Inspiration from My Business Done Different Class

Inspiration from My Business Done Different Class

Inspiration from My Business Done Different Class

Create more with your business.

I recently facilitated my first ever Business Done Different class and I’m soooo excited to share some of its brilliance to you, my sweet friends! Also, you might want to watch this on YouTube so you can get to enjoy the beautiful Lake Louise as you listen. HDIGABTT?!


If you liked this episode, you can now show some love (and support the radio show at the same time!) by Buying Me a Coffee ☕ How does it get any better than that?! I’m excited and would be so grateful to receive a cup of coffee from you, my sweet friend.


Would you like the PDF of these show notes?
They are sent out each week to everyone on my mailing list! 


[00:00:00] Hello, and welcome to Tools to Create a Better Life with myself, Glenyce Hughes. Thank you so much for being here. I am so incredibly grateful for each and every one of you. 

Now, if you are watching this by video, you’ll notice I’m not in the video. In fact, this video, I took last August during my birthday celebrations at Lake Louise in Alberta, Canada. It’s so beautiful there, my sweet friends. If you get a chance, go. 


[00:00:28] I am using a clip from my recent Business Done Different class as the radio show for a couple of things: 


One, I would love to invite you to my upcoming Business Done Different classes. I have one here in Canada at my house, Pool Party Business Done Different, and it’s also available online, July 30th, 31st, and August 1st. I have one at the end of October in London, England. Also available online. So, check out the link. If you can’t find it, let me know and I will get it for you. 


Now, sit back and listen to me share some brilliance from the Business Done Different manual, all about relaxation and business.


[00:01:18] Please know this class is about you and what you can create with your business. We don’t have the answers for how to create the business. We have the questions and tools to assist you in choosing something different. 


[00:01:32] What if you destroyed and uncreated your business as it currently is? Destroy and uncreate everything you’ve decided you are in business, and even everything you are not in business. Destroy and uncreate all of your relationships in business with everyone you work with.


Everything that is, destroy and uncreate it all times a godzillion. Right, wrong, good, bad ,all-9, POD, POC, shorts, boys, POVADs, and beyonds. 


[00:01:58] If that isn’t something in your daily routine already, guys, I highly recommend it. The wording that I do with this is a little bit different: 


I destroy and uncreate my relationship with everyone and everything from every lifetime times a godzillion. Right, wrong, good, bad ,all-9, POD, POC, shorts, boys, POVADs, and beyonds. 

[00:02:19] The reason that I do it like that is it covers everything. Otherwise, I’d be having to do it with, you know, my marriage, and with my family, and with my business, and with my money flows, and with blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. This way I destroy and uncreate my relationship with everything and everyone from every lifetime times a godzillion, and it just covers it all. 


Now, if you are really struggling with something, then it might be a good idea to do this specifically on business once a day for 30 days. I always say to people [to] do the general one if things are going fairly ease, joy, & glory, but if there’s a spot that’s really bugging you, then do it specifically on that spot for 30 days and see if that changes it, too.


[00:03:05] What jails are you using to create the dominance of E=MC2 to prove that you have no connection to joy, creation, business, and money in order to brave the insanity of this world, to pretend to live rather than actually living are you choosing? 


Everything that is, will you destroy and uncreate it all times a godzillion? Right, wrong, good, bad ,all-9, POD, POC, shorts, boys, POVADs, and beyonds. 


This is what this reality is really an invitation: to pretend to live, to suffer, to survive, all of the things that probably we’ve all done to some degree or another. This really invites us to actually living. 


[00:03:55] Living is like a forward energy. Living is the choosing of it, actually living, as opposed to most people on this planet are doing life, which of course is the same energy in most part as death.


Anywhere you’ve done your business from life and death rather than living, will you destroy and uncreate it all times a godzillion? Right, wrong, good, bad ,all-9, POD, POC, shorts, boys, POVADs, and beyonds. 


[00:04:23] What if you could do everything from a place of relaxation? 


Relaxation is something we’ve been talking about in Access just for a couple years, and it really is the space of, for me anyway, no force, no push, no “how” like I don’t have to figure out how. It’s relaxation. 


I can be relaxation in my swimming pool, but I can also be relaxation while I’m facilitating this class. I can be relaxation when I’m recording a radio show. I can be relaxation when I’m at a shopping mall.


It isn’t relaxing the way that when we think of the word “relaxation.” We often think of maybe going for a nap or playing, you know, outside of business, but really this invitation with relaxation is to recognize it’s something we be and it’s something that we can be continuously. No matter what we’re doing, we can be relaxation.


