’t clear it. You can’t talk about it enough to change it. Doubt is meant to distract you. It’s designed to distract you.
When you look at it — when you go, “Okay, I’m not going to doubt anymore. What can I do to stop doubting?” [and] all of that, you’ve really got to recognize it’s a choice to choose beyond the doubt. It’s a choice to choose beyond the doubt. You’ve got to be willing to choose it.
[03:42] One of the things that you want to recognize with doubt is that it is all about ensuring that you don’t acknowledge that you are potent as f*ck, that you are the creator of your life and you’re living, that you are infinitely aware, that you have the ability to ask a question and tap into your infinite awareness and infinite knowing. That’s what doubt does. It’s designed to distract us from all of that. Yeah, that’s a lot.
Everything that brings up – everywhere you’ve been valuing doubt more than acknowledgizing you as the potent motherf*cker you truly be, will you destroy and uncreate it all? Right, wrong, good, bad, all-nine, POD, POC, shorts, boys, and beyonds.
[04:39] We’re not taught in this reality to acknowledgize our potency, to acknowledge that we’re the creator of our life or living, to acknowledgize that we know. We know. For each one of us, we know.
We’re not taught that. We’re taught that we don’t know. We’re taught that we should find somebody who knows more than us and they can tell us what to do or what to think or all that insanity. Right, wrong, good, bad, all-nine, POD, POC, shorts, boys, and beyonds.
[05:14] Some of you, I know, know this already. You’ve been listening to my shows for years and you get it. Some of you are new here, maybe, and just don’t really know. I just want to speak for a moment in case you’re not acknowledging it.
There’s a lot of energetics that go on as I speak. Speaking is a capacity that I BE, that many people BE, and that I BE. When I speak, I change energies. A lot of people will say to me, “Oh, I love the sound of your laugh,” “When I hear your voice, I feel so good,” “When I listened to that show, I fell right asleep” or all those things. It took me a long time to really start to acknowledgize what magic I’m actually creating and being when I speak.
So please know when you’re listening to this — unless you’re driving, lay down and have a nap if your body is asking for one. Close your eyes if you would like to, if it’s going to create more. Put it on low in the background. There’s so much more going on than you just receiving the information verbally. Right, wrong, good, bad, all-nine, POD, POC, shorts, boys, and beyonds.
The funny thing is there would have been a time — probably when I first started recognizing that — that I went to… I wouldn’t have shared it. Now, why wouldn’t I share it? Because I would have doubted it was true. See how insane this doubt is? At this point, I don’t doubt it. I know it – I live it, I breathe it, I know it, I trust me and I know it.
[06:53] Really, start looking in your life to where you could be acknowledgizing you because that will put doubt out the window, too. When you can really start trusting you to know that you know and acknowledgizing you, there’s no space for doubt. There’s no space for doubt whatsoever.
Everywhere you’ve made space for doubt and used it to distract yourself, will you destroy and uncreate it all? Right, wrong, good, bad, all-nine, POD, POC, shorts, boys, and beyonds.
[07:28] Some tools with that: One, I’ve talked about a little bit already, is really, please, start acknowledgizing the magic of you. Start acknowledgizing the potency of you. You are the creator of your life and living and I don’t say that so that you judge you.
Okay, this isn’t about going into, “Oh my gosh, I created that crappy thing. This is horrible. I must be awful.” It’s not that. It’s going, “Okay, cool. I created that. Now what would I like to create?” because if you stay stuck in the drama-trauma of something you created that you didn’t appreciate, guess what? You’re just distracting yourself again.
[08:06] I mean, oh my gosh. Honestly, this is why I facilitate these classes. This is why this book and the book club is so important right now more than ever before. I would say it’s because it’s so everywhere. This distraction is everywhere. The invitation to distract ourselves is everywhere.
Look at social media. Yes, you can utilize social media as something that creates greater in your life. Absolutely – I do it every day. You can also use social media to distract yourself.
