Tools to Clear Secret Agendas

Tools to Clear Secret Agendas

Tools to Clear Secret Agendas

Now is the time, my sweet friend.

Secret agendas are something I’ve been clearing and playing with for years—probably ever since I started using the tools from Access Consciousness, which has been… 11 YEARS! It’s been a long time and yet, there still so much to receive about it. 


Join me on this week’s episode as we talk about secret agendas: what it is, where it might be lurking in your life, and of course, some magical clearings from Access Consciousness to help you change it and create the life and living you truly desire.


You can also show some love (and support the radio show at the same time!) by Buying Me a Coffee ☕ How does it get any better than that?! I’m excited and would be so grateful to receive a cup of coffee from you, my sweet friend.


Would you like the PDF of these show notes?
They are sent out each week to everyone on my mailing list! 


[00:00] Hello and welcome to Tools to Create a Better Life with myself, Glenyce Hughes. Thank you so much for being here. I am so incredibly grateful for you. 


[00:11] I’m laughing a little bit because if you’re watching this on video, I have a cup in front of me. It’s one of my cups, and it says “F*ck…” and it has a whole bunch of places you could put a check mark, like “f*ck you”, “f*ck this”, “f*ck it”, “fuck-a-doodle-doo”. 


However as I’m sitting here, I’m wondering, “I’m not sure it’s going to read correctly in the video.” So, I just started to giggle as I hit record had to share that with you. 


[00:38] Okay. What are we going to talk about today? Tools to Clear Secret Agendas. Now, I have done radio shows on secret agendas before. We will link them somewhere for you if you want to check them out. 


[00:55] In a very recent class that I had with Access Consciousness, the Certified Facilitator Training in February of 2022, they spoke about secret agendas a little bit. I did what I do: if there’s a certain energy on something, I go and I do a little bit more research on it just to be a little bit more aware. 


Oh, my gosh. I really am getting secret agendas on a level like I’ve never got before. It’s amazing. Truly, this is something I have been clearing and playing with for years and years and years, probably ever since I started using the tools from Access Consciousness, which has been 11 years. So, it’s been a long time and still, there still so much to receive about it. 


[01:43] So, I wanted to do this show basically based on something that I read in the reference materials. If you’re not familiar, reference materials are things you can purchase from Access Consciousness after you take Foundation and then, after you take the Choice of Possibilities class. It’s all of the stuff that has been in the Manuals all of the years. 


What I don’t recommend you doing—because I did this back in 2012—is printing it all off. I had binders and binders and binders of pages. Instead, keep them on your devices as PDFs, and they’re easy to search. Anyway, lesson learned. 


[02:20] So, what I read and what I want to just talk about here—that’s why I have my computer with me, I want to share directly from it to make sure that I get it correct as I’m sharing it. But what I want to talk about first is like, what are secret agendas? What the heck are you talking about, Glenyce? 


[02:41] Really, there are things that we decide, there are decisions we make and then, we’re never able to change that. Something as simple as, let’s say, you decided you don’t like the color blue. Maybe you were in another life and you decided you don’t like the color blue, then you’re not able to receive from blue or anything around blue, or even start to like the color blue based on that secret agenda. 


[03:15]Now, of course, that’s kind of a silly example, because it’s just a color, what does it matter? Except this is every area of our life. Every area – we have secret agendas with money, we have secret agendas with people, we have secret agendas with our body, we have secret agendas with giving. And so, this is what I wanted to share with you. 


[03:39] Gary Douglas says, “Secret agendas of giving are what stop us from receiving. If any part of your life is not abundant, you are giving something as a way not to receive.


[03:58] You’re giving something as a way not to receive.” 


Ah, this was huge for me when I read that. Just looking at my life, of how much—and especially prior to using these tools from Access Consciousness—I would give, and give, and give. And then, I would be resentful. And then, I would make the other person wrong. And then, I would make myself wrong because I made the other person right. You get the insanity of this? 


But really, how much are we giving to not receive? What if it’s not about just receiving either? What if it’s the gifting and the receiving and the receiving and the gifting? 


[04:39] In this reality, we have what’s called “give and take.” I give you something and I take something from you, or I give you something [and] you take something from me, like, whatever way it is. That’s very unnatural for us. If you’re listening to this or you’re watching this, it’s a very unnatural energy for us. 


[05:00] What is natural for us is “gifting and receiving,” which is what Gary’s talking about here. When we have a secret agenda with giving, we’re doing the “give and take” rather than the “gifting and the receiving.” The gifting and the receiving is where we don’t even know who the gift are is and who the receiver is. 


