Energetic Tools to Create Magic in Your Business

Energetic Tools to Create Magic in Your Business

Energetic Tools to Create Magic in Your Business

It can be beyond what you’ve imagined possible.

If you’ve been here for a while, you’ll know that business is one of my favorite topics to play with! And so for this episode, I will be sharing some of the tools I use from Access Consciousness when I’m needing a little ✨magic dust✨ in the business, whether I’m launching or upgrading one. Play with it, have fun with it, and see the possibilities it can open up for you and your business!


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[00:00:00] Hello and welcome to Tools to Create a Better Life with myself, Glenyce Hughes. Thank you so much for being here. I am so incredibly grateful for you. This week, I am sharing Energetic Tools to Create Magic in Your Business. 


[00:00:16] I have been playing in this business for 20 years. Actually, September 2022 will mark my 20th anniversary in this business. I say “this business” because I have done some sort of self-employment since I was a child. I have always had some other business going on. Now, I’ve been employed and always had something else, too. Business is one of my most favorite topics to play with. 


[00:00:43] The first tool that I want to talk about is something called a “bell jar.” This is an energetic tool from Access Consciousness®, where you basically put a bell jar over something to keep it separate for whatever. 


Now, you can use it in many different ways. The thing that I really want to talk about though, or really want to stress in this is if you’re using it because “you can’t handle it” or “you’re too weak” or “you’re nothing” and whatever it is you’re putting it over as better or bigger than you, that’s a problem. Using a bell jar is never about playing a victim. It’s using a bell jar to give you some space to change whatever it is. 


[00:01:23] For example, the way that I used a bell jar — this was so many years ago, probably 17 years ago in my business. There was a gal who was close to me. She lived close to me and she also would play in my business at certain times, helping me out with different things.


She started a similar business and I had so much competition with her in my head. Back then, I wouldn’t have admitted it to anybody because I was horrified at what crazy I had going on in my world about her and her business. 


What I came to realize though, was that it actually wasn’t mine. I was in her universe in her world. There was lots of crazy in her world. I was playing with it as though it was mine. 


[00:02:10] She said to me — at one point, she said, “I want a business just like yours,” which seemed like a very kind thing to say. I actually asked Gary Douglas, the founder of Access Consciousness®, about it when I was in a class with him. This was back in 2013. I asked him about it because it stayed with me. There was something about it that I just kept going back to, in my mind, the comment that she’d made. He said, “So, does she want a business just like yours, or does she want your business?” 


I was like, oh my gosh, she actually wants my business! This really was this intense and crazy and bizarre mess of “I’m wrong and I’m competitive” and then, “Well, she’s wrong and she’s…” like, it was crazy. 


[00:02:56] What I chose to do was I actually used a bell jar. So, I put a bell jar on her. This wasn’t a bell jar on her life, her living, any of that. But it was a bell jar on her with regards to me, until I could get stronger in who I was at the time, and recognizing that there’s room for all of us and I wasn’t playing with her crazy and all the insanity that was going on, just to give myself that space. Once I got there — once I got to all of that crazy being gone, I just changed the bell jar. 


[00:03:33] It’s one of the ways — I look at that as a great example because I’m not sure what I would have chose had I continued to play in that competition, crazy, she’s wrong, I’m wrong, we’re both wrong – all of that insanity, because that energy is a very heavy, heavy energy and a very icky energy.


By using the bell jar, I was able to change it into getting the confidence in myself, getting the space for myself and then, being able to carry on. Whatever she was going to choose once that bell jar was gone, it was irrelevant because I had me. I was confident in me. This was a huge, huge gift.


Again, if you’re using it because you’re a victim to somebody or to a situation, don’t use it. But if it’s just to find your feet or to get that space for you, then it’s a magical tool that can create so much more. 


[00:04:32] Another magical tool that I have used is being out of control


Now, I know that that sounds like a very bizarre thing. However, recognize in business and in your life, the more that you’re trying to control, the more that you’re trying to get right, the more that you’re trying to force in a way that you think it should be, you’re actually limiting what’s possible. So, if you really allow your business to choose for itself, to create itself, and to co-create with it—you’re not leaving it on its own, but you’re, co-creating with it—,it’s such a different space for magic. 


