Tools to Stop Judging You

Tools to Stop Judging You

Tools to Stop Judging You

What if we could receive from it all?

Imagine the possibilities once you stop judging your choices and start seeing the value in everything you did… how AWEsome is that?! Join me for another episode, sweet friends, as I share more tools from Access Consciousness® to get you out of the wrongness of you so you can receive more and more and MORE!!!


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[00:00:00] Hello and welcome to Tools to Create a Better Life with myself, Glenyce Hughes. Thank you so much for being here. I am so incredibly grateful for each and every one of you. 


[00:00:13] Tools to Stop Judging You. I could have called this show many, many things, and that was the one that really felt the funnest because of how often do we judge ourselves? We judge situations. We judge other people. We judge, judge, judge, and it always turns back into us judging us. 


[00:00:37] How this show was inspired was I made a post the other day on Facebook about receiving from all of the courses and classes and different things that maybe you’ve purchased in business sense. It doesn’t mean you have to. This doesn’t have to be just business related. It could be with anything. There was a lot of people that either posted on it or private messaged me and they were just so grateful because they hadn’t really considered what they were doing with all of that judgment. 


[00:01:09] The way that I started out is I’ve been doing these Beyond What You Desire Coaching, and I’ve called it a Beta Coaching. I’ve got, I think, 28 people so far. By the time this goes out, it might be full. I’m maxing it at 30. If you go to the page and there’s no way to pay me, it just means we’ve maxed out at 30. I will relaunch it when it’s ready to go in the New Year. There might still be those two spots, so go and check it out if it’s something you’re interested in.


[00:01:41] With those 28 people, most of them are choosing to work on their business. What I’ve heard from so many of them is what I often hear from people in business. I took that class, I took those classes, I read that book, I did this training, I bought these audios, and I shouldn’t have, and I’m wrong, and I’m bad. What I always suggest to people is that possibly, if you are willing to receive from it all, all of those things could contribute. 


[00:02:18] The example that I used was in my own life was how back in college, actually – back in 1992, I believe it was. I was in college, my background’s psychiatric nursing. I was going through a really tough breakup, so I went and got some counseling. They offered counseling at the school. The woman did something called “guided imagery therapy” and I loved it. I loved it. I loved it. 


[00:02:43] Then, fast forward in 2002, I was starting my business. I was gonna do reiki, which of course I did, and then I knew I wanted to add something else but I didn’t know what. I started thinking about what I could add. What I remembered was this experience with this therapist. 


[00:03:02] I googled guided imagery therapy and what came up was hypnotherapy. I added hypnotherapy. When I started my business in 2002, those were the two things that I offered. And then, I started doing different things like meditation and other energy courses and all the things. Those all contributed.


[00:03:24] And then I started studying Access Consciousness®. Before that, I started studying theta healing. In there, the theta wave is a brainwave. I started adding these binaural beats… I’m not saying that correctly, to meditations and to guided imagery and all of that, the hypnotherapy, then Access Consciousness® where we do energy pulls. Mixing all of that together, I offer energetic exercises. 

[00:03:56] If I thought to myself that I sure was wrong to have taken that hypnotherapy class back in 2002, I sure was wrong to do all those guided meditations, I sure was wrong to do theta healing, I wouldn’t have the capacities to be the energetic exercises that I be with my clients.


[00:04:20] What we wanna look at is whatever we’re judging or whoever we’re judging is to ensure we don’t receive. When we judge the past trainings we’ve taken, we’re ensuring we don’t receive from them, which means then we can’t actually utilize them to create greater. Yeah. Do you get the energy of that? Do you get the separation you create? 


[00:04:49] The other thing, of course, if you’re judging—say, I would judge that I had taken theta healing, and I actually did a lot of theta healing and I taught theta healing. That’s how much I loved it, and I still see the value in it. 


[00:05:02] I still see the value, actually, in everything I did. I have no judgment of choices that I’ve made in business like that. I’ve probably got lots of judgment about other things, but in business, when I look back at all the things, even psychiatric nursing back in 1993 when I graduated. For many years, when I started my own business, I had a lot of judgment because I wasn’t willing to receive. I wasn’t willing to bring the psychiatric nursing capacities, let’s say, into my current life until I was. 