[05:20] I always use this as an example when I talk about gifting and receiving. It’s this podcast—the radio show, for me, is the best example I have of gifting and receiving, although I probably have many more, but it’s the best example. 


[05:34] If you’ve ever listened to a podcast or radio show, or watched a video where the person is doing give and take, it’s not that fun to listen to because there is this funky energy of “I’m giving you this but now I must take from you.” Some people do maybe a video to invite them to an offer that they have, and I always share my offers in here—again, if you’ve been here for a while, you know I do this—but it’s from this place of “Hey, here’s what I’ve got going on and I’d love you to come and play, but I’m not doing this so you will come to that.” 


[05:34] People would say, “You’re giving us this information—you’re giving us content, and we’re taking it from you” or however you want to see it, like THAT energy. But it’s like no for me. 


The reason that I’ve done this show since 2013, like, oh my gosh, is because as I’m gifting you this information, I’m receiving more as you receive this information. You’re gifting to me. Who’s the gift or who’s the receiver? I’m not sure. So, it’s a totally different energy than the giving and taking.


[05:37] That’s an example of give and take: I will give you some content, and then you will come to my stuff – that’s not going to last. That would not excite me to do a radio show every week for that. That just doesn’t have the energy—it’s that gifting and receiving that we’re looking for. If we have secret agendas with giving, then gifting and receiving would be very difficult. 


[07:20] Let me run this clearing that Gary has also in the section: 


What secret agenda of giving do you have to maintain the limitations of receiving you currently have that no one is allowed to perceive, know, be, and receive? Everything that is, will you destroy and uncreate it all times a good zillion? Right, wrong, good, bad, all-nine, POD, POC, shorts, boys, and beyonds. 


(That is the Clearing Statement from Access Consciousness, if you’re not familiar you can go to to find out all about how it works.) 


[07:57] What secret agenda of giving do you have to maintain the limitations of receiving you currently have that no one is allowed to perceive, know, be, and receive? Everything that is, we destroy and uncreate it all times a gazillion. Right, wrong, good, bad, all-nine, POD, POC, shorts, boys, and beyonds. 


What secret agenda of giving do you have to maintain the limitations of receiving you currently have that no one is allowed to perceive, know, be, and receive? Everything that is, we destroy and uncreate it all times a gazillion. Right, wrong, good, bad, all-nine, POD, POC, shorts, boys, and beyonds. 


[08:46] We’re talking about this in the sense of giving and receiving, and we have secret agendas anywhere in our life where there isn’t THAT flow. Where there isn’t what we would like it to be like, there are secret agendas there. It’s kind of difficult to put words to them in that sense. I gave the example of the blue book to kind of give you an idea, but that’s such a limited way of the secret agendas we have. 


[09:21] One of the things that was talked about in the Certified Facilitator Training that Dain said was if you are making other people wrong, that’s a secret agenda. How often do we do that? Maybe that’s not really loud in your world, but how about making YOU wrong? Yeah, that’s a secret agenda, too. It’s EVERYWHERE. It’s everywhere. 


[09:52] So, the number one tool, really—not that I usually put them in order or anything like that, and I would say that this would be where you want to start—is basically a fill-in-the-blank clearing. This is one of the things that I love from Access Consciousness: they create these energetic clearings that are really simple to use. We can just fill in the blank with whatever thing we have going on. I’m going to read it to you again to make sure that I get it correct: 


What secret agenda with _____ – this is where you would put in whatever it is: with making myself wrong, with spending all my money, with hating my body, etc. Again, whatever you got going on in there. 


What secret agenda with _______ do you have that maintains and entrains what you cannot change, choose, and institute ______? 


After the word “institute,” basically you want to put in what you would like it to be like. I’m going to use an example from the reference materials. Again, about receiving:


What secret agenda for [[never having the joy of receiving]] do you have that maintains and entrains what you cannot change, choose, and institute [[as joyful living]]? Everything that is, we destroy and uncreate it all times a gazillion. Right, wrong, good, bad, all-nine, POD, POC, shorts, boys, and beyonds. 


You’re basically just following it up with the opposite of what you’re clearing, of what basically what you would like it to be. It’s two spots in that clearing to fill in the blank. 


[11:26] Now, if you didn’t know this already, you can get the show notes to this. You can go to the web page where the radio show is, which is just You’ll see Radio Show, click that, [and then] you can go to this week’s [episode] and the show notes are underneath. 


