Energetic Tools to Create Anything You Desire

Energetic Tools to Create Anything You Desire

Energetic Tools to Create Anything You Desire

Open yourself to possibilities!

Years ago, Hubby and I were looking for an acreage around Vermillion. I had this long list on what it should have, and one of them was it should be a 10-minute drive from Vermillion where Hubby works at the time.


We did find one that had almost everything on the list, and it was lovely. The funniest thing, though, is 1-2 months after moving in, Hubby got a job 30 minutes in the opposite direction. 


When we decide something has to be this or that way, it can actually limit what the universe can deliver. In this episode, we will go over some energetic tools from Access Consciousness so we could learn to let go of control and open ourselves to all the possibilities we’ve never considered before.


You can also show some love (and support the radio show at the same time!) by Buying Me a Coffee ☕ How does it get any better than that?! I’m excited and would be so grateful to receive a cup of coffee from you, my sweet friend.


Would you like the PDF of these show notes?
They are sent out each week to everyone on my mailing list! 


[00:00] Hello and welcome to Tools to Create a Better Life with myself, Glenyce Hughes. Thank you so much for being here. I am so incredibly grateful for you. 


So, Energetic Tools to Create Everything You Desire. What the heck are energetic tools? Basically, it’s just different ways to play with energy to invite whatever it is that you would like. Now, here’s the thing that most people don’t want to hear: When we are asking—when we’re inviting, when we’re dreaming big—the biggest part to really having it show up is to let go of the specifics of what it is. 


[00:51] For example, years ago—2002, I guess? 20 years ago—no, must have been 2004. Anyway, a long time ago, when Hubby and I were looking for an acreage around Vermillion, Alberta, which is where we used to live, we had—I had a very long list. I said ‘we’ but no, really, it was me. I had a very long list. I think there were 26 things on there, like very specific. It had to have so many bedrooms, it had to have so many bathrooms. 


The one that I remember specifically is it had to be less than [a] 10-minute drive from Vermillion. At the time, Hubby was working in Vermillion and would often have to go in early in the morning. Morning is not his sweet spot, so he wanted not to have a big drive for those mornings he did have to go in. [And] so, we put on our list ‘less than 10-minute drive from Vermillion to the acreage. 


[01:51] Anyway, [we] found this beautiful acreage. It ticked off, I believe, almost all of them, if not all of them—I don’t recall. The funniest thing, though, is that 1-2 months after we moved in there, Hubby got a job 30 minutes in the other direction. It was just so funny. As I was starting to study more and more energy stuff and really recognizing how—when we decide what is the right way [or] what is the right thing, how much that can actually limit it. 


Had we maybe asked a little bit different—maybe, you know, been a little bit more open with that—that might have been different. I’m still so grateful for that acreage. It is beautiful. We were there [for] many, many years. We loved it. It’s just one of those funny things that I think about. 


[02:47] Fast forward from 2004 when I had 20-something on my list to when we moved into this acreage. When we were looking, if I remember correctly, we had 3 or 4 specifics. One—this was a deal-breaker for me—the internet had to be good because at the acreage in Vermillion, whenever there were leaves on the trees which was spring, summer, [and] fall, the internet was not very good. [It’s] just the way that it passed through the trees. So, my deal breaker for here was it had to have good internet. 


[03:21] The other thing that was important to me was that I had a whole separate space for my business, which I do. The basement pretty much is our business—my business. And then, Hubby’s. His only ask, really, was he either wanted a workshop or he wanted space to build one. Those were kind of and that’s it. Everything else, we just said, “Show me what else is possible, Universe.” 


[03:44] I played with the energy—I used all sorts of energetic tools, but not from the place of “this is the way it has to be.” Same with the internet, if we would have seen this place and there was no way to get good internet here—[if it] was just impossible or like at the other place [we] would have to take trees down to get it—we just wouldn’t have chose it. It just doesn’t work for me or didn’t back then. [It] still doesn’t to not have internet that I can rely on and do fun stuff online. So, it’s this huge gift of really knowing what works for you with this space of letting everything else go. 


[04:23] It didn’t matter how big this house was. We didn’t have on our list—I honestly could tell you I wouldn’t have had [it] on my list—a beautiful swimming pool outside. That’s a whole other story for a whole other day. But that was just something I didn’t know was possible here in Alberta, Canada where it’s winter, which seems to be a lot of the time. Mostly, I think because it’s February right now and “It’s time!” You just get really excited for spring when you live in Canada. 


