Tools to Stop Giving a Fuck

Tools to Stop Giving a Fuck

Tools to Stop Giving a Fuck

Are you living your life for you?

Do you find yourself holding back because of what people might say about you? And if they do, do you take these comments to heart? If yes, this show is for you! 


In this episode, we’ll list down some of the tools from Access Consciousness® to help you stop other people’s judgment from controlling how you live your life, and eventually not give a flying fuck about it. Don’t let anything stop you from BEing you, my sweet friend.


If you liked this episode, you can now show some love (and support the radio show at the same time!) by Buying Me a Coffee ☕ How does it get any better than that?! I’m excited and would be so grateful to receive a cup of coffee from you, my sweet friend.


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[00:00:00] Hello and welcome to Tools to Create a Better Life with myself, Glenyce Hughes. Thank you so much for being here. I am so incredibly grateful for you.


[00:00:10] This week, we are talking about Tools to Stop Giving a Fuck. If you are a person that takes things personally, that avoids judgment, that doesn’t do things that might create judgment from other people, this show is for you, my sweet friend.


Yes, because it is time to start living your life. Any time that we’re giving fucks about what other people will think about us or say about us, we’re not living our life. We’re living for other people. We’re being controlled by other people’s judgment, which is why other people judge. Heck! It’s why we judge, my sweet friends. I know we don’t want to admit it, and it’s the energy behind it. 


[00:00:55] So, tool number one. It’s a tool I talk about all the time and I’m not stopping talking about it anytime soon. It’s the tool from Access Consciousness®: interesting point of view, I have this point of view


[00:01:08] Whenever you take it personal, whenever you receive some judgment — maybe you post something on social media and somebody comments, or you maybe won’t post something on social media in case somebody judges you, or you find out about somebody judging you from a friend or something like that, what you want to do is just take a moment. 


If you need to go to the washroom or, you know, separate yourself from everyone that’s around and just go take a moment, get the energy of the judgment, of the resistance of it, of all of that, and go into interesting point of view, I have this point of view. Interesting points of view, I have this points of view. 


It can be interesting point of view or interesting points of views, either. Interesting points of view, I have these points of view. Interesting points of view, I have these points of view. Just over and over and over until you don’t have that contraction in your world about it, until you can think about the situation without really a matter in your world, a care in your world. That’s ultimately what you’re looking for. 


[00:02:20] Now, you may not get there right away. It might take you doing this a few times. It might take you doing this 50 times. It might take you doing this every hour for a week. Who knows? It doesn’t matter. There’s no kind of it-should-work-in-this-many-times.


It really is just utilizing this tool because every time you do it, it will start to unravel all of the places and spaces that you have made personal. [That] you’ve made about you that were never about you. 


[00:02:50] When people judge us, it’s about their stuff related to what we’re choosing. No different than when we judge other people, it’s about our stuff in relation to what they’re choosing. So, it’s not personal. 


We’ve been taught though to make it really personal and really wrap ourselves up into it and really look at how can I change so that person will like me or not have this judgment. Whoa, stop. No, use the tool: interesting point of view, I have this point of view. 


You can do it in your mind, you don’t even have to do it out loud, over and over and over until you have the space of you. 

[00:03:31] Another tool to stop giving a fuck. This is a fairly new one in the last couple of years that we started using in Access Consciousness®. It’s a very simple question: Is this relevant? That’s all you need to ask. 


[00:03:47] Again, let’s imagine you posted something on social media. Somebody made a judgment and you read it and you go, “Oh no!” 


Truth, is this relevant? 


Hmm… no. Okay, carry on. And then, you get to do whatever you would like to do with that. 


If it’s on social media, you can go delete it. You could go block the person. You could comment. Whatever it is you’d like to do, you have total choice in that moment. There’s no right or wrong way to respond, and you don’t even have to respond.


[00:04:24] I have done all sorts of things. I just find whatever is going to create the most in that moment. Sometimes, I will respond and say thank you, which is a bit of a, well, I was going to say a bit of a manipulation, but it’s a total manipulation. Sometimes, I delete and block them. Sometimes, I just leave it. 


And then usually, my other friends or people that are hanging out with me on social media, they’ll comment in kind of defense for me. I’m not sure if there’s anything else that I do. I mean there’s a few of those options, but it’s really whatever in that moment. 


[00:05:00] But the first piece that I always look at is getting honest with me. I don’t want to do it from a reaction like, “Oh, I need to get rid of that comment! I don’t want anybody to see that!” I don’t ever choose from that energy. 


That’s a muscle, I’ll be honest. Years ago, I didn’t choose from that. It was like, “Delete, delete, delete! I didn’t want anybody to see it!” Because part of it was that I bought it as true and real. If somebody was saying it, then it must be true and real. But what if it isn’t, guys? What if somebody is saying it just to say it? 


[00:05:32] I’ve been talking for a while about TikTok. Now a few years ago, I put some videos here and there on TikTok. Lately, I’ve been a much more active on there. But I put one on there which was just a fun video of me putting on makeup.


Holy Dinah, did I receive judgment! In fact, to this day, I’ve never went and caught, like, I’ve never responded. I never did anything with them. It took me so off guard. I had no idea that people would actually choose that. 