[00:05:38] This is what you wanna look at. What are you judging so that you don’t receive from it? What if you could stop the judgment so you could receive? 


[00:05:48] Tool number one to stop the judging of you is to recognize when you’re doing it, and look at that. “How could I utilize this to create greater?” Just ask that question or maybe even turn it a little bit. Sometimes the how question can be a little bit sticky. “What would it take to receive from this so I can utilize greater with it?” or something like that. 


[00:06:14] You just wanna recognize you’re judging. That’s probably the best tool. Recognize you’re doing it. That is tool number one. Recognize you’re judging and then, all right. You could even ask, “What else is possible here?” or “If I didn’t judge this, how much more could I receive?” There, that’s a simple one. It’s so that you could start receiving from it, getting out of the judgment of you and recognizing. 


[00:06:38] The energetic exercises is just a really easy example for people to see the steps or the pieces of it. Not steps, but the pieces of it. That really is the way for all of us in our entire life. 


[00:06:51] Even if you wanna look at people that you’ve dated in the past and then go to the judgment of that, guess what? You’re not receiving. What if you’re like, “Wow, okay, cool! I chose that. I chose that person.” 


[00:07:03] You know I’ve been with Hubby for almost 30 years, so it’s been a long time, but I do have some of those people in my past where it’s like, “Oh my gosh.” If we’re willing to receive from that, then if you are still dating and you’re still looking for somebody, you probably won’t choose people like that. Right? Once we choose something and we get the awareness, often we don’t choose it again. 


[00:07:30] You might say, “But Glenyce, I have a theme of always dating these people.” Then get curious with that. Don’t go to the judgment of you with what’s wrong with you about it. Look at it. Okay, what is that? Of course, my favorite question: 


[00:07:44]What’s the value of dating somebody like that?

[00:07:46] What’s the value of always choosing people like that?” 


[00:07:49] Whatever “like that” means to you. Get curious. If you’re willing to be honest with you, you can change anything. It’s about adding the awareness, which is whatever that is. “Oh my gosh, that type of person is just like my dad or just like my mom,” or whatever awareness. Those are really just examples. It could be a bazillion things. But once you acknowledge it, what else could you choose? What else could you choose? 


[00:08:20] For those of you who are in business and would like to be offering 1-1 coaching programs, have I got a deal for you! Depending on when you watch this, we are having a sale on it because it actually won’t occur until January of 2023. We’ve got reduced pricing right now if you wanna get in. Pricing and bonuses change the closer that we get to the actual class so do check that out. The link is above or below. If you don’t see a link, let me know and I will get it for you. 


[00:08:53] If you do what I call “themes,” okay, cool. What else could you choose? 


[00:08:59] I’ve often talked about one of my themes growing up, and as an adult even, like many years, was this theme of jealousy. I grew up – I had two older sisters. For many years, I was the baby so lots of jealousy there about what they could do and I couldn’t. And then suddenly, two more came along when I was nine and then lots of jealousy because they got the attention. There was so much and then I carried that on. 


[00:09:21] I’ve often referred to that as a theme in my life, and I’m so grateful because I don’t have that energy come up anymore. That’s taken some tenacity around looking at and being present with those energies. When that jealousy would come up, when I was willing to change it, I trained myself to ask different questions to get more present.


[00:09:44] There was a quote from a woman, I bet this was probably 10 years ago now. I know her first name is Daniel. I just cannot ever remember her last name. She’s a published author and such, and it was a quote from her that really got me looking at it differently. Her quote was, “Jealousy is a call to action.


[00:10:10] For me, that theme wasn’t so much that it was something I had to choose. It was that I wasn’t actually looking at it for what it was. I was calling it jealousy. I was distracting myself with it rather than looking at when that energy came up for me, what would I like to choose that’s like that or even greater, which is a great question if that’s an energy for you.


[00:10:34] Again, it goes back to what we’ve been talking about. Get curious with what is this? What is this that’s going on? What is this energy? Would I like to continue to choose this? 