[00:05:29] There’s a huge energetic difference between somebody who sends out an email from push and force and somebody who sends out an email from relaxation. We all know that. You don’t have to be aware to know that you know that, you know? 


If you talk to anybody in business—sorry, anybody who receives business emails, invitation emails, they’ll tell you. They may not have the words for it, but they’ll say stuff like, “You know what? I did see that one, but I just deleted it” or “I just didn’t get back to it.” It doesn’t mean it’s always, then it means it’s from force. It’s just often, energetically. We’re aware of that. 

[00:06:10] So, be really aware in everything you’re choosing in business, whether you’re hiring people, whether you’re putting out a video, whether you’re writing an email, whether you’re facilitating a class. The more relaxation that you can be during that, the more ease it will be for you and the more of an invitation it will be. 


[00:06:30] Relaxation does not mean that you do nothing. It’s more of a spherical awareness and receiving that allows the possibilities to come and almost just fall into your lap. 


What if you could just allow things to fall into your lap with ease and joy and glory because of your demand of you and request of the universe, and then you live?


Anything that doesn’t allow that, will you destroy and uncreate it all times a godzillion? Right, wrong, good, bad, all-9, POD, POC, shorts, boys, POVADs, and beyonds. 


[00:07:06] The founder, Gary, says that if the staff of Access Consciousness® were to relax, Access would grow by 75%. 


So, let’s just take a moment. I want you to get the energy of your business. I’m gonna run some numbers. 


Truth, if you were willing to relax, would your business grow more than 10%? More than 50%? More than 75%? More than a 100%? 


Anything that doesn’t allow you to be the relaxation you truly be that will allow the business to grow, will you destroy and uncreate it all times a godzillion? Right, wrong, good, bad, all-9, POD, POC, shorts, boys, POVADs, and beyonds. 


[00:08:04] All right, there you have it. Now, what magic will you choose with your business and relaxation that has never been possible before, my sweet friends? I am so incredibly grateful. 


[00:08:16] I invite you once again to join us for the Business Done Different classes, whether you’re online with me, whether you come here to my acreage and swim in my pool, or you join me in London, England, or however I see you. I can hardly wait to hug you, my sweet friend. 


Have a fabulous week and I look forward to chatting again next week.

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Tools When You Don’t See the Fucking Point Anymore

Tools When You Don’t See the Fucking Point Anymore

Tools When You Don’t See the Fucking Point Anymore

Be the magic you truly be.

If you’re in that space where you just can’t help but wonder what the f*ck’s the point to it all, you are not alone. In this episode, I will share with you some of the magical tools from Access Consciousness that can help you change that! We are potent creators of magnitude after all – it’s time to be creating the reality we’ve always known possible for us!  

If you liked this episode, you can now show some love (and support the radio show at the same time!) by Buying Me a Coffee ☕ How does it get any better than that?! I’m excited and would be so grateful to receive a cup of coffee from you, my sweet friend.


Would you like the PDF of these show notes?
They are sent out each week to everyone on my mailing list! 


[00:00:00] Hello, and welcome to Tools to Create a Better Life with myself, Glenyce Hughes. Thank you so much for being here. I am so incredibly grateful for you.


I am in the city of Calgary right now. You would not believe that. This is such an amazing space. We’re here for the 3-Day Body Process Class with Kalpana. Oh, my goodness! How does it get any more beautiful than this? 


[00:00:22] Tools When You Don’t See the Fucking Point Anymore. Yes. This is inspired by the Roe vs. Wade being overturned and my own process through this. Yes, I am Canadian. Yes, I live in Canada. Yes, that is something that went on in the US. I am a person, and I’m not stupid. I know that this will potentially impact us Canadians and everyone. 


I also don’t wanna speak only about that. This really truly is tools that you can use to change when you’re in that space of, “What the fuck’s the point?” Whether it’s what the fuck’s the point in living, what the fuck’s the point in doing what I’m doing, what the fuck’s the point in any area of your life, these are tools that can change it. 


[00:01:18] Now, the first one is one that you may ignore or you may not even want to acknowledge, but it’s all about your potency. This is something that I would say has been a huge tripping point for myself because I didn’t acknowledge it as potency. 


Growing up, I was often called “angry,” or told I was angry and I shouldn’t be angry. “Good girls aren’t angry.” And so, I had a lot of really mixed messages that I was angry, [which] was (1) big lie, and (2) that I shouldn’t be that energy was another huge lie. 

[00:01:55] I bought that and I really started to judge anger. I really started to separate from anger. I wouldn’t allow myself to be angry, and I wouldn’t allow other people around me to be angry or if they were, I would separate from them.


