Ready to manifest with your energetic team??

In this episode, we explore the fascinating topic of manifesting with your energetic team. Glenyce takes us on a journey to understand the essence of manifesting and shares her personal insights and experiences from over 22 years. She even takes us through a step-by-step exercise to connect with our team and receive their guidance. Get ready to tap into the incredible power of manifesting with your energetic team.


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[00:00:00]: So how can you manifest with your energetic team? Welcome to tools to manifest your dream life with myself, Glenyce Hughes. Thank you so much for being here. I am so incredibly grateful for each and every one of you. If you’re watching the video, I am once again at Bright Sand Lake in Saskatchewan, one of my favourite places, and you can see why. If you’re listening to the podcast well, you might want to hop on YouTube and check it out. It’s just beautiful. It’s just beautiful. Anyway, so how can you manifest with your energetic team? First off, let’s talk about manifesting because if you’ve hung out with me for a while, you know that I’ve used lots of different words.


[00:00:42]: I’ve used, of course, manifest. I’ve used actual. And if I’m honest, my favorite word would be magic. And I apologize if the microphone is picking up any of this wind, because I’m standing outside doing this at the lake. I just can’t not. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. Anyway, so I prefer the word magicked.


[00:01:06]: However, it doesn’t really do that well in SEO. And if people don’t know what it means so anyway, I use the word manifest, but I love the word the energy of magicked. You can magic with your energetic team. You can manifest. You can actualize. Whatever term you wanna use, but it’s basically magicking what you’re asking for. Now sometimes the word magic is misunderstood. So people will think, okay.


[00:01:38]: Well, if I’m gonna manifest or magic with my energetic team, then what it means is I’m going to sit on the couch and do nothing, and they will do everything, and it will come that way. I’m here to tell you no. Now if that works for you that’s awesome. I used to think that I tried that for a long time. Never worked for me. So what I find now is it’s more this beautiful co creation with my energetic team where we magic together, where they gift me whispers of information or direct me or guide me or stop me or whatever, and I follow, listen, take action depending on the situation and together we co create, we we magic, whatever it might be. And so when we’re looking at that in terms of, like, how to manifest with your energetic team, there’s a level of presence first that’s required. I would say this is again all of what’s worked for me over these 22 years.


[00:02:46]: And this level of presence of knowing what you would like without defining it so tightly that there’s no space for other possibilities. And actually, as I say that, I wanna invite you, if you weren’t part of, I did a free call and it’s called hidden blocks to your dream life. The link will be above or below or in the show notes, depending on how you’re listening. If you can’t find it, reach out. I will get it for you. It’s it’s a gift. It was amazing. And I talk a lot about I can’t remember maybe 6 or 7 different hidden blocks.


[00:03:24]: And this is one of them that I talk at length about. But really looking at what you would like, the energies of what you would like, without it having to be so specific. So if you would like a new car, instead of saying I want a red sports car with the Bose sound system with these sorts of rims with, this year and you could just ask for a car that really lights you up when you drive it. Now if you know you have some specifics, specifics, you know that you, are, you know, taking kids to hockey. Maybe you’ve got 3 kids and they all play hockey. You know, probably a sports car is not gonna be it. So you could ask, you know, that fits everybody comfortably. So we’re opening it up.


[00:04:08]: We’re being specific with our needs, but we’re not deciding or judging how it has to show up. So that would be kind of the first thing is get present with that. What is it that you would like? And then every day, invite your energetic team in however you would like. I’m gonna walk you through a little exercise here in a minute, of how I do it. But however you would like, invite your team in and then co create with them. Their their job, really, if if we wanna call it a job, is to assist you in what ever way they can. Now most times, people aren’t willing to ask. They’re not willing to acknowledge them.


[00:04:46]: There’s no they’re just basically sitting back bored. Don’t let your team be bored, guys. So if you’re willing, then you could ask them and and, you know, converse with them and be like this this these are all the energies of what I would like. Show me. Show me what’s required. Show me who to talk to today. Show me where to go today. And direct me, guide me.


[00:05:09]: Like, whatever terms you wanna use. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy. You don’t even have to say a word. You can just energetically be in the yumminess of it and then, you know, invite them to to contribute. There’s no right or wrong way with this. You just wanna make sure you’re doing it. It doesn’t have to be long. You could take 2 minutes.


[00:05:28]: You could set, you know, every time you go in the shower or every time you brush your teeth or something that you do on a regular occurrence and do it then so that it’s part of your day. It’s part of your your moment. And if you like, do it a few times a day. That doesn’t always you wouldn’t always have time for that. But if you do, a few times a day, just to really get that connection and really be willing to receive because that’s the other part, especially if you’re like me. By me, I’m a control freak of magnitude. There hasn’t been necessarily a lot of receiving from your team. There hasn’t been a lot of allowing them in, because of our control, because of it needs to be a certain way, because we’ve learned that, you know we we are the only ones who who can do it right or whatever crazy we have with that.


[00:06:20]: It’s also the willingness to to let go of control and allow energies and, you know, even other people in your life to contribute. So let me take you through this exercise. What I’d like you to do is just as I’m talking right now, start thinking about one thing that you would like to manifest. It could be more money, it could be a certain relationship it could be a different house a car it doesn’t matter just kind of one thing just it’s a little bit easier for us to do this And just closing your eyes and becoming really present with your sweet body. And then energetically expanding out into all of you as the infinite being you truly be. So above you, below you, in front of you, behind you, every direction around you, expanding farther and farther and farther. Yeah. Now from this spaciousness, invite in your team.