[00:10:48] The other thing that we don’t often recognize with judgment is we actually are choosing it. I know it often doesn’t feel like we are. It often feels like we don’t have any choice whatsoever, it’s happening to us. But I promise you, there’s choice. We’re choosing it. If you don’t like choosing it, guess what? You can choose again and again, and again, and again. Yeah.


[00:11:13] So, a few different tools to get you out of the wrongness of you, my sweet friends. I wonder what magic might be possible now that has never been possible before. Thank you so much for being here, and I look forward to chatting again next week.


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Choice and Choosing

Choice and Choosing

Choice and Choosing

What will YOU choose?

We have always been taught to be careful when making decisions, because it can either make us or break us. What if instead of “deciding” things, we can start “choosing” to better find what works for us? Choose, receive the awareness, and choose again. Imagine the possibilities that opens up… how AWEsome is that?!


If you liked this episode, you can now show some love (and support the radio show at the same time!) by Buying Me a Coffee ☕ How does it get any better than that?! I’m excited and would be so grateful to receive a cup of coffee from you, my sweet friend.


Would you like the PDF of these show notes?
They are sent out each week to everyone on my mailing list! 


[00:00:00] Hello and welcome to Tools to Create a Better Life with myself, Glenyce Hughes. Thank you so much for being here. I am so incredibly grateful for each and every one of you. This week, we’re gonna talk about choosing. Choosing and choice, and choosing. 


[00:00:20] Yes, this is a Grinch tuque because I love it. If you can see in the background, there is Hubby and our sweet friend, Lexi. We have been playing with choice and choosing more than ever before, and one of the things that we’ve been choosing is something called “Trusted House Sitters,” which is basically a site where you can go and you can apply to do house and animal sitting around the world. 


[00:00:52] We’d talked about it for years prior to Totty, our sweet kitty, passing away in September of 2022 as something we would do when she was no longer with us. We never guessed she would be gone so quickly. We actually started in England. We did one house sit – we had a dog and a cat, and chickens and ducks. 


[00:01:19] This is our second one. We’re here in Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada and having so much fun with sweet Lexi. She is such a beautiful dog and so playful. Thankfully, the weather has been quite mild here so we’ve been able to enjoy her outside. Even though it might look like Hubby is being mean to her, she loves getting snow kicked out to her and catching it in her mouth. So, there you go. 


[00:01:43] We are talking all about choice and choosing. It’s one of the things that I actually talk about a lot because choosing and choice is such a big part of us creating our dreams come true.  

[00:01:58] When we first had the chance to look at this as a reality, as a possibility like traveling the world, just trying out different houses in different places with sweet animals to love, it was just from that energy of “I wonder what that would be like…,” not “This is the way it has to be,” “This is what we have to choose,” but like, “I wonder… I wonder if we would like it.” We talked about actually selling our beautiful home and doing it full time. 


[00:02:32] In this 10 seconds, that’s what we’re continuously choosing towards with the awareness that choice is good for 10 seconds.


[00:02:43] We’re down here in Lethbridge. It’s about a five-hour drive from our house. Of course, we did one in England which is impossible to drive to, you know, being a flight away. We’ve got another one set up in Calgary in December and Edmonton near the end of November. We’re trying it out. It’s like when you choose, you can try your choice out. This is what it’s like. We get to try it out and so far, we are loving it. 


[00:03:10] We’re also receiving so much awareness by choosing it. We know that although we love dogs and we love playing with dogs, we know we don’t want a lot of time with dogs. If you’ve never had the difference between a dog and a cat, our experience is dogs require a lot more like walks outside and all the things.


[00:03:35] Some people might disagree. Of course, if they’re dog people and they don’t like cats, that’s different, of course. But for us, we love all animals and our awareness is dogs are a lot more work. We will certainly say yes to dog sits when it feels yummy to do so, and probably for the longer ones, say months or two months or maybe even three months, probably not going to be for dogs. Who knows? Whatever. But again, it’s this choice. We get to choose, and we get to choose, and we get to choose again. 

