What if you CAN manifest even greater?

In this episode, Glenyce shares the powerful story of leaving behind her beloved home and swimming pool to embark on a new chapter of pet and house sitting around the world — and the incredible awareness of why it felt so difficult. From this experience, she offers valuable insights on how to manifest even greater in your own life. Join her in exploring these transformative tools for creating a better and more fulfilling life.


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[00:00:00]: What if you actually can manifest even greater? Welcome to tools to manifest your dream life with myself, Glenyce Hughes. Thank you so much for being here. I am so incredibly grateful for each and every 1 of you. If you’re watching the video, yes, I do look a little bit dark because I wanted to showcase that beautiful swimming pool behind me with the pink flamingo floaty, which I haven’t been on yet. Cause I kind of think it’s gonna pop me off, but we might try later. Yeah. So have you decided whatever has been amazing for you to manifest is, like, that’s it? That’s as good as it gets? Yeah. I am gonna share some ways to ensure that you always manifest greater.


[00:00:46]: But first, I wanna share a story. It was just over a year ago, June 28, 2023, and I was floating in a swimming pool much like the 1 behind me, my swimming pool that I’d had for almost 6 years. You guys, if you’ve been around for a while, you know that I loved that swimming pool. I loved that house. I loved that acreage. I loved everything about it, and yet it was time. I knew it was time. I knew we were to go on to the next chapter of our life which is what we’re doing now, pet and house sitting around the world.


[00:01:21]: I knew it, but I’ll be honest, that last day there was started off to be 1 of the hardest days of my life so far. Now let me explain. So I got there at 4 AM. We had to hand over the keys at noon, and there was still a bunch of stuff to do. So hubby asked me, did he want me to join? We were staying at an Airbnb close by. He asked me, do you want, does he did I want him to come? If you’ve ever met hubby, if you’ve ever had to try to have a conversation with him before about 10 AM, you know you probably don’t want him around at 4 AM unless he hasn’t went to bed yet. So I just said, no. You know what? I’ve got him.


[00:02:01]: Now I have to say I’m so grateful that he can see when I’m operating from insanity. So he showed up about 5 AM and thank goodness he did. Because I would not have got everything done. I would not have got everything done so I had time to float in my pool before we handed over the keys. So he came, we got a whole bunch of stuff done. By 10 o’clock, I was completely done everything and ready to float. I knew I had 2 hours. And I was floating from this sadness.


[00:02:37]: I was floating from this despair and it was a beautiful day much like today. It was incredible. Just floating. The sun was shining. It was all the ways that I loved floating in my pool except that it was coming to an end. There was literally minutes, left and I was floating and I was like how am I gonna drive out here? I don’t know that I can. What if they actually have to come and physically remove me? You know, I mean, I was being dramatic as I can be. And I started asking what is this? Because I was excited to go on to our next chapter.


[00:03:13]: I was so excited to start traveling around and hanging out with pets and other countries and homes and all the place. I was so excited. But here I am thinking, I don’t think I can leave. And, yes, of course, the beautiful home, the beautiful pool, but it seemed like something else. I’m so grateful I asked because the awareness that I got was that I was operating from the idea that it was as good as it was going to get. That house, that pool, I would never be able to manifest greater than that. What? I mean, honestly, I was so shocked you guys because it had it had not crossed my mind. I didn’t think this was it.


[00:03:52]: We weren’t leaving because we had to. It wasn’t like we were losing the house. It was there was no drama, trauma associated with it. We just had a new chapter to go to. And yet, I was desperate to stay because this was it. This is as good as it was going to be. Woah. Woah.


[00:04:11]: So as soon as I received that, I was like, oh my gosh. Okay. I know the insanity with that. That is crazy. I know that I will actually out create this a 1000000 times over in a 1000000 different ways. And so that’s where this is coming from because yesterday as I was floating in this pool I was remembering that I would I’d kind of forgot or not something I thought a lot of that that I’d had that belief and that I had changed it, which meant the last 2 hours in that swimming pool were so joyous. There was so much receiving, and it was probably honestly an hour and 45 minutes because I still had to get out. I didn’t want them catching me in my swimsuit which another part of the story which is quite funny is that before I got into the pool I’d received, an email from my lawyer saying the money had changed hands.