So, there you go. There’s an example of when you get really specific, you really lock up what the universe can deliver. The more that you can let go of control—it doesn’t mean you don’t have preferences or you don’t have asks, because you do. You just don’t want to limit them with “it has to be exactly this.” 


[05:15] When we do that, usually, it’s a couple things: One, we’ve either seen somebody else create something like that, and we’ve decided that that’s the answer, that’s the good part, or that’s the best way to have it. Or, we’re operating from maybe something we’ve created in the past. 


Maybe we had a really good vacation in Mexico one time. Now, we’re always looking to go back to Mexico to recreate that rather than what else is possible that I’ve never even considered, which takes us maybe to Mexico, maybe to Europe, maybe to Australia, who the heck knows? There’s so many other possibilities when we’re open to it and still asking for what we would like. 


[05:54] So, some energetic tools. Really, the number one one that we use in Access Consciousness all the time—or at least I do, many of us that do use these tools—is something called the “energy pull.” I have other radio shows on it, I have other videos on it, all sorts of things. We’ll link to those below. 


[06:14] What I want you to just recognize is it’s exactly what it sounds like: energy pull. You can get the energy of the thing you’re asking for. Now, PULL it to you. Right? It’s that simple, guys, there’s nothing fancy about it. It’s really just getting the energy and pull, again though, with no decision that it has to be that. 


[06:48] Again, when we were looking for this acreage or looking for an acreage, I could get the energy of it. I was tapping into the energy of this space, but I didn’t know where it was. I couldn’t find it on the listings. The realtor couldn’t find it. I didn’t say, “Here’s the energy, can you go find it?” although that would be cool. It just wasn’t there. 


Now, I was swapping with a friend and her and I were doing verbal processing which is, again, Access Consciousness. You talk about something and you clear it and all of these amazing things. Her and I were swapping and I was complaining probably about not finding an acreage yet. And so, she asked me a brilliant question. She said, “Truth: Is it for sale yet?” I got ‘no.’ Oh my goodness. 


[07:42] Suddenly, all that intense pressure that I was doing it wrong, or it wasn’t working, all that insanity just went away because it just wasn’t for sale yet. In fact, this place came on sale on a Saturday. We put our offer in on Monday, so pretty much the moment that it was posted. We saw it, we booked in to come and see it on the Monday. We came and saw it, we made an offer before we left: full price. That’s where I was with this place. It was like, “Yes, this.” 


[08:16] I don’t mean it’s always like that or anything where it’s wrong. If it isn’t, that’s where it was. But for probably a good month if not more, I had so much judgment that we weren’t finding it, that I was missing it, all the crazy when really, it just hadn’t been listed yet. That’s where I come to this energy pulls, like, I could energetically perceive it. Even though it didn’t have a ‘for sale’ sign on yet, it was there. 


[08:45] Really, going back to those decisions and conclusions that we were talking about, get the energy of what you’re asking for [and] start pulling it to you, which is a BEing not a doing. Okay? We do energy pulls, but it’s a BEing. You can be pulling energy while you’re doing dishes, while you’re falling asleep at night, while you’re going for a run. You don’t have to just do them, like sit quietly and do them—you can add them. 


[09:15] The trick, I would say at least in my experience, is to get the energy of the thing. Let’s use something a little bit different, like a lover. Let’s say you’re looking for a new lover or more lovers or something like that. So, you just energetically expand out. Don’t worry, as I’m saying it, you’re already doing it with me and you’re tapping into those. 


Maybe you’re only looking for one new lover and maybe you tap into five—that’s okay. It doesn’t mean you have to say ‘yes’ to all five, but you just become aware of that and then you pull them in. And of course my favorite phrase—as if by magic. You just start pulling people and things and events and experiences and all sorts of magic to you as if by magic, and then they can show up. And then, you still have choice.


[10:13] Here’s the thing: you might pull in five lovers [but] it doesn’t mean you have to have five lovers. You could say ‘no’ to all of them. You’re just doing your part—you’re pulling them in. They can show up through a dating app, they could show up at the grocery store, they could show up to clean your driveway. I mean, there’s a billion ways they could show up, we’re just going to pull and we’re going to allow that magic to unravel. 