[11:39] Or, they’re e-mailed to you every Sunday if you’re on my list. If you’re not on my list, there’ll be a link somewhere to get on my list to access these every Sunday in your email. If you prefer, just go to the webpage and you can access them there to find these clearings and the blank one so that you can start using this [and] really, to start changing all of the secret agendas. 


They’re secret, you know—you’re not aware of them. The only way we become aware of them is to recognize something isn’t the way we would like it to be—we just know we have secret agendas there. 


[12:14] Now, the other clearing that you might not be familiar with—or you might be, depending on how much you’ve been playing with these tools from Access—is “What JAILs are you using.JAILs is an acronym [for] Judgments, Agendas, Inventions, and Lies. That’s another great clearing to use:


What JAILs are you using to create the dominance of E = MC2, creating the _____ you are choosing?


[12:41] You can keep it really simple like that. It’s the same idea: it’s clearing all of those energies, including the agendas. But if you want to specifically clear the secret agendas, then this clearing works really well. It’s basically, again, just to fill in the blank. You could write them down, you could record yourself on audio. 


[13:03] On my phone, which is an iPhone, I use, I believe it’s called “Voice Record Pro.” We’ll have a link below with it—I’m not sure that we can even link to it. But basically, what you’re looking for when you want to do that is an app that you can record to, and then you can loop it. You can hit ‘play’ and tell it to not stop until you tell it to stop. That’s what you want. 


[13:30] Now, if you really wanted to keep it super simple—maybe this is almost like too much and you can’t even—every time you recognize something isn’t the way you would like it to be – I destroy and uncreate all of the secret agendas I have with this right now. Right, wrong, good, bad, all-nine, POD, POC, shorts, boys, and beyonds. You can keep it super, super simple like that, also. 


[13:30] When we talk in Access about clearing loops, that’s what we’re doing. We’re looping the clearing over and over and over for greater and greater and greater clearing. 


We’ll also put a link to all of the clearings that I sell. I sell a lot of ones that are specifically things I’ve worked on and changed. They’re called my Personal Clearing Loops because that’s what they are – my personal clearing loops that I’ve put into a way that you could listen to them. We’ll have a link with that, too. Basically, what you’re doing is clearing all of the energies with whatever it is you’re filling in the blanks with. 


[14:31] The other thing that you want to start asking, if this is something you would like to become more aware of, is What is my secret agenda here? Now, we’re not necessarily looking for the words to explain what our secret agenda is. It’s just bringing to light (1) we’re acknowledging we have a secret agenda in whatever we’re dealing with, and (2) it’ll start to create more space for you to be able to choose something different. 


[15:03] Anytime we acknowledge something, it changes everything. This is what you’re looking to do with this: get out of the “this is the way it is.” Right? Maybe you’ve never liked the color blue and it never made sense to you. Maybe your roommate wanted to paint the house blue because they love blue, and you got in a big fight and you haven’t talked to them since. This might start to make a little bit of sense. 


[15:31] Again, we’re not saying that this is always what’s going on. It’s just probably a lot of the stuff that doesn’t make sense to you, the things that are like “what in the hell is going on here?” A question that I really catch myself asking and [I] change it when I do –  “What the hell’s wrong with me?” [It’s] not a question to ask, my sweet friends. Please don’t ask that question. That’s not a question, but that is the energy often. When we’re operating from secret agendas, that’s often what’s going on, because those secret agendas are secret. 


[16:09] We’re avoiding the color blue. We’re fighting with people who want to paint the house blue, and we’re ending friendships because of it. ” [What] the hell’s wrong with me?” No – What secret agenda do I have here? Or What secret agendas? It’s probably not just one, it’s probably many of them. 


[16:28]  The other thing that secret agendas do is they eliminate everything that could contribute. Right ,wrong, good, bad, all-nine, POD, POC, shorts, boys, and beyonds. Again, what if blue could contribute to us? If we’ve got a secret agenda that we hate blue, we’re not allowing it to contribute because we’ve resisted it. We’ve pushed it out of our world. 


[16:52] That fits for so many other things. Look at your life where you’re in resisting and reacting, or aligning and agreeing, where you’re making something right or you’re making it wrong – those are secret agendas. [It’s] because the only thing that’s natural for us is to have no point of view. 


[17:10] I know it doesn’t often feel natural. It feels more natural to have the point of view. But really, that’s only because of what we’ve surrounded ourselves with and what goes on on the planet—that it seems natural, but it’s not natural. What’s natural is not having a point of view. 