[00:05:09] What I did, and I continue to do this to this day and will probably do for the rest of my life, is this clearing: 


What energy, space, consciousness, choice, magic, miracles, mysteries, and possibilities can me and my body be to be out of control, out of definition, out of limitation, out of form, structure, significance, out of linearities, and out of concentricities for all eternity? Anything that doesn’t allow that to show up as if by magic will you destroy and uncreate it all? Right, wrong, good, bad, all 9, POD, POC, shorts, boys and beyonds®. 


If you’re not familiar, that is the Clearing Statement from Access Consciousness®. You can go to www.theclearingstatement.com for more information about how it works. It’s a magic wand, my sweet friends. It’s amazing. 


[00:05:49] Once you are willing to get out of control, or at least get more and more out of control, then your business is so much more magical. Your business will grow and be beyond what you’ve never imagined possible. 


[00:06:07] Another magic trick that I use is what I just call an “energetic exercise” basically, and it’s different for each one of us. I’m going to show you how I do it. However, you’ve got to play with it and find the way that works for you. 


Personally, I’m very, very visual. When I do energetic exercises, I’m doing things in my head. I’m imagining and playing with them energetically. That’s how I do them. Some of you, it might be more of a feeling or perceiving with the energy. Some of you might just be more of a knowing. There is no right or wrong way with this. It really is just an energetic exercise. 


[00:06:47] Let’s do one together right now: Imagine something that you would like in your business today. Imagine that you have a class or you have a product you’re selling — something that you would like someone to come and purchase. Okay? We’re just going to get the energy of the thing. Whether it’s a class or a product or something, get the energy of that. And now, we’re going to ask it to contribute. Yeah. 

Again, this is just an energy thing. Don’t worry if you’re doing it right or wrong, don’t get caught up in that. Just know that as we’re doing it, as I’m saying it, you’re doing it. You’re playing with us here. 


[00:07:21] We’ve got the energy of it, we’re asking it to contribute, and now we’re going to drop any barriers that we might have. I just use these words: 


“Barriers down, barriers down, barriers down. All levels, layers, lifetimes, universes, realities, barriers down.”


Just imagine dropping them all. So, I’m the oneness I truly be with the thing, with myself, with oneness, and then I’m just energetically asking and pulling to the thing. 


I’m going to use a class for myself right now. I’m energetically pulling to it anybody who doesn’t even know they’re looking for it. We don’t have to figure out who that is. We don’t have to just do one person. All the people who don’t even know they’re looking for it, and I’m just energetically pulling them to it. Again, I’m asking the class to contribute to pull them in, also. And then, we just let it go. 


We don’t keep doing it. We don’t force it. We don’t make it happen. We don’t go check our email to see if somebody bought it. We just do the energetic exercise, and then we let it go. 


[00:08:27] I also have a gift for you of Questions to Ask your Business Every Day for Success. If you would like those, you can find the link above or below. If you don’t see a link, then you can reach out and I will send it to you so you can grab those. 


[00:08:42] Another energetic tool that I use every day in my business is an “energy pull.” Very similar to the energetic exercise we just did, but this is an energy pull where you just get the sense of the business, the sense of what you would like the business to be like, the sense of what the business would like to be like, and then just energetically pulling to it everyone and everything that will contribute to it growing like that or being like that. 


[00:09:10] Again, this is just something that we do. We have fun with it, and then we let it go. You can do it in three seconds. You can do it in the shower. You can do it driving. You don’t need to take special time, or be apart or separate, or close your eyes. You can do it however you would like to. 


You can use it on individual things like, you know, a class or certain products or things like that, or the business as a whole. Maybe your bank accounts. I mean, truly, there is no limit what you can do with this energetic tool, guys. Play with it. Have fun with it. 


Those are just a few of the energetic tools that I use to play with my business to create way more magic in the business.


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Tools to Receive More from the Universe

Tools to Receive More from the Universe

Tools to Receive More from the Universe

Receive more and more and MORE!