[10:37] So, that is one, and probably the energetic tool that I would say I use the most. Although it’s kind of hard to say, the other one that I use—and this one I know, for some people, doesn’t maybe feel very nice. Or maybe, there’s just a lot of points of views. I’m going to share it anyway because I do think it’s really valuable for those of us who are willing. 


[11:01] We all have what’s called “killing energy.” We all have “healing energy,” and we all have killing energy. 


Now, if you’re like me, you were brought up that the killing energy was the worst thing ever. The word “kill”—the idea of killing, murder, [and] all of that is like the absolute worst. Like, if I could have done the worst thing on the planet, that would be it. And I agree—I’m not saying we should go murdering people, this is not what I’m talking about. There is an energy, a killing energy, that’s available to each one of us that we BE that if we’re willing to BE it in those situations, that can actually create a lot of magic. 


[11:41] If you have some sort of disease in your body, chances are the killing of that disease is what’s actually going to create greater. Now, not always. Sometimes, it’s the healing of it. Sometimes, it’s the killing of it. 


You don’t need to figure it out, okay? Don’t try to get your mind involved and have all this like, “Oh, am I doing it right or wrong?” or “What’s going on?” You just want to recognize that we all BE killing energy. 


That killing energy can create so much when we’re willing to do it—when we’re willing to BE it, not DO it. This is not—again, I am not in any way telling you to kill anyone or anything. It’s an energetic killing. Again, if you have cancer of some sort, check in if killing the cancer would create greater or healing. [It] could be both,  could be just one—doesn’t matter. 


[12:38] You want to recognize—and this is, to me, I would say one of the most underutilized, energetic capacities that we BE because there’s so many interesting points of views around it. A lot of times when we talk about it, people go straight to the logic of it. I’m not talking logical, I’m talking energetic. 


[12:57] You can KILL a conversation. I did that a couple of summers ago on like, I did it on purpose. It was really cool for me to experience it because I’d never really used my killing capacities that way.


There was just [being] with extended family and a big group of people, and one of the people started a conversation that was racist. If you would have looked at me, I did nothing different—I still sat the same, I still did the same, everything was the same. But energetically, it was like the biggest *kaboom!*of killing energy that I’ve ever been cognitively aware of delivering at something. I didn’t deliver it at the person, I delivered it at the energy of the conversation. 


[13:52] It was split second—I didn’t think about it. This was so *boom!* It was like *boom!* and nothing else was said. It was like the person didn’t say anything. It was the most interesting thing because my experience in those situations is that one person says something like that, and then other people add to it. And then, there’s those of us who don’t like it. Maybe we get up and leave or whatever, there’s all the crazy. 


[14:22] Could have I just said, “Hey, we don’t want to talk about that. We don’t talk like that here” or something like that. Possibly. Not sure that would have been quite as well received as the kill and done and it was just over. There’s so many different ways to BE that killing energy. When we don’t have a point of view about it so much like I was talking about earlier—we don’t want to decide like, “Oh, I must kill this person” or “I must kill this situation.” It’s not that. It’s just the energy of “What’s required?” 


[14:52] Again, it was so split second for me. I didn’t think about it beforehand. I didn’t go, “Okay, well, what’s going to be the best here? Do I talk to them twice? Say something? Do I stand up and fight that?” Not that I would have—maybe I would have? I’m not sure. It just seems funny to me to think about that. 


But, it was just so *boom* – there it was. That really, to me again, comes with not having a point of view. I no longer—believe me, I used to. I no longer have a point of view about killing energy, so I can have access to it whenever it’s going to create greater. I can BE it in the flash, like that. Once it’s over, I’m done. 


[15:35] Again, in the past, when a family member’s friend [or] whoever would maybe make a racist comment, if I didn’t say or do anything, then I would be in the crazy of “I’m horrible. I’m just as bad as them. I shouldn’t be making those statements.” Of course, I go into [the] judgment of them, which doesn’t create greater, and judgment of me, all the crazy. 


This way, with delivering that, stopping the conversation, it being done, it was done. It was absolutely done. Let me tell you, the magic that that creates in my world—to not spin in something—is huge. To know that I contributed to changing it was huge. Truly, what else is possible?


