21 Days to Having it All

21 Days to Having it All

Studies have shown it takes 21 days to create a new habit.

Would you like habits that actually contribute to creating the future you have been dreaming of?

21 tools, processes and energetic exercises so that you can “Have it ALL”!

You will receive –
* 21 Facebook Live videos in FB
* 21 audio’s of energetic exercises on MP3
* 21 clearings on MP3 and PDF

Previously recorded in 2017, ready for immediate download.

Details – https://eb225-0e518b.pages.infusionsoft.net/

Tools to Clear PTSD

Tools to Clear PTSD

Is it time to clear the PTSD running your life?
You will receive:
* Audio and Video Recordings of 2 Zooms
* Written & Audio Clearings from each Zoom
* BONUS – Glenyce’s Personal Clearing Loop
Previously recorded in 2018 and ready for immediate download.

For details, please go here – https://bit.ly/2QFpJSF