A lot of us have been taught no to ask nor demand, and to be happy with what’s handed to us even if we don’t really like it at all. It’s not the way to go if you’re looking to increase your receiving. That is why for this episode, I’m sharing my go-to tools from Access Consciousness that we can all utilize to start receiving and having more than we’ve never imagined possible. The universe has so much in store for us, my sweet friends. Now is the time to unlock that!


If you liked this episode, you can now show some love (and support the radio show at the same time!) by Buying Me a Coffee ☕ How does it get any better than that?! I’m excited and would be so grateful to receive a cup of coffee from you, my sweet friend.


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[00:00:00] Hello and welcome to Tools to Create a Better Life with myself, Glenyce Hughes. Thank you so much for being here. I am so incredibly grateful for each and every one of you. 


[00:00:11] Tools to Receive More from the Universe. Yeah. Let’s first start talking about what or who is the universe. 


This is a different take on it, possibly than you’ve heard before. For me, when I speak about the universe or I ask the universe to assist me with things, it’s really about it being everything. I’m asking everything, including me. So, I’m part of the universe. 


[00:00:40] I am not asking a big energy outside of me that’s greater than me because there’s no energy greater than you, my sweet friend. 


It’s you and everything. I’m asking the earth, the trees, the animals, the buildings, the cars, the pollution, all of it including me and everything. When I’m receiving from the universe and asking the universe, it’s all about from everything. So, little bit of a different take, possibly. 


[00:01:09] Now, the first tool to receive more from the universe? Ask. Ask, my sweet friends. I know this is such a bizarre concept. Of course, it’s not. It really is one of the things that you want to start recognizing that you probably weren’t taught to do. 


In fact, possibly, you were taught to do the opposite. Don’t ask. Be happy with what you’re given. Just sit back and smile when they give you something even if it isn’t what you would like. Stop it. It truly is about asking for what you would like. 

[00:01:49] There are multiple ways to ask. There’s no one way that’s better than the others. It’s whatever way you would like, whatever way feels natural.


You can ask from the energy of, like, what would it take? 


What would it take for more paying clients to show up right away?


What would it take for more money to show up right away? 


[00:02:11] Like, you can ask it in that form. You can also ask specifically and say, “Universe, surprise and delight me with more paying clients showing up today.” 


Universe, surprise and delight me with more money showing up right away. 


Whatever it is you’d like to ask for. I’m using clients and money but you can talk — you can ask about body stuff. You can ask about relationship stuff. There’s no limit to these tools ever. That’s the coolest thing about these tools. 


[00:02:40] Asking in whatever way feels natural for you, or maybe it doesn’t feel natural. Maybe it’s something that you need to start building a muscle for. So, maybe you want to use a reminder app on your phone or sticky notes around the house just to keep you in that spaciousness of asking. 


[00:02:58] The way that I tend to ask more than any other way — not that it’s right, it’s just what feels the most natural to me — is I wonder, which I know doesn’t sound like an ask and it’s a huge way to ask.

I wonder what it would be like for more paying clients to show up right away? I wonder what that would be like? 


I wonder what it would be like for more money and cash and wealth to show up right away? I wonder… 


And then, you truly want to wonder, like, I mean, TRULY wonder. Don’t go into, “Well, I wonder what it would be like.” But it’s like that really heavy contraction. You’re not wondering at all. 


I wonder what it would be like… 


[00:03:41] And it’s also a really great tool to use — the asking, however way you want to ask — when you’re in the space of “Well, this won’t happen and this can’t happen” and “This is too hard and this isn’t working.” 


Stop and go to questions. Start asking for what you would like, whatever way you would like. 


I wonder what it would be like to have more ease with this?

I wonder what might be possible with this I’ve never even considered? 


All the asking. That is tool number one: ask, ask, ask. 


[00:04:13] Before we head to number two, I want to invite you to some amazing classes that I have coming up:


Online Foundation, May 17th to the 23rd. 

Online Business Done Different – my very first one. I’m so excited. That is in June. 


And, I also have a 10-month Book Club for the 10 Keys to Total Freedom, and it’s called “Living the 10 Keys to Total Freedom.“. And that starts June 1st. 


So, you’ll find the link above or below. If you can’t find the link, reach out and I will get it for you. I would love to have you come play, my sweet friends.