[16:21] I’m not saying those situations are always going to be an energetic killing. There’s going to be times we’re saying, “Hey, this doesn’t work” or “Hey, we need to stop this” or “That doesn’t work around here,”whatever. There’s times and places for that. There’s times and places for killing energy. There’s all sorts of other ones, also—just going to move my microphone back up a little bit. There’s all of these pieces of, like, the energetics that we BE. 


[16:46] So, we’ve talked about energy pulling, we’ve talked about BEing the killing energy, which, again, the healing energy, too, because we’re that, also. If you get the sense in a situation where that is the energy that’s required, BE that. In fact, even talking about them like this is a little bit limiting, because we’re kind of going, “Okay, here’s your choices: you can either do an energy pull—you can killing energy, you can healing energy,” whatever else I might talk about. That’s not it at all. 


[17:20] Energetic tools is recognizing that you’re energy, you’re energetic. Energy is your first language. If you would like to change something, and you don’t have a point of view about it, you really can just ask, “What energy could I BE here to change this?” 


[17:38] Notice we’re not saying— I just looked outside, it’s snowing outside. Years ago, if I was starting to use these tools, I would have said something like, “What energy can I be for it to stop snowing?” because I decided that summer is the only appropriate season on the planet. Crazy, I know, but I had a lot of points of views about it. So, we don’t ask that because that’s not actually letting go of control. 


[18:05] What energy can I be to change this? — that’s a totally different energy. That might mean we get a huge blizzard. That might mean who knows what else? I mean, there’s a billion things. We’re just opening it up by using energetic tools, either specific ones I’ve kind of talked about or just being the energy that changes things. Oh, guys, the things you can create—the things, the magic.


[18:32] But again—and I keep repeating this and I do it on purpose because I’ve worked with so many people around the world, I know—you all want to control it. And I do, too. Although, I’m a million times better, like, so much better just to really let it go. It was interesting. 


[18:48] About a week ago—a little over a week ago—I’ve been waiting on a treadmill for about two and a half months. Yes. The delivery driver phoned but I didn’t even know it was out for delivery. They told me they would phone ahead of time that it was coming out the next day—all the things—so I didn’t answer the phone. I’m just not a phone person. So, [it] didn’t get delivered that day. 


So then, they make a plan a couple days later. “Okay, we’ll bring it the next day.” “Okay, cool.” Hubby and I are home all day—no delivery. The next day, we head out to [where] we’re taking stained glass glasses—so cool. When did they phoned? They’re sitting at our gate when we’re at the class. 


[19:39] Normally, I would be, “Okay, what’s it gonna take for it to arrive?”, doing all the control pieces. And what I said to my friend is, “I know that the universe has my back.” This is one thing I know for sure. Always. So, I wonder what is possible with this that I’ve never even considered. I’m not asking for it to show up—I’m keeping it quite open for whatever. It’s just a really bizarre situation. Truly, what else is possible with it that I’ve never even considered? 


[20:14] I have asked my body, “Hey, body, if you would like it (because she’s the one who’s going to enjoy it), can you bring it?” I’ve asked the treadmill itself, “Hey, if you’d like to come, can you get yourself here?” I’ve engaged and I’ve employed the other energies involved with it with really this spaciousness of, “Okay, what else is possible that I’ve never even considered?” Of course, my preference is it shows up. So, there’s this huge dance of it all and pulling it and all of it, and the willingness to receive all the pieces. 


[20:50] Again, in the past, I would have gotten so mad. SO mad. “They’ve had it over a week, what the hell?” and all the points of views and all the stuff that actually kills it. This would be killing it in a way that I wouldn’t want it to be killed, you know? Complaining and frustrating and all those energies that basically just push it away. Instead, it’s like, “Okay, what else is possible that I’ve never even considered? I wonder what magic I’ve never even considered with this…” 


[21:22] A few energetic tools. The number one, really though, is just to be asking What energy could I BE here to change this? 


Just so you know, you probably won’t get a response to that. You’re just going to BE the energy, like in the moment you ask that, you’re going to BE that energy. That’s the cool thing about questions – you ask, and you’ll BE it, like what energy could I BE here to change this? Boom, you BE it. It’s changing. Now, let it go. Let go of the control, my sweet friends. Yes. 


[21:58] A couple things I]want to invite you to: Of course, Online Foundation. February 19-23, 4 hours a day [for] five days. Oh my gosh, I’m so excited. So, so excited for it. 