[00:05:00]: It was officially their home. Yeah. I I didn’t have my swim yet. So I was like I I texted the realtor and I was like, hey. Just don’t give them the keys until noon. I know. I’m horrible, but I need it. And boy did I need that 2 hours.


[00:05:17]: So I got into the pool. I had this amazing awareness. I don’t know. 15, 20 minutes in, and I just floated, and I had so much gratitude. I was so much gratitude for for the house and the pool and everything that had occurred at that home. Everything that I had shown myself that was possible and out created myself and knew that I could move forward with that. And so what I wanted to talk about today was was maybe how to do that, maybe some steps to do that. So the first thing, if you maybe you have something that you created in the past that was incredible and you maybe aren’t manifesting that now or like that now.


[00:05:57]: Maybe you used to make a certain amount of money and that’s changed. Okay. So might be step 1 is to look at, okay, have you adapted or adopted, I should say, any points of Hughes with that? Like, once the money started changing, did you tell yourself, oh, that was then that was because ABC, or d, and this is now and this is the way it is or maybe it’s you know all the money stuff that’s going on on the planet right now and all of that. Maybe there’s a belief or a point of view in there to shift. That could be. So, I want you to look at that. Now, my favorite way to figure that out is I can’t make certain amount of money, whatever it is. I can’t blank because.


[00:06:39]: And then what I want you to do is write down 10 because’s. The first few will be things you’ve probably already thought of, but the next few, those are where the gold is my friend. So I can’t create whatever, maybe you used to create $5, 000 a month. I can’t create $5, 000 a month because, I I don’t have the same skills or because nobody wants what I’m selling or because I mean you just go and go and go. That will give you, that’ll show you where you’re operating from. Now, once you know what it is, and you might have, you might, there might be more than 1, and I do apologize if this wind is making sound on my microphone, I need to get 1 of those little furry things, I think they’re called cats, dead cats actually, That sounds horrible. That you put on your microphone so when there’s wind, and I do apologize because I know when I listen to stuff, I don’t like that wind noise. So if you’re hearing it, I’m sorry.


[00:07:29]: But how could I not sit by the pool? Anyway anyway, so looking at that and and getting your because’s and then do whatever you want to to shift that. However you shift points of Hughes. For me, that that moment in the pool, as soon as I recognized and acknowledged that, I was like, that’s gone. That’s done. Forget it. That is not true. I knew within the core of my being that was not true. So I didn’t need to do much clearing with it.


[00:07:56]: You might have a different situation. You might need to. So how could you clear things? You can write them on a piece of paper and burn it. You can go for a swim and let it all flush away from you. You can ask your energetic team to assist you. I mean, there’s so many ways. Find a way that works for you and use that. So that would be my very first step.


[00:08:17]: Then the next step is looking at what is it that you would actually like? Because a lot of times, like that that beautiful home with that beautiful pool, now that was then. That truly was then. I knew it was time to to go on to the next chapter. And so if we are kind of stuck in that, it’s very difficult to get clarity of what we would like, and I I wanna say that with a little bit of caution because I don’t mean clarity of what you would like so specifically you know I want, I don’t know, a house with 4 bedrooms and 5 bathrooms and blah blah blah blah blah. I mean, I want you to have the energy more so of what you would like. And so when I was, you know, floating in the pool and looking at that, the energy of the the home and the beautiful pool and that 1 place was a certain energy. But the energy of traveling around and going to new places and meeting new pets, at that time we had been, almost, I guess, 9 or 10 months without a pet in our home. I mean, that was very that is very difficult for us.


[00:09:25]: We had the month of June here with very few pets. We had some some ducks and some, sheep and a donkey, but kind of not those lovely pets that you get to really connect with, and snuggle with at night. I mean, I could’ve, but that’d be weird. Anyway, we you know, we’ve been that long without without pets in our home. We were we were desperate for that energy, for that yummy, lovey, you know, energy. And so when I got that, it was like, yes, that is what I’m that’s what I’m asking for. That’s what I’m creating towards. That’s what I would like more of.