[00:04:06] This truly is something that you wanna look at in your life because often what we’re taught is that… no, we’re actually usually not even taught about choice. What we’re taught about is decisions. We make a decision. We say, “In the spring, we’re gonna sell our house and travel the world, doing house and pet sitting full-time along with me, of course, continuing with my business full-time, and that’s the way it is.” That’s a decision, and you don’t receive much in that decision. In fact, you don’t really receive anything. But if you’re choosing it and then you’re receiving the awareness, then you get to choose again. 


[00:04:43] This isn’t about anything to do with what we’ve been doing so far. We don’t need to have any other choices to know. We would actually prefer to do this in the tropic somewhere, in the Canadian winter. We’re here right now so of course, we’re choosing it locally. We are enjoying winter, which is why I bought a fun little tuque. 


[00:05:01] However, what we’re looking for for January, February, March is actually Arizona, Florida, Tennessee, California, those places so that we can enjoy the weather, too. Of course, if you know me at all, you know I’m also looking at places that have pools. 


[00:05:19] This is just a really fun way to talk about choice, to really get you to recognize that you get to choose and you get to choose again, and you get to receive the awareness and then you get to choose again, and you get to choose again and you get to choose again, and awareness and choose and awareness. 


[00:05:34] Maybe by spring, we’ll be like, “No, we’re not interested. We wanna be at home and get some more cats of our own.” Who knows? Anything is truly possible and the first step is making a choice. 

[00:05:47] Now, some choices you can do like we are and get little baby pieces of it, so to speak. We get to try it out, see if it works. Some choices aren’t like that. Some choices, maybe you just energetically choose. 


[00:06:00] This is what I’ve been telling some clients this week. Hey, for tomorrow, just live the day as if you chose A and then the next day, live as though you chose B. When we spend a few hours as though we’ve chose something, we’ll also start to get a sense of if it is actually for us or not. It’s just a different way of being on the planet, a different way of trying on choices like you would try on clothes just to give yourself a sense. 


[00:06:30] The other thing that I think is so important for every one of us to know and to remember is it never shows up the way you think it will. It never shows up the way you think it will.


[00:06:40] If you hold on really tight to “I’m doing this and this is the way it’s going to be, and this is how it’s gonna turn out and this is what it’s gonna look like,” it’s not gonna be very fun for you. But if it’s like, “This feels fun. This feels cool. I’m gonna choose towards that,” then what else could you receive? What other way could it turn out? How could it turn out better than what you could expect? 


00:07:04] I’ve got some coaching going on right now. I’ve called the program Beyond What You Desire Coaching. We all have an idea of what we would like. I shouldn’t say that – that’s not true. Sometimes, we have an idea of what we would like or we have some idea of energies of what we would like.


[00:07:21] However… there’s some dogs barking. I must check. It’s all good. Hubby’s got it. 


[00:07:27] When we have that, we go into that space of what we would like. And then if we do it from the energy of what else is possible, guess what? Everything beyond what we desire gets to show up. What if we lived our lives beyond what we desire?


[00:07:51] I had maxed out at 24 at the Beyond What You Desire Coaching. I was doing a beta program. I’m actually expanding that. There’s a link above or below if you would like more information, or maybe you looked at it before and you’re kicking yourself that you didn’t get in. There’s more details about it now, guys, so go and check it out. I would love to have you come play. 


[00:08:11] I wonder if you were willing to choose and choose and choose, and be maybe even judged as flighty or somebody who just is always changing their mind or whatever it is that you’ve used to stop you before, what could you create if you are willing just to choose and mess it up and receive awareness, and choose and choose and choose and choose again… I wonder how much magic you could create in your life, in your living, my sweet friend. 

[00:08:41] Have a wonderful week and I look forward to chatting again next week.


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Tools to Choose Beyond Judgment

Tools to Choose Beyond Judgment

Tools to Choose Beyond Judgment

Go beyond judgment and into infinite possibilities.

Hubby and I recently concluded our month-long trip to England, and it has been all the things and more! One of the things that this trip has got me looking more into was how I was doing with judgment. If that is something you can relate to, tune in to this episode for another AWEsome discussion  and more tools from Access Consciousness® that you can use to go beyond judgment and into the world of infinite possibilities.


If you liked this episode, you can now show some love (and support the radio show at the same time!) by Buying Me a Coffee ☕ How does it get any better than that?! I’m excited and would be so grateful to receive a cup of coffee from you, my sweet friend.