[22:08] And then of course, in March, we have the Are You Ready to Have it All? which is the Book Club, a 6-week book club. We’re gonna meet twice a week for the Projections, Expectations, Separations, Judgments, and Rejections. 


[22:23] We’ve got that book club and then on March 2. [For] once a day for 30 days, starting March 2, we are going to run a Hideously Successful Clearing. There’s also like I’m not obnoxious with money and another part that I forget. So, [there’s] lots coming up guys. You’ll find the link somewhere [and] if you don’t, just reach out and I will get them to you. I would love, love, love to have you come and play. 

[22:47] The dates are set for the Pool Party here in July. If you can get to Canada, if you can get to Alberta, pack your swimsuit and come in July. We’re going to Pool Party Bars. If I remember correctly, that’s July 6 or 7. Following is the Pool Party Foundation, which is 4 days because we’re going to do the full days.


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Questions that Invite Money to You

Questions that Invite Money to You

Questions that Invite Money to You

Are you choosing what’s true for you?

If you’ve hung out with me for a while, you will know how much I looooove talking about money. It is because money is all about RECEIVING. 


Join me for another money episode as I share a bunch of magical questions/clearings/tools from Access Consciousness so we could invite and actualize everything we’re asking for #asifbymagic.


You can also show some love (and support the radio show at the same time!) by Buying Me a Coffee ☕ How does it get any better than that?! I’m excited and would be so grateful to receive a cup of coffee from you, my sweet friend.


Would you like the PDF of these show notes?
They are sent out each week to everyone on my mailing list! 


[00:00] Hello and welcome to Tools to Create a Better Life with myself, Glenyce Hughes. Thank you so much for being here. I am so incredibly grateful for you. 


If you’re watching this on video and you watched last week’s on video, you’ll notice my pillow is still making an appearance. As I was setting up for today’s video, only half of it was in because I kept it in the middle of that couch. I went and changed it ’cause I like that pillow, and we match. So, there we go. 


[00:33] All right—what is today’s show? Questions that Invite Money. Yes, yes. Now, as with many of my radio shows, I use the tools from Access Consciousness. You can check it out at www.accessconsciousness.com. I also use this crazy thing called the “Clearing Statement.” It basically works like a magic wand – it starts dissipating the energy of whatever crazy we have in the way. If you want more information about how it works, you can go to www.theclearingstatement.com. 


[01:11] I have been talking about money, I would say more than ever before. Probably before, 40% of my shows were about money. I bet you now they’re like close to 90. And [it’s] ’cause it’s all about receiving. Not that I need it because I also love to talk about money and wealth and cash—so many things actually. It really is about receiving. The more we’re willing to receive, the more of us we will be and the more magic we can create on the planet. Isn’t it time, my sweet friends, for way more magic on the planet than we’ve never ever imagined possible? Yes, it is so let’s be it. 


[02:02] All right—questions. Years and years ago before I started studying the tools from Access Consciousness—I actually even had a radio show, one of my very first radio shows back in July of 2013. Yes, I have been doing a radio show for that many years every week. 


[02:22] There was a book—I can’t remember his name right now but it’s called Afformations, not af-FIR-mations, but af-FOR-mations. Basically, it was asking questions. Instead of an affirmation like “I am healthy,” you would turn it into a question like, “What if I am healthy?” That’s probably not the best example, but you get the idea. You just turn it into a question. 


[02:50] The thing is the universe responds to everything we ask for. It doesn’t matter if we’re asking through an actual question, or we’re just making a statement like “Money is hard.” That is weirdly an ask of the universe. 


When we say “money is hard”—and usually, we don’t say sh*t like that once. Oh, no. We continue to say it. Money is hard. Money is hard. Money is hard, over and over for years and years, lifetimes and lifetimes. That’s our ask, except if we took a moment and thought, “If I could ask for anything, would I actually ask for money to be hard? Is that actually something I would like?” 


No—of course, it isn’t. This is where we start training ourselves to ask questions of what we would like. Everything—all of those energies, all that crazy that just brought up, will you destroy and uncreate it all times a gazillion? Right, wrong, good, bad, all-nine, POD, POC, shorts, boys, and beyonds. If you’re new here, that is the Access Consciousness Clearing Statement. 