[00:04:48] Another tool to receive more from the universe is “I’ll have that.”  This is what you want to say and be the energy of when you’re experiencing, maybe you’re on social media and you see somebody that’s doing something really cool and it just lights you up. Ask: “Universe, I’ll have that.” 


[00:05:12] Now, I often will say, “Universe, I’ll have that or something even greater for me.” 


Let’s say I’m seeing somebody on a sailboat and it just, like, gets me super excited. Now, it might not be the sailboat piece. That might not be the piece for me. When I ask, “Universe, I’ll have that or something greater for me,” then maybe the greater for me is a motor boat or a canoe, or who knows? I mean, there’s something else. 


[00:05:39] I like to just have that little bit extra on the end so that it opens it up because often when we’re seeing somebody with something super amazing and we get excited by it, it’s actually not the excitement of the specific thing. It’s the energy that they’re being, and there might be something different that creates that energy for us. So, I like to add that: Universe, I’ll have that or something greater for me. Yeah. It’s a way of asking and to me, it’s such a potent way to create as if by magic. 


[00:06:15] Tool number three is about demanding of you and requesting of the universe. This means if there’s something you would like to receive. 


Let’s say you have a lot of credit card debt and you’re just so ready to change that. The demand is of you to change it. And then, the request of the universe to contribute to changing that. 


[00:06:44] When you ask for change and demanded of you, the universe starts to contribute to your request and drops the gifts of choice and possibility that lead the way to the creation of a different future. You have to demand it and choose it. 


[00:07:03] But the moment you demand it and you request of the universe, everything changes. Now, you’ve become aware of choices you could be choosing, things you could be doing differently. 


It’s such a magical way, but a lot of times people think they demand of the universe. The universe don’t take demand. The universe receives requests.


[00:07:27] So, demand of you to change the thing, receive the thing, actualize the thing, whatever it is, and then, request of the universe


No matter what it takes, I’m changing this — let’s say it’s the credit card debt. “No matter what it takes, I’m changing this.” And then, “What’s it going to take?” 

Universe, show me. 

Universe, show me what’s required. 

What can I be and do different today to change this right away? 

What action is required that I’ve never even considered? 

Universe, show me who to talk to. 

Universe, show me where to go.


…so that you are in this space of demanding of you, requesting of the universe. Action, choice, action, choice, action — all of it, to actually create and receive and have more than you’ve never even imagined possible.


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Avoiding and Defending

Avoiding and Defending

Avoiding and Defending

What are you avoiding and defending?

Do you sometimes think you don’t have a choice? Here’s the thing, my sweet friend: you ALWAYS have a choice. It could be that you’re avoiding and defending, which makes it feel like you don’t have a choice. It hinders you from being aware of the infinite choices you actually have. 


If that’s something you’re looking to change, tune in to this episode ‘cause we will be dropping another amazing tool from Access Consciousness® that you can utilize anywhere in your life that you’re avoiding and defending. HDIGABTT?


If you liked this episode, you can now show some love (and support the radio show at the same time!) by Buying Me a Coffee ☕ How does it get any better than that?! I’m excited and would be so grateful to receive a cup of coffee from you, my sweet friend.


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[00:00:00] Hello and welcome to Tools to Create a Better Life with myself, Glenyce Hughes. Thank you so much for being here. I am so incredibly grateful for each and every one of you. 


[00:00:11] What are you avoiding and defending? This is a new hot topic in Access Consciousness® and, guys, it is changing shit as if by magic. Oh my goodness. Ah, I love it. I love it. Okay. 


[00:00:26] So, the first thing that you want to recognize with this avoiding and defending is that with anything in our life that isn’t working the way that we would like it to be working, we are both avoiding and defending simultaneously. 


That is why this clearing works so well because a lot of times, we think it’s just one way. We think we’re just defending something or we’re maybe just avoiding something but in actuality, we’re defending and avoiding at the same time. Unless you change that, you’re going to be in what we call a “no choice universe.” It’s going to seem like there’s no other choice available. 


[00:01:10] You might hear us talk in classes about “Just choose! Just choose! You know that c-word? Just choose!” When you are both avoiding and defending, there is no choice in your universe. Well, just that choice. That’s the only choice. That’s it. 