[17:27] So, when you have a point of view, you want to recognize that “Oh my gosh, what secret agendas do I have here?” or All of the secret agendas I have here, I destroy and uncreate them all. Right, wrong, good, bad, all-nine, POD, POC, shorts, boys, and beyonds. You can just say POC and POD. You can shorten the Clearing Statement if all of those words are too many. 


[17:48] Any choice or decision that you make that eliminates your awareness is where you have a secret agenda. This would be if you only fly on a certain airline. Let’s say you have points with— I have points with Star Alliance even though I haven’t flown in a few years. I get points when I fly on Star Alliance flights, so Air Canada is one of them—I’m Canadian so it’s one when we’re traveling long distances. That’s usually the airline we would take because that’s usually the airline that goes to those places from where we live. 


[18:28] If I’m operating from a secret agenda to only collect points, this is my guide in life: I must collect the most airline points that I can, then I’m not aware if a different airline would actually create greater. I’ve shut that down. I’ve now got a secret agenda to only fly with Air Canada or with Star Alliance partners. That shuts out I don’t know how many airlines there are in the world and how many are Star Alliance, but that shuts out a lot of airlines. 


[19:00] That’s what Gary’s talking about with this information. [It] is to start recognizing those places where you’re saying “this, not this” or “only this, never this.” It can be the certain people you hang out [with], the certain places you live, the airlines you travel, the food you eat—all the things. Those all become secret agendas. 


[19:23] Think about it: we’ve lived trillions of lifetimes, which means we potentially have way more secret agendas running our life than what’s actually possible, which is the awareness and space and infinite choice. If there’s anywhere in your life where you don’t feel like you have choice: All the secret agendas I have here, I destroy and uncreate them all. Right, wrong, good, bad, all-nine, POD, POC, shorts, boys, and beyonds. You get the idea. 


[19:56] In the reference materials alone, when I searched— I just searched the word “secret.” I can’t even remember how many or—let me just see… no, it’s not there. It was [used] thousands and thousands of times in that one document, and it was only one document I was looking at that it had been utilized. Again, it’s not something we talk about as much anymore and yet, there’s a lot there—at least there was for me. 


[20:23] Now, this may not read for you at all. Chances are if you’re still listening, it does. You want to be using that clearing and that fill-in-the-blank clearing. That’s the other thing, and I’ve said this clearing a million times. What I also know—I’ve seen it in other people and I’ve certainly seen it in myself—where I read something or I hear something and then when I repeat it, it’s not actually the same. So then, it’s like, “What are the secret agendas do I have with that information that I’m twisting it a little bit?” 


[20:58] You might have seen that. If you’re familiar with the Access Consciousness Clearing Statement, there’ve been people along the way that have went in and added words or taken out words or changed it up and it’s like, okay, and cool. I mean, that’s a choice that they have. It’s just interesting. I wonder what secret agendas they have with the Clearing Statement that… anyway, it’s just interesting. 


[21:21] This is why I’m going back to my book and reading it to you: to ensure that I don’t have secret agendas with clearing secret agendas. So:


What secret agenda with ______ do you have that maintains and entrains what you cannot change, choose, and institute _______? 


(Again at the institute piece, that’s where you’d put what you would like.)


What secret agenda with [[never enough money]] do you have that maintains and entrains what you cannot change, choose, and institute as [[way more money than you could spend and never enough as if by magic]]? Right, wrong, good, bad, all-nine, POD, POC, shorts, boys, and beyonds. 


[22:04] Again, we’ll link to the other secret agenda. I know for sure there’s one show that I did. I’ve probably talked about it in other shows, but one specifically on secret agendas years and years ago. We’ll link to that if you’d like more information about this stuff. 


[22:18] Now, I would love to invite you to some awesomeness that I’ve got coming up. Depending on when you listen to this, we are going to be running a clearing for 30 days 30 times a day. It’s all about being Hideously Successful. Yes. We start that [on] March 2, 2022. Of course, it’s available for purchase afterwards, too. You can always find it in my store. 


[22:42] And then on March 8, we are going to do a 6-week Book Club on the Projections, Expectations, Separations, Judgments, Rejections – the PESJRs. It’s a book by Gary Douglas that really does a deep dive into more of this, really. Secret agendas, projections, expectations—all of those are all mixed up. We will go through that. 