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[00:00:00] Hello and welcome to Tools to Create a Better Life with myself, Glenyce Hughes. Thank you so much for being here. I am so, so incredibly grateful for each and every one of you. 


[00:00:12] I am in one of the most beautiful gardens I have ever been in London, England. Yes. Other than some road noise you can hear once in a while, you wouldn’t know you were in London. Oh my goodness. Maybe we will have  some leaves fall, they’re falling all around. It’s just beautiful. 


[00:00:34] What’s beyond judgment? As many of you know, I have been traveling here in England for a month at the time of recording. We are flying out tomorrow, which means we’ve been here about 30 days. It has truly been all the things. What the heck does all the things mean? Really, it’s been beyond judgment. 


[00:01:03] I have been doing a deep dive with a group of people since June, I guess, on the book, “The 10 Keys to Total Freedom” by Gary and Dain from Access Consciousness®. It has changed every one of those tools. Each month, we go through a chapter. Each chapter is based on the key of that book. Each one of those keys has basically a tool within it. 


[00:01:28] I have truly been living the keys – not a hundred percent of the time, of course. I’ve truly been living the keys to total freedom. I thought it had changed a lot in so many ways. I have to tell you, it changed way more than actually what I thought. 


[00:01:46] Even before we started traveling, I started to really get how much I was doing judgment. Today, it’s sunny so that’s good. Earlier this morning, it was rainy and that’s bad. Sun is good and rain is bad – that’s a pretty basic judgment, but most people don’t even recognize that it’s judgment. I, certainly to a degree, had not. 


[00:02:21] Over the years, I’ve become more and more aware of the judgment that I chose. Now, it’s like… [explosion noises]. Really, this trip has been so much of just being present with what is. Not making it right, not making it wrong, not making it good, not making a bad, it just is.


[00:02:47] At one point, we took a coach — a bus in North America, you would call it a coach here in the United Kingdom. There was a train strike, so we took a coach. That was the adventure and a half because we ended up with a couple hour delay in Leeds Coach Station, and it was a Saturday late night. It was so interesting. 


[00:03:14] Being in that space was really a space for me to choose to not look at it as good or bad, or right or wrong. Even probably six months ago, I would’ve questioned, Am I not being magical? What’s going on? What’s happening? Well, did I lose my magic? How did this occur? How did it occur that the day we were gonna travel… actually, the two of the days we were gonna travel, that they chose train strikes? What’s wrong with me?, and go into that spin, but not even really recognizing that I was going into that spin. That’s been a big piece. All of it is so much louder for me now so that I’m so much more aware when I am in the judgment. That’s the best way to describe it. It’s judgment. 


[00:04:05] Being in that coach station and the women’s bathroom floor was covered in all the stuff from bathrooms because of one of the toilets, and being with it. Again, not right or wrong, or good or bad, just being with it. I hope this is making sense because it’s so difficult to put into words. 


[00:04:29] What I have also recognized is how much I would choose based on judgment. It’s raining today. I don’t like rain, so I won’t go out in the rain. Notice there’s no question in that. There’s no question in that whatsoever.


[00:04:45] In fact, just yesterday, Hubby and I were discussing what we would like to go do. He was talking about going to the V&A – Victoria and Albert Museum. I’m not a museum goer, never really have been. What I looked at when he was talking about it was how much judgment I went to in terms of, “Well, I don’t go to the museum. I don’t like museums. Museums are boring.” One again, there’s no question in that. 


[00:05:16] What I did then was I went to question. “Hey, body, if we say yes to the museum, will it create the future we desire or decay it?” I got that it would create so I’m like, “All right, let’s go to the museum!” I think even Hubby was shocked and off to the museum we went. I didn’t fall in love with museums, and I was willing to receive from it in ways I’d never been willing to receive before. 


[00:05:40] A lot of people, of course, on my journeys of coming to classes and all that are asking, “How is your trip?” If the person gets the weird that I be, I will say to them, “It’s been all the things.” it’s been fucking magical. It’s been fucking frustrating. It’s been marvelous. It’s been annoying. It’s been all the things. 