[04:01] What we want to start being present with is what are we talking about? What are we thinking about? What are we saying? What are we speaking? What’s going on in our world? Because those are all ASKS. 


[04:16] When we look at questions to invite money, that actually requires a sense of presence from us. We require to be present enough to even recognize to ask a question. It doesn’t take any presence to go “money as hard.” That doesn’t take any level of presence at all. What does take a level of presence is (1) recognizing we’re seeing it or speaking it or thinking it and (2) changing it.


Yes, because that’s really the next step. First step is to acknowledge what we’re choosing. Next step is if it doesn’t work, [it’s] for us to actually change it. Then, we can turn it into a question. Basically, it’s the exact opposite of what we’re doing. If we catch ourselves saying “Money is hard,” then we turn it into, “What would it be like for money to be ease? What would it be like for money to flow in with so much ease?” I was shocked and surprised every day. 


Now, I’m just adding a bunch of fancy words, okay? You do not need to make it fancy. I’ve just been doing this for many, many, many years. It’s this space of really what works for you in that moment. Just keep it really simple: What what would it be like for money to be ease? 


[05:44]  The other way that I asked questions—and it doesn’t really sound like a question. But remember, everything’s a question. Everything is an ask. I love the energy of this one where I turned it into I wonder, like, “I wonder what it would be like for money to be ease. I wonder what that would be like.” 


I mean, I seriously wonder. It sounds so funny,  and I use that tool a lot and I share it a lot. I even had somebody recently on one of my social media pages—I don’t recall which one—and I had said “Use this question” and then I said, “I wonder…” She was like, “That doesn’t sound like a question.” She’s right. It doesn’t sound like a question, and energetically, it’s a question. It gets me to the energy where I’m curious. That’s ultimately what we’re looking for. 


[06:37] Money is hard – that energy is a conclusion, a decision, an expectation [and] we’re going to prove ourselves right. We’re always going to prove ourselves right. If we turn that into a question, or a wonder energy or curiosity energy, we’ve opened it up so the universe can actually deliver what we’re asking for which [is for] money to be ease. We just wonder like, “I wonder what that would be like.” Just take a moment.


[07:09] Let’s wonder together, my sweet friends. 


I wonder what that would be like. 

I wonder what it would be like for money to be ease. 


[07:19] Now, you might have noticed that there was a bit of a contraction energetically, if you’re aware of energy. If you’re not, that’s totally fine. You don’t have to be to use questions, okay? Please, you do not have to be. But some of you are, and some of you are but you don’t really recognize it. 


For years, I never recognize this sighing thing that I do – *sighs* that. It’s so weird. Now I know it’s my body’s way of dissipating the amount of energy that just came up. So, when I’m doing a show like this or a class or speaking on a stage or even processing myself, that’s my body’s way of dissipating the energy—the big energy that’s come up like it’s a contraction, a heaviness, a clunk—and dissipates it to open it up to more space. Even when I wonder, sometimes that can occur because there’s so much energy that it’s like —*inhales*—and then as it releases it—*sighs*.


[08:23] Now, I wonder what it would be like for money to be ease. I wonder what that would be like. For some people, closing their eyes when they wonder—as long as you’re not driving or doing something like that—that really contributes. [For] some, it doesn’t make a difference. Do what works for you. Let’s just take a few moments right now and wonder together. 


I wonder what it would be like for money to be ease. 

I wonder what it would be like for money to be ease. 

I wonder what it would be like for money to flow to me with ease. 

I wonder how many ways the universe can surprise and delight me with money showing up today. 


[09:19] There’s a couple of questions. Again, you don’t need to use all the fancy words. You can just continue to wonder or you can use the previous one that I said: What would it take for money to be ease? It’s that simple, guys. Turn that conclusion or that clunk energy or that statement that isn’t what you would like into a question for what you would like. Yeah, yeah. 


[09:49] [Here’s] some of the ways that you can word the questions to invite money. Basically, honestly, any question will invite money. Let me repeat it, actually a little bit differently: Any TRUE question will invite money, because a true question is opening you up to receiving. Remember [what] I talked earlier – money is receiving. [And] so, any true question asked from curiosity will invite money. 


[10:24] Now, some specifics: 


I wonder what it would be like for money to show up today #asifbymagic. 


I wonder what it would be like for more money to show up today than I’ve never imagined possible. 