[00:06:02] None of the platforms that I’d been on before ever have that sort of insanity. So, it was really interesting. It was also a really good place for me to use interesting point of view, for me to be the space, for me to ask about, you know, is this actually relevant? and all of that. 


But at the time, I just kind of set it aside and didn’t go on it for a while and just gave myself the space to really go, “Wow, this is another level of receiving! How does it get any better than that?”


[00:06:30] But that is the second tool — is really asking is this relevant? If you happen to get a ‘yes,’ then you could look at, “Okay, what’s required?” If it is relevant, then what’s required? 

There may be something. There may be some sort of action to take. Just make sure that that isn’t relevant when you’re asking that, that your response is an awareness, not an answer that you think it should be, because maybe you’re upset about the comment.


[00:06:59] Another tool to stop giving a fuck is something that you want to be aware of with regards to recognizing you are your most valuable product. 


I actually did a class on it very recently because this is something I was really looking out for myself in the last few months. It’s where I’ve made other people and other situations way more relevant than me, way more the valuable product than me when really, we are each our own most valuable product.


If we don’t acknowledge that and we don’t live that, then absolutely we are going to get really tied up in other people’s points of views. We’re going to get really tied up in other people’s judgements. We’re going to get really tied up in that space of what they think of us. 


[00:07:48] However, if you are your most valuable product, if you recognize it and you acknowledge it and you live it, then what other people think or say about you really doesn’t have an effect on you because you’ve got your back, which is all about being your most valuable product. It means you never judge you. You always got you, which allows the universe also to always have you, to always have your back. 


[00:08:20] These are really the tools just to start using. You don’t have to use them all. Pick one when that judgment comes up, when you’re giving too many fucks about things that aren’t required to give any fucks about. Really, start using one or maybe all of these tools to start changing it so that you have way more choice for you, because that’s what we’re looking for.

[00:08:43] It really is about stopping giving the fuck so that you can be you on the planet. You can create in whatever way you would like. You can do, have, be, and actualize everything beyond what you’ve never imagined possible when you stop giving the fucks.


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Tools When Life is Heavy

Tools When Life is Heavy

Tools When Life is Heavy

Follow what lights you up!

There has been a lot of upset going on in the world for some time now. Add to that the personal worries we have to deal with in our daily lives. One can’t help but feel how “heavy” life seems to be right now. 


If that sounds relatable, tune in to this episode as we talk all about the “heavy” stuff and some reaaallyyy potent tools from Access Consciousness® to help you breakfree from the drama-trauma and allow more magic to your life.


If you liked this episode, you can now show some love (and support the radio show at the same time!) by Buying Me a Coffee ☕ How does it get any better than that?! I’m excited and would be so grateful to receive a cup of coffee from you, my sweet friend.


Would you like the PDF of these show notes?
They are sent out each week to everyone on my mailing list! 


[00:00:00] Hello and welcome to Tools to Create a Better Life with myself, Glenyce Hughes. Thank you so much for being here. I am so incredibly grateful for you. 


This show is Tools When Life is Heavy. Yeah, and I know for a lot of people — not even just with the stuff in the world, just in their own world — life can seem heavy a lot. A lot. 


And if you happen to catch last week’s radio show, you would have walked with me through some heaviness that I had in my world and all the things. 


[00:00:40] Here’s the important thing to know about heavy. Heavy means there’s a lie attached. Heavy means there’s a lie attached. Heavy means there’s a lie attached.


Now, I am not repeating that because I’m forgetful. I am repeating that because most people do not stop and recognize that what we do is we assume that it’s heavy because of the upset attached, because of the story attached, because of all the crazy. That’s what we do. We assume that’s the heavy. It’s not, my sweet friends. That heavy is because there is a lie there. 


[00:01:21] Now, it could be a 100% lie. It could be 2% lie. It could be anything. It’s just, you want to check in and you just ask, “What is the lie spoken or unspoken here?” You just need to acknowledge that there’s a lie. 

If you are listening to the news and you start getting super, super heavy: What is the lie? No, it doesn’t mean that whatever story they’re showing right now is actually a lie. It doesn’t mean that. It could, doesn’t mean it [but] it could. It could, and it doesn’t necessarily. 


[00:01:58] It could be, let’s say, you’re watching a news story and there’s something similar in your life. Let’s say you’re watching and somebody’s had all their possessions taken from them, like their house and stuff, because they weren’t paying their bills. And you maybe feel like money’s a bit tight. 


You’re watching this news and all of a sudden, you’re going into your own story of “Oh my gosh, this is going to happen to me! I haven’t paid my mortgage last month and they’re going to come after me! They’re going to take everything!” 


[00:02:31] What you’re doing is those lies you’re attaching, that’s the heavy. That’s our awareness saying, “Hey, dumb ass! Stop it.” We want to get to the awareness of what is the lie. 


You just recognize that, “Oh, okay. That’s the story I’ve attached. That’s what’s making it heavy. All right.” Stop, and then turn it into a question of like What else is possible?