We’ll have two zooms a week, we’ll cover one chapter over two zooms each week for six weeks. That starts March 8, I believe. You can check out the link if you want more information. [I] would love to have your come play, my sweet friends. 


[23:21] I also have a FREE gift for you: you can go and check out the Magical Money Tricks. There’s a video and a PDF with five questions that you can ask, and then some wallpaper for your phone that you can put with my #1 question to actualize money as if by magic. You’ll find the link to go and access that, too. 


[23:45] So… I wonder what we could create if we allowed all of these secret agendas to be gone as if by magic. Anything that doesn’t allow that – right, wrong, good, bad, all-nine, POD, POC, shorts, boys, and beyonds. 


Have a great week, sweet friends,  and I look forward to chatting again next week.


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Tools to Get Out of Control

Tools to Get Out of Control

Tools to Get Out of Control

Be uncontrollable!

Imagine a life where nothing and no one can control you, not even you… how magical would that be?! Listen in to this episode as we talk all about CONTROL: what is it, how to get out of it, and some tools from Access Consciousness that you can use on the daily to change everything control-related!


You can also show some love (and support the radio show at the same time!) by Buying Me a Coffee ☕ How does it get any better than that?! I’m excited and would be so grateful to receive a cup of coffee from you, my sweet friend.


Would you like the PDF of these show notes?
They are sent out each week to everyone on my mailing list! 


[00:00] Hello and welcome to Tools to Create a Better Life with myself, Glenyce Hughes. Thank you so much for being here. I am so incredibly grateful for each and every one of you. 


[00:12] This week is all about Tools to Get Out of Control. I know for some of you, you might have stopped listening already. You might have said, “No, I need to be in control, Glenyce! You don’t understand! Stop talking!” I get it—I totally get it, my sweet friends. 


[00:37] Control has been controlling me since before I can remember. This is kind of the first piece with control: Whatever, whoever we’re trying to control has control over us. Shall I repeat that? Whoever or whatever we’re trying to control has control over us. I know. 


This is such a mindfuck of what we’ve actually been taught—at least, what I was taught. Somewhere along the way, somehow I was taught that the more control I had, the more in control I was, the better my life would be, the better everything around me would be, the happier everyone around me would be, the happier I would be. I’m here to tell you—although I probably don’t have to—it’s the exact opposite. The more out of control I allow myself to be, the more ease, the more magic, the more space, the more of everything that I’m asking for.  


[01:50] So, [an] interesting story. If you watch my weekly videos, you might remember fairly recently [that] I actually talked about feeling like a success, and setting myself up in different choices I was making so that I felt like I was a success. 


[02:09] For example, choosing to watch the scale. Let’s say from a place of being a success, [it] isn’t probably the best choice because I can’t control the scale. However, I can control—let’s say the marker instead is how many times I go for a walk or how many times I do my workout videos or something like that, because that I do have control over. The scale, I have no control over her. 


So, I talked to and share the video about that, and about really setting yourself up for success if that’s something you require. I’ve come to realize, in the past few years, how much that actually contributes to my life. If I feel like I’m successful with something, I’m going to continue to choose it. It’s going to be light, yummy, and expansive in terms of choosing it. 


[03:06] However, what I recognized yesterday—Hubby and I are doing a class in stained glass. If you’ve never done this, I recommend it. I actually am enjoying it NOW. I’m enjoying the class NOW. Why now? Because I feel successful. Yesterday was our second class. [In] the first class, the first hour was basically [about] how to do the things [and] some practice. The second hour was getting started on the project that we had chosen. 


[03:41] In that second hour, I wasn’t getting very far. Things weren’t fitting together. The project that I chose was maybe a little bit more difficult than what I could have chosen. Anyway, it wasn’t fitting, and I left there frustrated. In fact, I even had the thought [that] maybe when I arrived for the second class, I’m actually going to change my piece because I’m not feeling successful. 


[04:09] Yesterday, we go in and I was ready to try it anyway [to] see how I went, and it was working. It started to work really, really well. I was like, “Oh my gosh, I’m feeling successful! This is so good! Okay!” As soon as I have that success, there’s that lightness. I want to do more of it and I want to continue choosing it. 


[04:30] I had a lot of space in those hours. I went in early so I had extra time. I had a lot of space in there just to be present with what I was working on, but also things going on in my world. I started really looking at that need to feel successful. Guess what? It’s control! D*mn it, it’s control. Even when I think I’m not doing control, sometimes I’m doing control. It was just this “oh my god energy” of like, “Wow…wow.” 