[00:06:04] For the majority of my trip, I’ve had some sort of cold, nasal, throat thing going on. I haven’t been sick in years, and yet we come here and this. What if I be with what is? If I don’t make it right or wrong, good or bad, then I have way more choices available to me. If I make it bad and horrible, then I’m probably gonna feel worse. I’m probably gonna not choose things that I would like to choose. Instead, it’s like, “Okay, so this is here. What would I like to choose?” 


[00:06:41] If you listened to my radio show from a few weeks ago, one of my choices has been ease. How do I have ease with this going on? At one point, it went away. I was like, “Oh, yes!” It was so “good” that it went away. The next day, it came back. Man! All right, how much ease can I have with this? How much ease can I be with this? 


[00:07:09] What I invite you to look at is the spaces and places where judgment has been what we would call in Access the “autoresponder.” The thing you go to. It’s raining – it’s bad. You’re sick – it’s bad. It’s sunny – it’s good. That autoresponder of boop boop boop. What if we didn’t go to the autoresponder? If we didn’t choose the judgment, what could we actually receive? 


[00:07:39] This is what I found with the coach situation. We’d rented a car for a couple days, and then the trains were striking again so I was looking at how do we get from Newcastle in England to Liverpool for my class. I just went, “Okay, we could do a coach… that doesn’t feel really yummy, so what else is possible?” And then I just got, “Okay, let’s rent the car for the next three weeks,” which is what we chose. 


[00:08:09] If I looked at the coach experience as the worst thing ever, I’m not sure I could have got to what else is possible by not having a point of view about it, and also recognizing I have a preference. I have a preference not to choose that. Not right or wrong, or good or bad. I can, absolutely. If I needed to get on a coach today, I absolutely could do it. 


[00:08:35] What else is possible, which is not something that we often allow ourself when we’re in judgment. It’s usually this or this. When we’re choosing judgment, there’s this or there’s this. There’s the right and there’s the wrong, and we’re desperately seeking the right. Whereas if we don’t have a point of view, we have so much more space. There’s so many more possibilities. The greatest invitation, at least for me, is to truly have no point of view.


[00:09:13] And then what I found was that… now what? It’s like I have to re-learn or learn how to choose based on choice, not on what’s right and what’s wrong. That’s been really a whole different world for me. 


[00:09:34] Again, I didn’t even realize how much judgment I was doing now to actually choose based on choice. That horrible C-word that most of us don’t like to hear, and that’s what it comes to. When we’re not looking to do what’s right or what’s wrong and we don’t have a reference point to what’s right and what’s wrong, oh my gosh, now there’s choice. Not just choice, but actually infinite choice. 


[00:10:10] I’ll be honest, there’s times where infinite choice… I was gonna say it seems like too much, but that’s not quite the word. It seems like it mushes all together. Even yesterday when we were looking at all the different things we could do in London on one of our last days, there was one webpage I looked at that had 42 unique things. There was 42 things there and there was 4 billion other things and all of them were like mushed together.


[00:10:43] If I don’t know, if I’m not choosing from what’s right or wrong, how do I choose? Except you just choose. You get to ask the question, which eventually got me to the question with the museum. It’s just that simple. If I choose this, whatever this is, will it create the future I desire or decay the future? If you always follow what will create the future, you’re always gonna create the future you desire beyond what you desire. 


[00:11:13] Another piece that I’ve really been playing with even before this trip is looking at beyond what I desire. A lot of times, what we desire is based on, again, the “judgment” on what’s right and what’s wrong, what we see as other people having or experiencing and we go, “Okay, we’d like that because it looks fun.” What about beyond what we desire? What about it? What about going beyond what we desire? 


[00:11:45] I’ve got some coaching out right now and it’s called “Beyond What You Desire Coaching.” Let’s have some clarity of what we would like. Let’s clear our points of views around that, and let’s do it all from this space of what else is possible, which means beyond what you desire. It’s a totally different space. 


[00:12:10] We’ll have a link above or below to that coaching if you’re interested. I got, I think, one or two spots left in the beta coaching. It’s 50% off right now as we’re kind of working through some kinks with it. We’ll have that link above or below for you.