[00:09:58]: So, that also really assists us in out creating ourselves because we’re not stuck in the past. We’re not stuck in what was or what should be or whatever crazy story we’re telling ourselves, we’re getting into the energy of what we would like. Now, with that, I do wanna say this isn’t kind of like, oh, you can have anything and anything, and if you make, you know, say, at $1, 000 a month, you could be making $100, 000 a month. I don’t do that sort of talk, guys. If that’s what you’re here for, you probably wanna go watch or listen to something else, because I I really like logic and woo mixed together. So sometimes it might not be possible. Sometimes you might be wanting the $100, 000 month, but really only maybe a1000 is where you’re at right now. So also being present with what is because we can get really crazy into the fantasy of what we think it should be or putting our energy.


[00:10:53]: Basically, we distract ourself rather than with what is. And what is with a side of as if by magic? What is with a side of possibilities? Okay? So, I’m not talking about going into, well, it’s not be choosing towards more. Alright be choosing towards more. Alright, so we’ve got clearing the points of views, getting rid of those limiting beliefs. Then we’ve got getting the energy. What are the energies you would like to be creating? We’ve also got making sure that we are not distracting ourselves with the fantasy. Getting, getting the, what’s possible and with a side of magic. Let’s call it that.


[00:11:39]: Now, the other thing with all of that is really making sure that you’re taking the action that’s required. Okay? So, it would have been 1 thing for us to say oh yes we’d really like to do this pet and house sitting around the world and then just sat and waited for somebody to contact us. It would have never worked, you guys. I shouldn’t say never. It would have been very difficult because we don’t know these people so we have, you know, we have a platform that we work on and we have, you know, we have contacts and we reach out to people. I mean, the sit that we did in Prince Albert last month, Rodney had done that sit when I was with my dad last September when he was sick. And he loved it so much that I actually reached out to them earlier this year and said, hey, if you guys are gonna, you know, need another sitter, keep us in mind. So we’re willing to take the action.


[00:12:26]: We’re willing to do all the things. So, it’s looking at that, looking at what you would like, what is even greater, and in terms of what you’re asking for, what actions? What actions, what is actually required, and be willing to be uncomfortable, you know, even reaching out to somebody like that and saying, hey, you know, just keep us in mind. There’s there’s a bit of like, oh, what if they say no? What if we say whatever? You know, all that insanity instead of being like, hey, you know what? I’m just gonna put out there. This is what we would like. This is 1 of the ways that we could actualize it, manifest it, have it, create it. We’re gonna take that action. And if they say no, okay. They say no.


[00:13:01]: Good. Next 1. Next 1. And that has been 1 of the most magical things with this whole process of all these pet and house sits, which I think we’ve done I think this is our 32nd or maybe even 33rd 1 so far. That, you know, if we don’t get 1 or something doesn’t work out, it’s so cool because it’s always like, oh, man, this opened the door to this 1 being even better. So also, I guess that can kinda leads to another topic is that if you are asking for even greater and it doesn’t show up, don’t say it didn’t show up in terms of it’s not possible or you didn’t do it. Maybe look at how did it show up? How did it show up? There were sits that we didn’t even get an explanation. They just totally declined our application.


[00:13:46]: Like, just a hard no. And then something even greater came along. And in fact, this sit, it actually wasn’t even available yet. It wasn’t even put out there yet. And we were in the midst of another sit, and I wasn’t comfortable saying yes. Guess what? This set? Yeah, I was very comfortable saying yes to this 1. Let me tell you that. So there are some ideas and steps, whatever you wanna call them, to really help you to manifest even greater, my sweet friends.


[00:14:16]: And if you would like even more, I invite you to come and join us for the monthly manifesting membership. It is either $29 US or $39 Canadian each month. You get a facilitation call with me. You get a training call with me. You get an energetic exercise every Monday. I mean, you get so much, and I’m so grateful to be a part of your journey in everything that you are creating and actualizing and magicking into the world. Have a great week, sweet friends. I look forward to chatting again soon.

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