The more that you get out of the avoiding and the defending, that’s where you become aware of the infinite choices. There’s always infinite choices. It’s just that when we are avoiding and defending, we’re not aware of them. 

[00:01:49] Now, this topic has changed so much. The clearing of the avoiding and the defending has changed so much that Gary and Dain, the founders of Access Consciousness®, have actually added it to the Clearing Statement. 


In my 11 years using these tools, living these tools, breathing these tools every day, I’ve never ever experienced a Clearing Statement change, so this is exciting. The Clearing Statement now is:


Right, wrong, good, bad, all-nine, POD, POC, shorts, boys, POVADs, and beyonds. 


[00:02:23] POVADs is points of views, avoiding, and defending. It’s the acronym. It’s okay if you forget to say it. Believe me, I’m on a whole learning curve with it now because I’ve been saying it one way for 11 years. Time to change that up.


You might even hear me say it without the POVADs a few times and that’s okay. It’s still got the energy. There’s enough people saying it. If you can, add it to it. Memorize it if you need to. 


[00:02:53] Right now, I’m doing a 30×30 meeting. I’m running a clearing 30 times a day for 30 days. That’s really assisted me cause I actually have it written down on it so that I remember to actually say it. And soon, it will be part of it as if by magic.


[00:03:09] All right. Now, what exactly does this mean? Avoiding and defending. What the heck? 


[00:03:16] Let’s say money isn’t the way you would like it to be, and you consider running this clearing. You might say something like What points of views am I defending and avoiding that’s holding this in existence? or What points of use am I avoiding and defending that’s creating this money problem? 


You could change the word to “excessive debt” or whatever it is. You don’t have to say money problem. You can change the words to match the energy. So, those are a couple of ways that you can run it.


[00:03:54] Now, this came out in the Global Foundation in March, I believe, of 2022. A week later, Dain had a Choice of Possibilities class that I attended and he started doing them separately at times. He would say, What points of views are you defending with the money problem you are choosing? And then, he would wait for an awareness.


Now, this is huge and not always going to work. You’re not always going to have words. A lot of times, the crazy that we’re choosing is more of an energy. So, don’t get caught up in it if you’re not having awarenesses or words with that question. But do give yourself the space to have it in case it’s there.


[00:04:41] So, let me ask this of you: What points of views are you defending with the money problems you are choosing? 


Everything that is, will you destroy and uncreate it all times a godzillion? Right, wrong, good, bad, all-nine, POD, POC, shorts, boys, POVADs, and beyonds.


[00:05:03] Now, again, if you didn’t have anything come up, that’s totally cool. And it’s a great way to change it. Sometimes, what really changes something is when we actually have the awareness of what we’re doing. Sometimes, we can just run the clearing and not have any awareness attached to it, and away we go and it changes it. And sometimes, having the awareness is really the magic. 


[00:05:29] So, what points of views are you avoiding with the money problems you are choosing? Everything that is, will you destroy and uncreate it all times a godzillion? Right, wrong, good, bad, all-nine, POD, POC, shorts, boys, POVADs, and beyonds. 


What points of views are you defending with the money problems you are choosing?Everything that is, will you destroy and uncreate it all times a godzillion? Right, wrong, good, bad, all-nine, POD, POC, shorts, boys, POVADs, and beyonds. 


What points of views are you avoiding with the money problems you are choosing? Everything that is, will you destroy and uncreate it all times a godzillion? Right, wrong, good, bad, all-nine, POD, POC, shorts, boys, POVADs, and beyonds. 


[00:06:28] Now, I would love to invite you to the new Foundation. My next Online Foundation is May 23-27, 2022. Come and play. I would love to have you. 


If you can get here in person, we are having Pool Party Bars & Foundation in July 2022. You’ll find the link somewhere above or below. If you can’t find it, reach out and I will get it to you. I would love to see you in person, too, my sweet friends. 


[00:06:55] So, defending. When we’re defending, we’re making it right. We want people to get that “our money problems are right! Don’t you understand? Look at the world right now.Look at the economy. There’s not enough money! There’s all these money problems! That’s why I have money problems — because everybody else has money problems!” That’s defending. 


Avoiding is when you don’t even want to look at it. You’re just like, “[singing a beat]…money? What’s a money problem?” 