[00:12:25] Truly, what is possible? If there wasn’t a right or wrong in your world, or a good or a bad in your world, what would you actually choose?

[00:12:37] Let’s say you don’t enjoy the work that you do. Let’s say you go to a job every Monday to Friday and you don’t enjoy it. If you didn’t make it good to have a job, if you didn’t make it bad to not have a job, if you didn’t make it right to have a job, if you didn’t make it wrong not to have a job, what could you choose?


[00:12:55] I don’t say that meaning you should go quit your job. That’s not what I’m saying at all. But once we get out of that, then we can really be in that space of, “Okay, well, what is possible with this that I’ve never even considered?” 


[00:13:08] Truly, what else is possible with this that I’ve never even considered? It could be a different job. It could be a different job within the same company. It could be that you quit the job and you do something totally different. I mean, there’s a bazillion things. But get out of the right and the wrong and the good and the bad. 


[00:13:25] Now, how do you do that? I mean, there’s a million ways you could do that. Of course, I use the tools from Access Consciousness®. My favorite is “interesting point of view, I have this point of view.” 


[00:13:36] When you catch yourself in that “Oh my gosh, it’s raining out, how horrible!” Interesting point of view, I have that point of view. Interesting point of view, I have that point of view.


[00:13:45] The other thing that has really contributed to me with that is that once I recognize I’m judging, what I like to do is acknowledge that I’m not receiving. That’s why we judge – we judge to not receive. If it’s raining out, then I judge it to not receive from the rain and yet I talk all the time about being an infinite being with infinite receiving, which means from the rain, too. There’s just so many pieces with it all. 

[00:14:17] I did a show, probably very similar to this one, earlier in October or maybe mid-October about what I’ve received from my trip so far. It really is around choosing ease and all of that. But there’s so much of this where we wanna recognize that that judgment is what kills our receiving. That judgment is what kills possibilities. That judgment is what kills our bodies. That judgment is what kills the planet. 


[00:14:45] If we’re willing to get out of the judgment… and I’m actually even gonna go a bit farther with it. I’m gonna say if we’re willing to acknowledge it’s not our judgment in the first place. We’re infinitely aware of judgment. That’s what it is, my sweet friends. We are infinitely aware of judgment and then we play with it as though it’s ours. Do I actually have a point of view about rain? Of course I don’t. 


[00:15:10] From the very first chapter in the 10 keys to Total freedom: Would an infinite being truly choose this?: Would an infinite being truly choose to judge rain? Of course not. The second part of that question is what’s the purpose? What am I judging rain for? I could have all sorts of things: to fit in, to be like other people… I mean, there’s bazillion things, right? 


[00:15:36] But those two questions in that. Would an infinite being truly choose this? Nope. Okay, so what’s the purpose? Get that, clear that, whatever that is. The next chapter is about interesting point of view. We use interesting point of view, I have this point of view, and then the chapters continue. 


[00:15:53] Guys, we’ll put the links to all of the months that we have completed so far that you can purchase. I highly recommend this. Truly, this book club is beyond anything I have ever created before, and I’ve done a lot of stuff. 

[00:16:12] I’ve been in business for 20 years so I’ve got a lot of stuff out there. A lot of phenomenal life changing stuff. This book club, at least for me and the majority of people that are on it, has changed everything. It is truly a game changer. We’ll have the links below. If you wanna join us, just send me a message and we can chat about what that might look like. I would love to have you. 


Book Club | Key #1 | Key #2 | Key #3 | Key #4 | Key #5


[00:16:33] If you were willing to be aware of the judgment that you’re playing with, what magic could you create? Anything that doesn’t allow that, right, wrong, good, bad, all-9, POD, POC, shorts, boys, POVADs, and beyonds.® 


[00:16:50] Recognize I said the judgment you’re playing with, not your judgment, my sweet friends. Not your judgment. Yeah. Awesome! All right. 

[00:16:58] If you’re in my area back in Alberta, Canada, we’ve got some Bars classes coming up. We’ve got a Foundation class coming up. Come and play, come and receive the tools to change your life as if by magic. I would so love to have you. Have a great week street friends, and I look forward to chatting again next week.


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