Here’s the thing with that energy, guys. A lot of times, it’s a potency that we’re being, but it seems like anger. And so then, we distract ourselves with it. We say, “Oh, well, I shouldn’t be this, it’s wrong,” all the things. Really, it’s not. That potency that we be is one of the greatest capacities that we have. One of the greatest capacities that we have. 


[00:02:38] Often why we’re told not to be angry is because they don’t want that capacity. They don’t want us to be that—THAT. And so as an adult, I mean, nearing few months from 50, I’ve really started to expand into that energy because no matter what, for all these years, I’ve made it bad and wrong and all the things. It’s still there. It still comes up, especially in situations like what’s going on in the US with that and many things in Canada, too. Believe me, this is not just a US thing. But all these things that this energy that comes up. 


Often, what I do—the autoresponder to it is to judge me, and then judge whatever the situation is. That only distracts us from actually creating greater. That’s all we’re doing with that. 


[00:03:36] So really, if this reads for you, if you know this is you, please start looking at that. Please look at how much you’re distracting yourself with the thing or with the upset rather than going, “All right, how much more of me can I be right now? How much more potent can I be right now?” Instead of contracting it and dulling it down, expand it and expand it and be it.

[00:04:03] I often call it like “swim” in it. I mean, I’m not physically swimming in it, but energetically I’m swimming in it instead of that contraction. It’s the swim, it’s the expansion, it’s the allowance of it ’cause that’s what will change that sort of shit from going on. If we’re willing to be our capacity, if we’re willing to be our potency, that’s what would stop it. In fact, if we were willing to be it, that wouldn’t even allow it. 


[00:04:30] It’s just that so many of us have really bought the lie that that is wrong and bad and we shouldn’t, and people have told us that and we’ve had experiences and all the things, but what if we let that the fuck go? What if our question — and this is another great tool with something like this going on. Actually, this is a great tool every day, to be honest. It’s Who am I today? and What grand and glorious adventures am I going to have?


[00:04:57] Who am I today? I’m not the person who used to play pathetic yesterday, or last year, or whenever. Who am I today? I get to choose. I could choose that pathetic. Absolutely, I could. What else could I choose? Who am I today? If I didn’t have a history of playing pathetic, if I didn’t have a history of shutting down my potency, who am I today and what grand and glorious adventures can I have? 


[00:05:22] Looking at the what you might call anger and all that energy that comes up when you’re in that space of, like, what the fuck’s the point, and then looking at, “Okay, well, who am I today? Am I the person who handled it like that, or who would I like to be today?


[00:05:36] The other thing we really got to look at is this question of What is the beautiful energy underneath this? What is the beautiful energy underneath this? 

Now, I don’t say that so that we make it right. I will never make this right, but it will give us more space. Ultimately, if you’re looking to change anything, whether it’s something that’s a global thing or it’s something in your own personal life or whatever, it starts with more space.


By asking What is the beautiful energy underneath this?, there’s more space. But again, we’re not asking from that place of, “Now, it’s right. There’s a reason for it. Everything happens for a reason.” It’s none of that, and give yourself more space. Okay, so, what’s the beautiful energy underneath this?


[00:06:24] Now, here’s a question. Please write this down. Put it on your Reminder app. What can I be and do different today to change this? 


[00:06:35] Again, going back to the first part I was talking about, we often put our creative energy into “this is wrong” and “this is bad” and “it shouldn’t happen.” We phone our friends, or we make videos about it, or we go on TikTok or whatever. We find all the people to align and agree with us or the other way – “This is good! This is the best thing ever,” and we do the same thing. 


What if instead, we start asking, “What can I be and do different to change this?”


[00:07:01] What can I be and do different to change this? It isn’t often something specific in that moment. It can be, but a lot of times just by asking that, the universe always responds to our asks. If you’re willing to ask, the universe will deliver. It might be in the next moment. It might be in 10 minutes. It might be the next day. It might be in 30 days. Who the hell knows? 

But by asking that, (1) you’re not distracting yourself with the drama-trauma. You’re not playing pathetic. You know you’re a powerful motherfucking creator of magnitude. By asking that, there will be some awarenesses that come up. There will be some things that you can go, “Okay. Yep. That, and whatever it is.” 


[00:07:47] That will also, at least it does for me, gets me out of that feeling like a victim. Feeling like I can’t do anything. Feeling like it’s all being done to me. Like I have no choice. Guys, we’re infinite being with infinite choice. Infinite beings with infinite choice. It can be really distracting to tell yourself you don’t have choice. 