I wonder how many ways the universe can surprise and delight me with money showing up today #asifbymagic. 


What is possible with money today that I’ve never even considered? 


What else is possible with actualizing more money than I’ve never imagined possible today #asifbymagic? 


What magic could I be today for way more money and cash and wealth to show up right away? 


If I didn’t have a point of view, what magic with money could I be today? 


What am I refusing to BE that if I would BE it, would actualize as way more money showing up today than I’ve never imagined possible? 


I wonder what it would be like for the universe to deliver more money and cash and wealth today that I haven’t been willing to receive. 

What energy, space, consciousness, choice, magic, miracles, mysteries, and possibilities can me and my body be to generate, create, actualize, and receive more money, cash, and wealth than I’ve never imagined possible with total ease, joy, and glory? 


What energy, space, consciousness, choice, magic, miracles, mysteries, and possibilities can me and my body be to BE the money, wealth, and cash that I truly BE? 


How much more of me can I BE today to actualize infinite amounts of money, wealth, and cash today #asifbymagic? 


What choice have I been refusing that if I would choose it, would actualize as more money, wealth, and cash showing up today #asifbymagic? 


What energy, space, consciousness, choice, magic, miracles, mysteries, and possibilities can me and my body be to have way more money than I could ever spend and never enough with total ease, joy, and glory? 


How much money could show up today if I was willing to ask for it? 


Everywhere I have uninvited money today, I destroy and uncreate it all times a gazillion. Right, wrong, good, bad, all-nine, POD, POC, shorts, boys, and beyonds.


[13:42] Those are just some fun questions [at the] top of my head. There’s so many questions you can ask. There’s so many different ways you can word those questions. 


[13:54] In case you weren’t familiar already, get on my newsletter. It comes out every Sunday and it has the show notes which is the transcription of the radio show. All of these questions will be written out for you—it’s just that easy. 


If you get on my list and you didn’t get [it]—because this show comes out on Sunday and maybe you’re listening later and would like the show notes—just shoot us an email or connect with us on social media somehow. Let me know you’d like the show notes and that you’re on the list and I will get them for you. 


[14:28] One other thing to invite you to: I’ve got an Online Foundation coming up in February 19-23, 2022. We go 4 hours a day for 5 days, and it’s awesome. It’s in the morning in North America and the evening in Europe. Probably quite early [in the] morning in Australia. If you want the time link, let me know and I will get that for you. [I] would love to have you come play. Prerequisite is Bars, so you do need to have taken a Bars class to attend. 


[15:00] All right, more about questions that invite money. Again, as I said, guys, all questions—all true questions asked from curiosity will invite money. Money is not just cash. 


[15:17] One of the classes that I facilitate a couple times a year is called the “How To Become money Workbook,” which is a workbook by Gary Douglas from Access Consciousness. It’s all about us getting rid of our points of views about money. Years and years ago, I facilitated it — the questions in it 100 days in a row just to be extreme. It was such an invitation. What it changed for me is I finally got that money is not just cash. 


[15:46] A lot of times when people are asking for money, they actually mean cash. Guess what shows up? You guessed it, not cash [but] something else. Money is energy; money could be sunshine, it could be so many things. We could be asking for money, having money show up when we actually mean cash. And when cash doesn’t show up, we think we’ve asked wrong. [It] creates all sorts of judgment and crazy. 


That’s why some of those questions I was asking, I actually asked for money, wealth, and cash. So, please be very clear when you’re asking for what it is you would like. That will make a huge difference, my sweet friends. 


[16:28] With that, you want to be looking at acknowledging when things start showing up, also. Maybe you ask some of these questions, and then you go out for a walk and you find $1 on the ground. We call them a “loonie” here in Canada because they have a loon on it. Also, I think because it’s funny. Not sure if that’s why, but I think it’s funny. 


And so, let’s say you find a loonie. A lot of people would judge that right away. They’d go, “Oh well, it’s just a loonie. It’s nothing.” Maybe they wouldn’t even stop and pick it up. Or they’d go, “I’ll grab that because I want to go to the grocery store—” we take loonies in our carts to get them unhooked “—so I could use it for that and something.” 


What if we start acknowledging like, “Wow, look at what I created here. Look what I created – I created a loonie.” A dollar, 10 cents, whatever it is. The more you celebrate it, the more you acknowledgize it. Oh, my sweet, sweet friends. The more that will show up. 


