Molecular Communion

Molecular Communion

A clearing call to BEIng the Alchemist You Are! 

Molecular communion is the willingness to have awareness of all molecular structure and the willingness to ask the molecules to change to become what you ask them to become.

You will receive:
* Audio and Video Recordings of the ZOOM
* Clearings – written and audio
* Handout on PDF
* 4 Energy exercises
* Commune with Your Body Energy Exercise
* Demolecular Manifestation, Molecular Demanifestation on Past Expenditures Energy Exercise
* Turn the One Molecule Energy Exercise
* Molecular Communion Energy Pull

Previously Recorded in 2020, ready for immediate download.

Tools and processes are from Access Consciousness®

Stop Being Foods BITCH

Stop Being Foods BITCH

What if nourishment without judgement was possible?
Training 1 – Clearing the Lies
Training 2 – Communion
Training 3 – Magic Tricks
* Recordings of each Training Video (audio and video)
* Workbook for each Training Video on PDF
* Clearings – written and audio for each Training
Previously recorded in 2020, ready for immediate download.
Tools and processes from Access Consciousness®



YOUR Financial Reality

YOUR Financial Reality

Have you bought the lie that your financial world has to be like everyone else’s?
It doesn’t. You actually have YOUR own financial reality… is it time to tap into it?

A 13 minute guided energetic creation audio to assist you to become aware of your financial realty and create beyond what you never imagined possible.

Listen audibly once a day, on low throughout your day or while you sleep. Whatever works for you!

You will receive:
* 2 – Your Financial Reality Guided energetic creation audios, one with music mixed in the background and one without music
* 2 – Expanding Out Guided energetic creation audios, one with music mixed in the background and one without music


As this is a download there are no refunds or exchanges.

Duplicating the Consciousness of the Wealthiest Person

Duplicating the Consciousness of the Wealthiest Person

One of the capacities each of us have is to duplicate people.
Unfortunately we often use it against ourselves and duplicate people’s crazy.

Is it time to change that??

A 7 minute guided energetic creation audio to assist you to duplicate the consciousness that the wealthiest person who has ever lived on the planet has used to create the wealth they have chose.

Listen audibly once a day, on low throughout your day or while you sleep. Whatever works for you!

You will receive:
* 2 – Duplicating the Consciousness of the Wealthiest Person Guided energetic creation audios, one with music mixed in the background and one without music
* 2 – Expanding Out Guided energetic creation audios, one with music mixed in the background and one without music


As this is a download there are no refunds or exchanges