That is where a lot of the energies behind all of this crap that’s going on, all of this shit that’s going on. That’s where those energies want you to be because the more that you believe you’re a victim, the more that you play the victim, guess what? The more victim you will be. That’s where they would like you. They want you in that pathetic place, because then, they have control. 


[00:08:35] The more that you’re willing to be the potency of you, the more that you’re willing to know that you can change any fucking thing.


The more that you’re willing to ask Who am I today? Who am I today and what grand and glorious adventure am I gonna have? and What can I be and do different to change this, that is being the creator of your life and your living. That is being the magic and the miracle that changes what we know doesn’t create greater on the planet. Yeah. 


Everything that brings up, will you destroy and uncreate it all? Right, wrong, good, bad, all-9, POD, POC, shorts, boys, POVADs and beyonds.

That is the Clearing Statement from Access Consciousness®. You can go to for more information about how it works.


[00:09:17] Guys, let’s do this. Let’s do this in whatever way, shape, or form it is for you, let’s fucking do this. Let’s be the potencies that we truly be. Let’s be the magic that we truly be. Let’s create the reality that we have always known was possible way beyond this bullshit. Way, way beyond this bullshit. 

[00:09:40] Thank you so much for being here, guys. I’m so incredibly grateful that you are on this journey with me, and I wonder what the fuck else is possible now? I look forward to chatting again next week.


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Tools to Need and Tug

Tools to Need and Tug

Tools to Need and Tug

Tug your desires TO you.

A lot of people believe that if you need something – if you desire it, then you must be forceful and have to have it now. In reality, all that does is push it away. What if you just need… and tug? In this episode, we will discuss all about “need and tug,” and the phenomenal tools from Access Consciousness that you can use to tug everything you desire to you.  

If you liked this episode, you can now show some love (and support the radio show at the same time!) by Buying Me a Coffee ☕ How does it get any better than that?! I’m excited and would be so grateful to receive a cup of coffee from you, my sweet friend.


Would you like the PDF of these show notes?
They are sent out each week to everyone on my mailing list! 


[00:00:00] Hello, and welcome to Tools to Create a Better Life with myself, Glenyce Hughes. Thank you so much for being here. I am so incredibly grateful for each and every one of you. 


[00:00:11] Tools to Need and Tug Everything You Desire to You


That “need and tug” is actually from Access Consciousness®. If you’re not familiar, is a great place to start exploring.


[00:00:27] There’s a book that Gary Douglas wrote called “The Place.” Now, if you haven’t read it, I highly recommend it. 


In that book, there is a guy who is needing some money to get his car fixed. The people that he’s spending time with show him this – I mean, we could call it a “magic trick.” We could call it a capacity. We could call it a BEing. I mean, there’s so many things you could call it, but basically it’s where what you need, you can energetically tug to you. 


The way they showed him to do it was they had him hold a vial that had some gold in it in one hand and a vial that had nothing in it in the other hand, so that he could start getting a sense of the energy of gold and then obviously, the energy of nothing. And then, he could pan or put his hands above the earth and start getting a sense of if there was gold in that spot, because he knew the energy of gold. 

Does that give you any ideas, my sweet friends? Yes. What if you could take it to everything? Like really, if you were desiring a lover that really contributed to your body, you could tug that in, too. I mean, there’s nothing that you can’t and don’t already tug in. 


[00:01:58] This is the thing with need and tug. You are already tugging to you everything. It’s just that most times, you’re putting your energy on drama-trauma and tugging more of that in. Problems? [You’re] tugging more of those in. 


[00:02:16] It’s really about you starting to get aware of what you would actually like to create, or have, or be, or do on the planet. The more that you’re aware of it – the more that you play with it energetically, the more ease it’s gonna be to tug it in. Yeah.


[00:02:38] Tool number one is you want to have no significance. No point of view about what you’re asking for. 


This is a big one for a lot of people because there’s this space of if you would like it – if you’re needing it, if you’re desiring it, then you must be forceful and have to have it now, but all that does is push it away. Yeah, yeah.


[00:03:02] The way it’s described in the book is like playing like kids do when they’re building sandcastles. They’re just building sandcastles to have fun. Maybe somebody will come and knock it over. Maybe the waves will come and take it away. It doesn’t matter – they’re just playing. They’re just in that space of lightness and wonder and play. 


What if we could create our lives like that? What if that was the space of possibilities for our lives? Yeah. 

[00:03:30] That is really tool number one: is look at the things that you’ve decided that you need, or would like, or desire, whatever word you would like to use, and get rid of the significance of it. Get the lightness of it. If you can’t, then that’s gonna give you some information. 