[00:07:22] And this is the bizarre thing, guys. We’re doing both at the same time, avoiding and defending at the same time, which again, is why it keeps us locked up. That’s why there’s no other choice. There’s no choice beyond money problem when we’re avoiding and defending money problem. Oh my goodness. 


Everything that brings up, will you destroy and uncreate it all times a godzillion? Right, wrong, good, bad, all-nine, POD, POC, shorts, boys, POVADs, and beyonds. 


[00:07:59] In the Global Foundation when Gary and Dain first started talking about this, Gary suggested that we look at something with our body and he ran the clearing a few times. 


He said, “Just become present with that thing that you would like to be different.” What I looked at was the extra weight. 

There are still more there than I would like and what my body says my body would like. And yet, it really hasn’t changed in quite some time. I was still doing all the things that was changing it before. 


[00:08:29] Anyway, I’m going to run this for you a couple of times. You can do a body thing. You can do a money thing. You can do a relation [thing]. It doesn’t matter. Just bring something to mind. But then I’ll talk about that experience for myself when Gary ran it for us. 


What points of views are you avoiding and defending that is keeping that in existence? Everything that is, will you destroy and uncreate it all times a godzillion? Right, wrong, good, bad, all-nine, POD, POC, shorts, boys, POVADs, and beyonds. 


What points of views are you avoiding and defending that is keeping that in existence? Everything that is, will you destroy and uncreate it all times a godzillion? Right, wrong, good, bad, all-nine, POD, POC, shorts, boys, POVADs, and beyonds


What points of views are you avoiding and defending that is keeping that in existence? Everything that is, will you destroy and uncreate it all times a godzillion? Right, wrong, good, bad, all-nine, POD, POC, shorts, boys, POVADs, and beyonds


[00:09:45] For myself, when Gary was running that, what I realized—and I’ve realized it before, but I really, really acknowledged it in those clearings—was that I was really holding tight to what had worked before. 


As many of you know, I’ve done alternate day fasting for a few years now. For the first year and a bit, it worked really well to change the scale. And then, it seemed to work well with shifting the body and doing different things. And then, it basically seemed to stop. What I never really looked at was.. now what? Now, what? 


[00:10:29] So when Gary was asking that, I was looking at it with regards to my body and the weight on my body in specific. I was looking at, you know I’m avoiding another possibility. I’m avoiding that my body may be asking for something different. I’m defending that fasting was right. Oh, gosh. Even saying it out loud… my goodness. And yet, this is what I was doing. 


So then what I started doing was like, “Okay, body. I’m really going to get out of the conclusion of this is the way, this is the right way, and that there’s somehow a wrong way and just be really loud. Really, show me.” And she has been. It’s been amazing, and the scale is changing again.


[00:11:14] It’s so magical when we get out of defending and avoiding because then, there’s one other choice. I mean, truly, what else is possible when we’re not in that place of defending and avoiding?


Yeah, because here’s the other thing that I realized for myself: How much energy are you using to avoid and defend? Right? Oh my goodness. Imagine if we utilize that energy in other ways. Yeah. Right, wrong, good, bad, all-nine, POD, POC, shorts, boys, POVADs, and beyonds. 


[00:12:01] This is such an amazing, amazing potent tool that you can utilize on anything. I’ve been talking about body and money, honestly, anywhere in your life. Anywhere you’re reacting, anywhere that you don’t feel like you have choice, anywhere that isn’t the way you would like it to be: 


What points of views am I avoiding and defending that’s keeping this in existence? 


What points of views am I avoiding and defending that’s creating this?


Or just what points of views am I avoiding with this? 


What points of views am I defending with this?


[00:12:39] Try all the different ways, guys. There’s so many magical ways to use this. Use it. Honestly, if there is ever been a tool that I would recommend that you should use non-stop for like 30 days, it’s going to be this one. 


Now of course, I would give you a million other tools, too, because they’re all so valuable and can change so much. And this one is huge. Now, if you use this tool, I would love to hear how you use it, what it changes for you. I love to hear the successes with these magical tools, my sweet friends.


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Programs mentioned:

#asifbymagic Shop

Upcoming Classes and Events