[05:07] I didn’t even realize that that’s what I was doing. [It’s] because when the pieces, you know, the stained glass pieces are fitting together, I’m in control. It’s working [and] I’m moving forward. If they’re not fitting together, I don’t have any control. I can ask for help, I can change my pattern, I can do all sorts of things—but I’m not ultimately in that control energy that I didn’t even recognize it was. So then, I was like, “What if, though, that success—that, basically, is just a need for control? What if that isn’t actually creating the future I desire?” 


[05:49] Now, I don’t mean that I should set myself up for not succeeding. It was just this huge awareness of how much I’m still controlling, and that I had really—basically, right down to the bare bones—judged if something was going my way, that was right. If it wasn’t? Yeah, you guessed: it was wrong. [It’s] such a different way of really being present with it and really going, “Wow, what if the pieces not fitting together actually gives me more awareness of how to use the tools?” 


[06:28] That’s ultimately—I mean, when it wasn’t working the first week, and then yesterday, what was so interesting was it was working much better but still, there were some conks. 

There was a lady that went up to the—so, we grind the pieces, you cut them, and then you grind them to really fit. I kept using the same grinder, possibly another control, another thing of that energy. And then, a lady went and used it. As I turned to go, she was at it. I was a little bit annoyed because it’s two steps from where I’m working. The other one that I went to—because all the other ones over there were busy—was 20 steps the other way. *Oh my gosh, how did I manage?* 


[07:18] Anyway, [I] went to the other one. Well, that machine—that grinder, whatever it is, I’m not even sure how the grinders work—is way better. It grinds it so much better, so much quicker. I was like, “Oh my goodness!” 


In my conclusion of “this isn’t working,” “I picked too hard of a pattern,” there was no question. There was not even a question of which grinder to use. It was like, “Well, this one’s two steps.” I mean, it wasn’t even that thought—it was just right there. That’s the one I’ll use until she used it, and then I went and use the other one. It’s like, “Oh my gosh, I’m gonna be using this one forever!” Not a question, my friends. 


[08:00] It’s just this huge awareness of all the places and spaces of control and of course, I’m not doing just in stained glass. I’d love to tell you that was it but I promise you, I’m doing it in that class [and] I’m doing it in lots of different areas of my life. In those few hours yesterday, I was really looking at “Where am I decided that I need that success? What if I didn’t? What is the not success actually gifting me?” 


There is an energy for you, my sweet friends. Right, wrong, good, bad, all-nine, POD, POC, shorts, boys, and beyonds. 


[08:40] So, that’s the Access Consciousness Clearing Statement. If you’re not familiar, you can go to for more information about how it works. Basically, all of that energy that comes up when I talk about something like this, when I run it, it clears it. [It] starts to dissipate it so that we have more space and we have more awareness, and that’s ultimately what we’re always looking for – [it] is more space and more awareness. 


[09:02] Looking at that with every area of my life, it was really magical. What is it gifting me? What is it not working? In Access, we ask the question “What’s right about this I’m not getting?” 


In that case, if I would have maybe done that in the first class, maybe I would have found that other grinder sooner or change something else or whatever. Again, it’s still not wrong, the way I did it. it gave me this beautiful awareness of all the control I’m still doing. I mean truly, what a gift that is. 


[09:36] So, [here’s] the clearing that I want to run a few times. It is so magical—it is so changing everything control-related. 


What energy, space, consciousness, choice, magic, miracles, mysteries, and possibilities can us and our bodies be to be out of control, out of definition, out of limitation, out of form, structure, significance, out of linearities, and other concentricities for all eternity? Anything that doesn’t allow that to show up as if by magic, will you destroy and uncreate it all? Right, wrong, good, bad, all-nine, POD, POC, shorts, boys, and beyonds. 


[10:15] Now, that clearing truly has changed so much for me. It wasn’t until a couple years ago that I actually started using it, like truly started using it. Actually, [I] did a call on it. We’ll put a link because, of course, you can purchase the recordings. 


But it wasn’t until then that I actually finally memorized all those words. I didn’t have them all memorized, even though I’d probably repeated that clearing thousands of times over my years as a Certified Facilitator with Access Consciousness. I finally chose, like, really chose, to change the control stuff, which I did—which I totally did. 


[10:56] Obviously, there’s still some more—which, again, I’m so grateful for—that we can really not go to the judgment. Not “Oh my gosh, I thought I changed that. What’s wrong with me?” It’s not that at all, guys. We just go, “Wow, okay, cool.” There’s still some more. 