What you could ask in those situations is “What’s the value of making this more significant than me?” What that will start to do is allow you to recognize that you are the only thing that is significant in your life and living. That’s it. 


[00:04:03] If you put that significance on—let’s say you’re asking for money or a new house or a new lover or whatever—you’re giving your power away in those situations. It’s really about you and you acknowledging your value in your life and how everything else can be like icing on the cake or like a sandcastle. 


That is tool number one: you want to really find the lightness, get rid of the significance, and look at it as though you’re playing with sand castles on the beach. 


[00:04:34] Now, tool number two I’ve actually talked a little bit about already, and it’s really about getting the energy of what you were asking for. What is it you would like? What is that energy? Just get the energy of it. 


Let’s do it together right now. Just look at something or an energy you would like, a new lover, new house, money, whatever it is. Just get the energy. The way that I like to word it is What would your life and living be like if you had that? Yeah. That often just gives me the energy. 


[00:05:10] Lately, I’ve been asking for ease, and joy, and glory. That’s what I’ve been asking for. ‘Cause you see, often what we do is we ask for the thing, and I actually did a radio show not that long ago about this. I don’t even recall the title, but we will link to it. We’ll find it. It’ll be in the show notes which you can find on my webpage or if you’re on my email list, they get delivered to you every Sunday. 


[00:05:33] And so with that, it’s asking for all the things that you think will give you the ease, and the joy, and glory, rather than just asking for ease, and joy, and glory. That’s what I’ve been asking for a lot lately. 


When I look at that and I go, “Okay, what would my life and living be like if every moment was ease, and joy, and glory?” I don’t even have to say much words. It’s already there. It’s like, “Oh, yeah. That.” 


[00:06:00] Like the guy in the book, I have the energy of what it’s like to have gold. I have that. I have that energy. It’s like, “Yeah, I know what that’s like. Okay, cool.” Basically, what I do is I just tug that in. All the people, all the places, all the experiences, everything that’s gonna contribute that to my life, I energetically tug it in. Yeah. 


[00:06:26] In fact, last week, I did a call—an energetic exercise with a group of people, whatever we wanna call it. It was called Tug Your Ask. Guys, if you weren’t part of that, there’ll be a link somewhere above or below. 


It was about 15 minutes, I think? The energetic exercise itself? I did some talkings before we started, then I did the energetic exercise. I spliced it out so you can use it over and over. The feedback that I have been getting is phenomenal. Check that out if you would like. But basically, you’re doing that. You’re getting the energy of your ask and then you’re tugging it in. 


[00:07:02] Now, I would love to invite you to an upcoming 3-part series. It is called Actualization in Business which is need and tug in business. It’s just that energy – need and tug is like actualization. We’re gonna do it over three parts because there’s a lot to this. There’s a lot of points of views to clear first to be able to get to where we’re going. 


Join us. Again, link is above or below or somewhere. If you can’t find it, reach out and I will get it to you. 


[00:07:34] Tool number three is actually a question. I listen to a call series with Gary Douglas from Access Consciousness® about need and tug, and he said this question. I actually put it on my Reminder app. It pops up every morning for me to ask this. I want to read it for you guys: 


What tug do I need to create? Or have to have _____ show up with ease? 


[00:08:00] Like every question and Access Consciousness®, we’re not looking for an answer. You’re just gonna ask that question. Yeah. And then, you’re just gonna allow whatever that is. Whatever it is. How I kind of end it is I say: 


Anything that doesn’t allow me to perceive, know, be, receive, and tug it now, I destroy and uncreate it all. Right, wrong, good, bad, all-9, POD, POC, shorts, boys, POVADs, and beyonds. 


…which is the Access Consciousness® Clearing Statement. If you’re not familiar, go to for more information about how it works. It’s like a magic wand. It’s amazing, my sweet friends. If you know nothing about it, and if you know everything about it, go to that page. There’s always more to learn. 


[00:08:46] The other thing that I wanna talk about for a moment, for some of you, you’ve attended Foundation and you know that we don’t use the word “need” very often. In fact, it’s one that we’re suggested not to use because of the significance of it. If you need something, then you can’t live without it. There’s all that energy. 


Just know that the word “need,” in this case a need and tug, is actually more like “desire.” Like, you desire it and you’re tugging it in. Remember the energy of building sandcastles and not having a point of view of what happens to them? That’s the way we’re speaking of need and tug in this experience. With need and tug, it’s more like desire and tug.

[00:09:28] Thank you so much for being here, guys. I am so incredibly grateful and I look forward to chatting again next week.


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