[00:02:59] Let’s say with the money thing. What else is possible with my money stuff that I haven’t considered? We take it out of the drama-trauma, the story [and] into a question of like What else is possible I haven’t considered? You really want to strengthen this muscle, guys: to recognize that heavy is always a lie. 


[00:03:21] This is the bizarre thing: if the whoever-the-power’s-that’d-be were going to come and take your house from you today and you thought about it, it would actually be light because it would actually be true. It’s a bizarre thing, but what’s true for us in that moment is light. What’s a lie is heavy. So, if it’s, if it’s heavy, guaranteed, there’s a lie in there. Guaranteed there’s a lie in there. Yeah. 


[00:03:54] Right now on the planet — probably all the time on the planet, let’s be honest, but essentially right now — it seems there’s a lot of heavy. There’s a lot of things that we could put our attention on. There’s a lot of places where we can play with the story, the drama-trauma, the upset, all of it.


The question that you want to start asking when you recognize you’re in story, when you recognize that you’re telling lies, that that’s the heavy, ask: What can I add to my life right now to change this? Because if you’ve got time to play in the heavy, play in the story, make up all the drama-trauma, you’ve got too much time. 


[00:04:36] I know that you might want to say to me, “But Glenyce I don’t have any more time! There’s no more time in my life! What are you talking about?” Yeah. It’s not even actually about time. It’s really about the energy of adding more and more and more. 


If you’ll notice, like, when you’ve got something really fun or something you really enjoy doing, you always create the space for it. That’s what we’re looking at. How many more of those things can we add to our lives so we don’t play with the drama-trauma, we don’t play with the stories? That’s really—I mean, that’s the target, my sweet friends. 


[00:05:12] I mean even this morning, I got up early and I went to the gym ’cause I knew later on, I knew I was recording the show today, I knew that I’ve got more calls this afternoon. I knew the rest of my day was full. If I didn’t go this morning, I probably wouldn’t have the space for it. 


Now, let’s be honest. Years ago, I would have went, “I can’t go to the gym today. I know it just won’t work.” Now, I love it. It’s so much fun. I love all the gyms I can go to. I love all the possibilities there that I look at how I can fit it into my day. And that’s a different energy. 


[00:05:48] So, that’s what we want to be asking: What can I add to my life right now to change this? And then, follow the energy. Follow what’s light, follow what really lights you up. You don’t know until you try it.


[00:06:01] This is the thing I hear from so many of you. “I don’t know what I like… I don’t know what would be fun for me… I don’t know.” 


Of course, I’m being extreme here but let’s be honest, guys. You do not know until you try. So, definitely ask questions around it, of course, like Truth, if I choose this right now, will it create the future desire or decay the future desire? 


Follow your awareness, of course, but don’t wait for you to know 110% that you will love it. Try it. Try it, and then you’ll know that choice creates the awareness. We’re often waiting for the awareness so we choose, but that is so slow, my sweet friends. It’s so, so slow. Such a slow way to create..


[00:06:51] I invite you to Online Foundation in May of 2022. You will find the link above or below with more information. I would love to have you come and play my sweet ,friends. 


And of course, we also have the Bars & Foundation Pool Party in July of 2022. So again, you’ll find the link with more information and reach out if you don’t see a link or if you’ve got other questions. I would love to hear from you.


[00:07:16] So, when you’ve got the heavy going on, we want to ask: What’s the lie spoken or unspoken? We want to be asking: What can I add to my life? The other one that I use a lot, especially in the last month, is What am I aware of here? 


What am I aware of here? Because we can become aware of something, and then again, we add that story to it, and then we distract ourselves with the story. 


[00:07:44] Let’s say you had a business and you had a staff member working with you. Every time you thought about them, you started getting like a little bit pissy like, “Oh, they didn’t do that thing I asked them to do” or “They didn’t do it right” or whatever. Let’s say that’s not normally how you are with them or with people. 


Instead of going into the, you know, continuing to distract yourself with that upset or going into, “Oh my gosh, what’s wrong with me? Why am I being so judgemental?” Stop. What am I aware of here? What is this? What was the ping of the awareness before you took it into all that crazy about the person? What are you aware of? 


[00:08:26] Maybe you’re aware that they’re looking for a different job. Maybe you just popped into there, you’ve got the awareness that they’re looking for another job, and then you turn it into that distraction and story rather than just like, what if you were aware of that? Like, “Oh, they’re looking for another job. Okay, awesome.” 


And then, it allows you to actually be in the space of, “Wow. Okay. If they choose to move on, would I like to replace them? Would I do something different?” You won’t be shocked when it occurs because you’re not pretending it’s not occurring if that’s what’s going on. Now, again, you’re just going to follow your awareness with it, but really watch for that spot before you take it into the drama-trauma. 


[00:09:11] And this is why I use that question: what am I aware of here? It takes me back before the drama-trauma into, “Okay. So, what am I aware of?” I immediately don’t get words for it. I mean, we don’t always know specifically what I’m aware of. 

But for me just asking that question, it changes so much because (1) I’m acknowledging that I’m aware of something and (2) I’m no longer playing with the drama trauma anymore which allows so much more magic. So much more magic.


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