Chances are this control thing—at least for me, I don’t want to speak for you. But at least for me, it’s gonna be a long, long time, my sweet friends. And that’s okay. It’s not right. It’s not wrong. 


[11:21] The other thing that I want to say about control is for you to really recognize that control is not wrong, okay? Control is actually a capacity. It’s just that we’re often using it AGAINST us and not FOR us. We want to start choosing control when it’ll create greater, not when it will create less, which is really with that whole success piece that I was looking at. 


[11:48] [This is] when it creates less—when I go, “Okay, well, I’m not succeeding. I need to succeed in order to continue,” that’s a huge limitation. I mean, how many possibilities, how many experiences have I not chosen, not stepped into because I wasn’t feeling like a success? How many times have I stopped because I wasn’t feeling like a success? Then all of my decisions, judgments, conclusions, computations, projections, rejections, expectations, separations, [and] refined judgments that I have about all of that, ignite and then, I stop. Oh, I feel exhausted just talking about that. 


Everything that is, will you destroy and create it all? Right, wrong, good, bad, all-nine, POD, POC, shorts, boys, and beyonds. 


[12:38] Now, I would love to invite you: we are doing a book club on the Projection Expectation Separation Rejections and Judgments book by Gary Douglas from Access Consciousness. We start, I believe, it’s March 8 or something like that. You’ll find the link below or above. If you can’t find it, reach out [and] we’ll get it to you. 


It’s going to be amazing, my sweet friends. That book and all of those that I call the DJCCPSERRJs, all of those are what really limit us and really stop what’s possible. The more that you’re willing to let this go, which will also assist you in letting go of control, that’s where the magic is. So, check that out for more information. Depending, of course, when you’re watching this, it’s always available for purchase after, also. 


[13:27] The other thing that I would love to invite you to is the Hideously Successful Clearing. We are going to be running it starting March 2, 30 times a day for 30 days. 


Yeah, it’s time to change that crazy. It’s time to be willing to be hideously successful, which of course, also out of control. Yes, not hideously successful while controlling everything. Let’s change it all, my sweet friends, let’s change it all. You’ll find the links above or below, wherever. 


[13:58] One more thing, I also have available for you—a gift for you is the Magical Money Tricks. I’ve got a video of 10 of them, I’ve got a PDF of five questions, [and] I also have wallpaper for your phone [with] the #1 question that I think everybody should be asking all day long about money. If you would like that, you’ll find the link above or below, you can go grab it. [It’s] my gift to you, my sweet friends. 


[14:26] Back to control. What I want to talk about with that is what is out of control? It is having no point of view about anything. There’s not much there, really. That’s not going to take any work at all. Not work, just choice. 


[14:45] Really, if you look at that—having no point of view—go back to my example of the stained glass and the glass pieces not fitting together in my first week at all. Like, at all. If I didn’t have a point of view, how much more space is there with that? How much more ease is there with that? How many more questions could I ask either of the instructors or of the machines, or of myself, or of the project? A lot. Yeah, totally. 


I’ve got all this space now to have no point—I’ve got all this space. I have no point of view, which means I have total space, which means I have total awareness, which means everything is possible. 


[15:30] But when I’m looking through the lens of “this isn’t working, it should be working”—basically, when we think “this isn’t working,” the other energy is “it should be working.” And now, the energy is contracted. Now, there’s no space. There’s no other possibilities. There’s just my choice for frustration, and all the other ideas of “maybe I’ll change my pattern,” “I’ll do something else,” “I’m not feeling successful.” Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. 


Everything that brings up, will you destroy and uncreate it all times a gazillion? Right, wrong, good, bad, all-nine, POD, POC, shorts, boys, and beyonds. 


[16:10] The other thing when you are out of control, no one and nothing can control you, not even you. If you have no point of view about anything, nobody can control you. 


[16:26] Right now here in Canada… now, depends on when you’re listening to this because I’m recording a little bit earlier. I’ve got a Certified Facilitator training coming up in the next few days, so I’m about a week and a half earlier than I normally record. But right now here in Canada, there’s truckers all over, especially in Ottawa, Ontario, and also in Alberta, and who knows where else. [They’re] really, really, really getting stronger and stronger in their demand to stop the mandates. 