It’s the same with the distractor implants that I spoke of earlier. It’s not… so, business is one of them. It’s not that everybody who’s choosing business right now is choosing to be in distractor implant with it. No, it’s just that many people are. And until you recognize it and acknowledge it, and recognize when you’re choosing it and acknowledge when you’re choosing it, then can you actually start to change it. Right, wrong, good, bad, all-nine, POD, POC, shorts, boys, and beyonds.
[09:16] There is a lot of energy on this, you guys, and I love that. I absolutely love that because really, what are we changing just by having this conversation? Just by being willing to look from, maybe a different angle or a different perspective or a different energetic standpoint with it? Like “Okay, okay.”
[09:35] Distractor implants… things that distract us are designed to ensure that we never create greater, because you can’t be in doubt and create greater at the same time. It’s one or the other. Oh, my gosh. Right, wrong, good, bad, all-nine, POD, POC, shorts, boys, and beyonds. You either trust you or you doubt you. Right, wrong, good, bad, all-nine, POD, POC, shorts, boys, and beyonds.
[10:09] So, it’s another tool. One, the first tool I talked about is really starting to acknowledge the potency of you, the magic of you, that you are the creator of your life and living. Start acknowledgizing that. Number two is you can start just paying attention to when you’re choosing doubt, and choose something else. [It] doesn’t mean it has to be about that thing.
[10:33] If you’re doubting — let’s say you’re looking at going to, you know, on a new career path and you’re doubting the career path that you would like. You’re going, “Oh, I wouldn’t be very good. I’m too old. I’m… I don’t really have the skills. It’s going to be too much money. I’m going to be too old when I’d done the…” whatever. Like, you’re in that space. Start acknowledging when you’re there. Like, just in that moment, “Wow, okay. I’m choosing doubt right now. I’m choosing to doubt this right now. Okay. What else could I choose here?“
Now, it doesn’t mean you go, “Okay, well, then I have to choose my career path right now.” No, because honestly, sometimes guys, it’s not about that. Sometimes it’s actually about leaving that thing, letting it sit for a while energetically, and moving to something totally unrelated. Maybe you go watch some Netflix, maybe you go have sex with your partner, maybe you go into your swimming pool if it’s not winter, like it is here. Okay, it’s not winter yet, but soon.
Like, you’d go do something totally else, because it’ll get you out of what I call the “mindfucking” where you’re just going over and over. You’re basically trying to figure it out. What happens when we’re trying to figure something out is we’ve engaged our mind. Yeah, our mind will never contribute to us guys.
[11:53] It’s our awareness that we’re looking for. We’re looking for the infinite awareness, the infinite knowing. If we’re looking, if we’re being really focused, and we’re really trying to figure something out, we’ve eliminated our awareness and we’ve eliminated our knowing. “What other choice do I have here?” Go do something else.
[12:17] In fact, I was working with a client the other day and I suggested to him to actually take some time, like, take a week before he looked at the situation again. Mostly because every time he did, he went straight down the rabbit hole and all the wrongness. He pulled all these, you know, reference points and all the insanity. It’s like, “Stop. Just stop. We did some great work together, now give yourself a week. If it comes up clear points of views, whatever. But don’t try to… don’t, don’t go there. Not yet.” Just that space. Sometimes space, guys, is the greatest gift we can give ourselves.
[12:55] I have been doing a lot of walking outside over the last week. That space, and I mean — I actually have a lot of space. I have a lot of space in our house – it’s like a 4,000 square feet house. I have a lot of space in our yard – we’ve got almost six acres here. I’ve got a lot of space in my head because of the tools I’ve been using. But actually going outside and walking for 45 minutes or so a day, that has also contributed to so much more space.
Just give yourself some space. Give yourself some space.
[13:29] Now, you might not have physical space — doesn’t matter, you can still give yourself some space. When we’re asking, you know, what else could I choose here, you recognize you’re choosing doubt. What else could I choose here? You might not get a big booming voice from above. In fact, I never do. It’s always just asking another question. So might get, like, Truth: go for a walk? Truth: go watch Netflix? Truth: go for an app? Like, you might want to ask some specific thing just to get a sense for yourself of what it might be, and then go choose that. Go choose that.
[14:06] The other tool — and this is something that I would say is looking, you know — it’s kind of a deeper dive into it but asking yourself in that moment, like, What is the value of doubting myself right now? What am I getting out of that?