[00:07:18]: You don’t even have to know what that means. You could just say, hey, team, come on in. Hey, energies, come on in. This might be people that you’ve loved and have crossed over. This might be angels or archangels or guides or fairies, or there’s a bazillion things. And it might just be energies and it might be a mix of things. And it might be things I didn’t even say. There is no definition of a team.


[00:07:41]: It’s just all of the energies that would like to contribute. So inviting them in, you’re really spacious, inviting them in, and inviting them so close that they actually, like, touch you. Now touching you doesn’t have to mean you feel it physically, but you’re inviting them to get that close. You’re basically inviting them so that you will receive from them. Yeah. There you go. Okay, cool. Now from this place, what I’d like you to do is start just thinking about that thing that you’re asking for, the thing you would like to manifest.


[00:08:12]: I’m just going to give you a moment to just, just think about it. Just think about it. Oh, yeah. Okay. Now, first off, invite your team to assist you to really clear any heavy energies, any limiting beliefs, any blocks, anything that would stop you from actually manifesting it. So I have that be kind of the first step, just invite them to do that. You could, even If you’re visual, you could imagine a rain shower, if you’re more of a feeling, you could just imagine all the heaviness going. Again.


[00:08:41]: You don’t have to do anything. You could just ask and it’s being done. So getting rid of all the lies, all the limitations, all the points of views, all the crap. Okay. Cool. So now now there’s the ask, the clarity of it, the lightness of it, the yumminess of it, and just ask them. Hey, guys. Show me.


[00:09:02]: Show me what’s required. Show me who to talk to today to manifest this right away. Show me where to go today to manifest this right away. Show me what action to take to manifest this right away? Whatever questions you have and I’ll just give you a moment to ask any questions or any, anything you would like with your team right now. Yeah. Okay. Awesome. And then just take a moment to thank them.


[00:09:36]: Just energetically sending out this gratitude for them, And give them permission to guide you throughout the day, to show you throughout the day all that’s required. Also, give them permission to override your insanity. So anywhere that you are, you would stop it or you would change it to to to ensure you don’t receive it. Like, whatever that is, just give them permission to override your insanity so that your ask comes quicker than you have ever imagined possible before. Yeah. More gratitude. And then you can if your eyes are closed, you can just open your eyes. You don’t need to disconnect from them.


[00:10:19]: You don’t need to do anything. Because you want them there. You want them connected. Now if you prefer to do that, please do it. Anything that I talk about is things that works for me. But not everything that works for me is gonna work for you. So please do what works for you. And now it’s really anything that you got, any any thoughts you had about it, any, actions, anything.


[00:10:43]: Make sure to jot them down, and go and take them. You know, make it, make at least one of those things that came up. If there was any specifics, go and do those today. I did a training recently, called, taking inspired action to manifest your dream life. And I’ll put a link in the show notes or above or below if you’re watching the video. And it’s it was part of the June manifesting membership so you can either purchase all of June’s manifesting membership pieces or you can actually just purchase that training and, of course, come and join us in the membership. I would so love to have you. It is so much fun.


[00:11:18]: We do a training every month. We do a facilitation call every month. You get a, energetic exercise every Monday, you get discounts to private sessions. I mean, it’s amazing and it’s 29 US or 39 Canadian a month. So high value, low ticket, would love to have you. And so with that, we want to be looking at those, what I call inspired actions. So that when there’s these things that when we’re asking and we’re connecting and we’re engaging with our our energetic team, guess what? They’re giving us this information, and it doesn’t necessarily mean everything we get that moment that we have to run and take action on. There’s gonna be a time and a place.


[00:11:57]: And so you could also be asking, Hey, show me, show me which of these actions. Let’s say you’ve got 3 different actions or ideas or thoughts. Which of these today, or maybe you don’t have time today. Don’t even ask about it then tomorrow when you have the time, which of these right now, really allow that, Allow yourself to be guided. Allow yourself to take that inspired action. And that’s really, to me, how I manifest with my team. Now, another invite is that I have coming up a 4 week journey to engaging with your energetic team. In July, we’re gonna start and depending on when you are hearing this, you will want to check out the bonus until June 30th.


[00:12:38]: It’s a 15 minute session with me to connect with your team. And after June 30th, there will be another bonus. I don’t know what it is right now. But but there will be something else there. So just depending on when you’re watching this or listening to this, there will be a bonus. So as I talked about doing this a few times a day is great. Now let’s say you are I don’t know let’s say you’re at the grocery store and you were, you’re just feeling really low about your ask. You’re feeling like it’s impossible.


[00:13:06]: Even while you’re walking around the grocery store in that kind of icky energy of what you’re asking for isn’t gonna turn out or happen or whatever. Take a moment. You don’t even have to close your eyes. Just be like, hey, guys. Can you help right now? Hey, team. Whatever however you wanna refer to them. Because they can do that in that moment. They can assist you in that moment too.


[00:13:24]: You don’t have to be like at home with the door closed and candles lit. Like you can actually receive their contribution all the time. You just gotta ask for it. You just gotta ask. So have a great week, sweet friends. I look forward to chatting again soon.

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