[17:00] Now, for me, I know the greatest gift I can be is to have no point of view. This is not necessarily the most easy to choose when there’s so much right and there’s so much wrong. There’s so much proof of what’s right, and there’s so much proof of what’s wrong. There’s so many, you know, media outlets saying, “Here’s what’s going on…,” and then there’s so many other media outlets going “Here’s what’s going on…” There’s so much of that—there’s so many ways to be invited into right and wrong and good and bad. 


[17:36] I know the greatest gift I can be is to have no point of view. I have a preference, I have an awareness. But when I join that it’s right or I join that it’s wrong, that’s where I stop being magical, and that really is the space of being out of control. If you’re out of control, you can be that space, you can be that magic. You’re still going to be aware—you’re not shutting your awareness off, you’re just not controlled anymore. 


18:08 This is the funny thing: When you are controlled—when you do have a point of view, you don’t have the access to the awareness that’s actually there. That, actually, is what limits you rather than the opposite of what we think it is. Oh my goodness. 


Everything all of that just brought up, will you destroy and uncreate it all? Right, wrong, good, bad, all-nine, POD, POC, shorts, boys, and beyonds. 


[18:33] If you are looking to get out of control, [here’s a] couple things: 


Maybe you’re like me and you weren’t even aware you were doing it. You could start asking—and this is my new ask: Universe, show me where I am doing control so that I can get reminded all day long, and then I have a choice. 


Once I’m aware I’m choosing it, then I can check in: “Hey, does this create the future I desire or decay the future I desire?” If it’s creating it, I can continue. If it’s not, I can let it go. That is, I would say, step number one if we’re going to do them in steps to run that clearing all the time. 


What energy, space, consciousness, choice, magic, miracles, mysteries, and possibilities can be and my body be to be out of control, out of definition, out of limitation, out of forum, structure, significance, out of linearities, out of concentricities for all eternity? Anything that doesn’t allow that, I destroy and uncreate it all. Right, wrong, good, bad, all-nine, POD, POC, shorts, boys, and beyonds.


[19:34] Another question that I have been using and will continue to use: If I was willing to be out of control here, what magic could I create? You can look at your money situation, you can look at your body situation, you can look at the stained glass project and ask that. You can look at anything and ask that question. 


[19:59] You’re not looking for an answer—in case you’re not familiar, we’re not asking that so we can figure it out. We’re asking that so we are allowing the awareness, the possibilities, the magic, the universe, all of it to show up to contribute to us being the magic that we truly be. 


[It’s] because, guys, I promise you, the more out of control that you’re willing to be, the more magic you will be. The more magic you’ll create, the more ease your life will be, the more magical your life will be. Anything that doesn’t allow that, will you destroy and uncreate it all? Right, wrong, good, bad, all-nine, POD, POC, shorts, boys, and beyonds.


[20:37] For anybody who doesn’t know: If you would like the show notes, make sure you are on my e-mail list. They come out every Sunday with the radio show. You can access them right in that e-mail. Just go straight [to it], it’ll just say “Download the Show Notes,” I think or something like that. You can receive them. 


If you’re listening to this [and] you’re not on my list yet, and you go and get on it and you would like these, then just send me an e-mail or send me a message, reach out on social media. We will send this week’s show to you. We’ll send you that e-mail so you can grab that Dropbox account because by the time this e-mail goes out, this show is… yeah, you know what I mean? *laughter* The e-mail will have gone out with this show. If you’re listening to it, that won’t be the e-mail you get but we can get it to you so that you can access all of this. 


It’s basically a transcript [of] almost everything, not the uhms and the ahhs. But everything else, hopefully, is in that, and I mean hopefully, my uhms and ahhs are taken out. Everything else is in there: the clearings that I run, the information that I give. I know a lot of people prefer to read rather than listen or watch. Whatever your preference, baby, we got you covered. 


[21:48] So, one more time for fun: 


What energy, space, consciousness, choice, magic, miracles, mysteries, and possibilities can be and my body be to be out of control, out of definition, out of limitation, out of forum, structure, significance, out of linearities, out of concentricities for all eternity? Anything that doesn’t allow that to show up as if by magic, we destroy and uncreate it all. Right, wrong, good, bad, all-nine, POD, POC, shorts, boys, and beyonds. 


[22:15] So, [that’s] some tools to play with to really get out of control, my sweet friends. I wonder what magic would be possible if we were willing to be out of control… I wonder what magic we could create on the planet… I truly wonder, my sweet friends. 


Thank you so much for being here. I’m so incredibly grateful for each and every one of you, And I look forward to chatting again next week.


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