Now, it’s not a logical response. It’s kind of a strange question. If you haven’t hung around me much, you might not quite get it. If you’ve hung around me, you know I talk about that question all the time, because it can create so much space.
But really, recognize that there’s a value to everything we have in our life, even the things we call as problems, even the things we say we don’t want, even the things we say are horrific. There’s a value or they wouldn’t be there.
So, if we’re really willing to be vulnerable with ourselves and honest with ourselves – What is the value of doubting myself? What am I getting out of it?
[14:57] Oh, you know what? I’m just going to give some examples that I’ve heard from clients or even myself over the years.
“It slows me down.” There’s a lot of people who play with doubt from this energy of slowing themselves down because if they didn’t doubt – if they just chose and chose and chose and chose and chose and chose, they would be out creating everybody on the planet by 100%. And now, I can say that and we can go, “Wow, that’d be awesome!” A lot of us haven’t actually really got present with that and really cleared whatever insanity might be in the way with that.
Everything that brings up – everywhere you haven’t been willing to outcreate everybody on the planet by 100% will you destroy and uncreate it all? Right, wrong, good, bad, all-nine, POD, POC, shorts, boys, and beyonds. Right, wrong, good, bad, all-nine, POD, POC, shorts, boys, and beyonds.
[15:51] Really, getting that sense. The other tool that you can use with that question, if it’s required, is Who am I being when I doubt myself? Yeah.
Everyone you’re mimicking, will you destroy and uncreate it all? Right, wrong, good, bad, all-nine, POD, POC, shorts, boys, and beyonds.
[16:14] What occurs is, we maybe grow up with people who doubt themselves. We maybe hang out with people who doubt themselves. We maybe married people who doubt themselves. Whatever it is, we start mimicking that as though that’s the way we should be, that’s the right way to be because we see it.
Usually, it’s not a cognitive thing that we think, “Oh I’m going to be like that person.” It just occurs. So, we want to make sure that we acknowledge who we’re being if there is somebody —- and might not be, and if there is, just clear:
Everywhere I’m mimicking that person, I destroy and uncreate it all. Right, wrong, good, bad, all-nine, POD, POC, shorts, boys, and beyonds.
[16:51] Just because somebody else, or maybe your entire family, chose to doubt themselves, it doesn’t make it right. It doesn’t make it wrong, but it certainly doesn’t make it right either. It’s just a choice. It’s just a choice. Right, wrong, good, bad, all-nine, POD, POC, shorts, boys, and beyonds.
[17:09] Now, another tool that I like with this is What do I know here?
What do I know? When you’re doubting yourself and you catch yourself doubting yourself, “Okay, what do I know here?” Yeah, because in that moment when we ask that – what do I know here? – we may not have the information come into our head, but there is going to be a knowingness. There is knowing – we do know. We do know. There’s something that we know. What do I know here? It’ll create more space. Remember: space is our friend.
[17:48] Now, I say that — I want to give this other tool, that is to do a space. Once you create more space — once you have more space, whether it’s like, in that moment — maybe you clear a point of view or you become aware that you’re mimicking somebody like, “Oh my gosh, that was never right.” And you’re kind of… what you want to run is:
Everywhere I would feel this space again, I destroy and uncreate it all. Right, wrong, good, bad, all-nine, POD, POC, shorts, boys, and beyonds.
[18:21] Because what happens is we start getting a sense of what I would call our “normal energy“. It’s like… normal’s not the best word, but you know what I mean. That’s how we normally feel – we have a certain energetic feeling to us. When we start creating more space, if that’s not part of that, it can feel weird and we fill it back up with heaviness.
So once we create space, make sure you are asking: Everywhere I would fill this space up, I destroy and uncreate it all. Right, wrong, good, bad, all-nine, POD, POC, shorts, boys, and beyonds because what that will do is it’ll allow you to have that space and have that be your new normal. And then, more and more and more spaciousness. You’d be more and more and more who you BE, and you won’t be trying to fill it up like you may have in the past. Yeah. Yeah.