[17:09] Often because it isn’t the specific thing we asked for or [it] isn’t exactly how much we would have liked, we judge it. When we judge, we separate from it. We’re no longer receiving. We see a loonie on the ground or 5 cents or whatever, and we separate from it because we go to the judgment of “it’s not enough.” Right, wrong, good, bad, all-nine, POD, POC, shorts, boys, and beyonds.


Everywhere you have judged the amount of money showing up which then created the separation, which then ensured no more showed up, will you destroy and uncreate all that? Right, wrong, good, bad, all-nine, POD, POC, shorts, boys, and beyonds.  


[18:16] One of the things you can do with the clearings if you have one—I’ve been calling them questions, you can turn them into [a] clearing. A lot of times, we would say the longer ones: What energy, space, consciousness, choice, magic, miracles, mysteries, and possibilities can me and my body be to actualize all of the cash I desire #asifbymagic? Then, we could clear. We could say: Anything that doesn’t allow that, I destroy and uncreate it all. Right, wrong, good, bad, all-nine, POD, POC, shorts, boys, and beyonds. That’s called a “clearing” because we’ve got the question with the Clearing Statement behind it. 


[18:55] Now, a lot of the questions that I was saying earlier don’t actually require the Clearing Statement behind them because there is like an expansion energy with it. That’s not going to be the way it is for every one of us. [In] every one of those questions, please know that there’s going to be times when you ask that and it’s gonna feel funky. So, run the Clearing Statement because it just means that it brought up a bunch of points of views that you just need to clear to actually then choose and create what you’re asking for. That’s a clearing with that. 


[19:26] A lot of the clearings that we talk about in Access Consciousness—Gary, again, the founder of Access, suggests running them 30 times a day for 30 days. We’re going to do one of those on hideous success and obnoxious money. I can’t remember the other thing but there’s a whole beautiful clearing that we’re going to run for 30 days, so it’ll be 30 times a day for 30 days. It starts in March. You’ll see the link somewhere and if you don’t see it, it might be just not ready yet if you’re watching this right as soon as it comes out. 


I don’t know for sure when we will get this out there, but it just kind of popped because I’m talking about clearings and stuff. I did it a couple of years ago on a money clearing that I really resisted. I finally realized that I was resisting it, even though I totally knew I was resisting it. But anyway, it changed so much. So, we’re going to do that in March. You’ll see a link somewhere [and] if you don’t see it, reach out to me and I will get you the link. It’s gonna be a lot of fun. 


[20:29] So, asking questions that invite money. Here’s the thing: we’ve trained ourselves to be in conclusion, to be in the judgment, expectation, the “money is hard” that I’ve talked about earlier – we’ve trained ourselves to be there. Asking questions is like building muscle. You don’t go to the gym and expect to run 20k if you haven’t even walked a k (k being kilometer) or mile in your life. Same thing with this – you need to find a way to remind yourself to continuously ask questions. 


[21:09] Personally, I use my Reminder app on my phone. I love it. It’s so easy. It came with my iPhone [and] it’s just called Reminder. I’m sure they’re on all the different phone options out there. I’m sure you can buy them on an app, whatever. 


Find a way – sticky notes, elastics on your wrist, whatever you need, so that you can start training yourself to ask questions. It’s very cool to listen to something like this and feel inspired and then totally forget about it. So, what are you going to put in place so that you can be continuously choosing to ask the question? 


[21:43] Ultimately what we’re going for is to be a walking, talking question. That’s what you’re looking for – to be a walking, talking question. Yes, it’s a BEing. For me, I didn’t BE it at all. Maybe to some degree, but not much. And then, as I was studying different modalities and such like the afformations, that invited me to be more aware of them. And then, once I started studying Access Consciousness which is all about question, that’s when I really started employing my Reminder app and stuff so I’m IT way more. I BE question way more than ever before. 

[22:26] I still use my Reminder app 10 years later, 12, 11, however many years it’s been. I’m still using my Reminder app, especially if there’s a clearing like one that I’m doing 30 times a day for 30 days just to remind myself about it, so that I remember. [It’s] because it’s a beautiful muscle that the more we BE question, the more magic we will BE and the more that we’ll actualize everything we’re asking for.


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