[19:18] So, let’s just recap so I remember what we’ve talked about.
The (1) first one is to acknowledge you as the potent motherfucker you truly be. (2) Two, start getting a sense of the doubt and when you’re choosing it and What other choice could I choose here? Yeah, and then (3) asking What is the value of doubting myself with this? Who am I being when I doubt myself? And then of course,(4) the spaciousness and being the spaciousness and choosing to be that spaciousness over and over because doubt and spaciousness will not go together either, guys. And then, not filling that spaciousness back up – not filling up that space again with that heavier energy. Yeah.
[20:14] Because imagine the magic you could create if you never doubted you again. If you never slowed yourself down again, if you never pretended that you were less than – imagine that.
[20:39] A few weeks ago when I was actually out on a walk, we have some dogs in the area that aren’t always on a leash in their house or in their yard. Sometimes, they’re just roaming around. There’s these two pit bulls that, I would say, are probably out more than any others. I often carry a little bottle of… it’s like coyote or dog spray, just in case. That day, I didn’t have it with me.
Now, in the moment that I saw them, I was not grateful I didn’t have it. But what I am so grateful for is that as I saw them, and I was actually out running, there happened to be — I mean, I think I would have figured it out, but it was interesting anyway. There was another gentleman walking on the road.
There’s not a lot of people out on the road walking or it’s not even a very… not a lot of people driving, either, but he happen to be walking. He was walking [and] the dogs were behind him, so I was hoping they were his dogs. But they weren’t. They didn’t seem like it because they weren’t very close to him.
Anyway, as I was running, he said to me, “Hello, are those your dogs?”
And I said, “Oh, I was hoping they were your dogs.”
He said no and he said, “Can I suggest you stop running?” because I was running towards them. What he realized was that, of course, it would be a bigger threat if I was running. And so I was like, “Yep. Good. Thank you.”
And so I started walking, and I didn’t have my spray.
I even phoned hubby because he was in town. I knew he was coming home. I thought if he was a minute or two away, I would wait. He was not. He was probably an hour away. So I just thought, “Okay, so what can I be and do different in this situation?”
[22:29] I realized that as I was standing there, you know, hoping the dogs were the other guy’s or phoning Hubby, I was doing it from very much a “pathetic” energy, very much from a victim energy. What was going to create the change was to actually be the potency of me.
Now, not aggressive like… not running after the dogs – not that energy. But be the potency of me, meaning “I am going to walk past you, and you’re going to stay over there.” Because of the energy I was willing to be – I was willing to be all of me, I was willing to be this *big* energy, but not in their face. I just perceived that that was really important.
So I was like, “Here I am. I’m taking up my space, and your space is over there, and you be there and I be here.” It was such a magical energy, guys because as I beat it, they started walking away. But they still watched me, they were still aware of me. They were still not going to let me go into their space, which was fine. I didn’t need in to their space, I just wanted to get around them to my yard. It was so phenomenal.
[23:47] So when I talk — you know, the tool number one I was sharing about being that, be that. Be that. Imagine there’s some dogs or snakes or whatever it is that you might have some energy around that want their space and you want yours, be that spaciousness. Be that energy. I just get [that] if we’re willing to be that more, what magic we could actually create in every area of our life?
[24:16 I’m not fighting, I’m not pushing – I didn’t have to chase after the dogs to have my space, and they didn’t need to chase after me to have theirs. I made it very energetically known they were going to get their space but they better get the fuck out of mine. It was just beautiful.
[24:34] I’m so grateful, now, that I didn’t have my spray because I would have just went straight to that which was a little bit of the energy of victim. Now, I still walk with it, absolutely, because there’s going to be some dogs that’s not going to be this… that’s just not going to be, and I’m okay with that. I’m so grateful in that situation that I got that energy and I looked at — when I got home I was like, “Man, every area of my life that I’m not willing to be that…”
It’s not about dogs. It’s about where we allow ourselves to go into doubt that we be that powerful, that we be that potent, that we get to have the space on the planet. That’s ours. That works for us, that creates greater. Right, wrong, good, bad, all-nine, POD, POC, shorts, boys, and beyonds.
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