Communing with the Business

Communing with the Business

Your business has a consciousness of it’s own.
It would LOVE to co-create with you to create itself to be everything it is asking to be.

Are you willing to gift and receive with the business in ways you never imagined possible?

A 9 minute guided energetic creation audio to assist you to commune and co-create with the business in ways you never imagined possible.

Listen audibly once a day, on low throughout your day or while you sleep. Whatever works for you!

You will receive:
* 2 – Communing with the Business Guided energetic creation audios, one with music mixed in the background and one without music
* 2 – Expanding Out Guided energetic creation audios, one with music mixed in the background and one without music


As this is a download there are no refunds or exchanges.

BEing the Alchemist

BEing the Alchemist

An alchemist is someone who transforms or creates something through a magical process.

Are you ready to be the alchemist you truly be?

An 8 minute guided energetic creation audio to assist you to be the alchemist, the miracle and the magic you truly be.

Listen audibly once a day, on low throughout your day or while you sleep. Whatever works for you!

You will receive:
* 2 – BEing the Alchemist Guided energetic creation audios, one with music mixed in the background and one without music
* 2 – Expanding Out Guided energetic creation audios, one with music mixed in the background and one without music

As this is a download, there are no refunds or exchanges.

Pulling Money to YOU

Pulling Money to YOU

Prefer to pay in USD or EURO? Change the currency at checkout

If you could pull money to you… where would you pull it?
A bank account? A past expenditure? Your sock drawer?

Is now the time?

A 9 minute guided energetic creation audio to assist you to pull money and cash TO you!

Listen audibly once a day, on low throughout your day or while you sleep. Whatever works for you!

You will receive:
* 2 – Pulling Money to YOU Guided energetic creation audios, one with music mixed in the background and one without music
* 2 – Expanding Out Guided energetic creation audios, one with music mixed in the background and one without music


As this is a download there are no refunds or exchanges.

Inviting the Fat Cells to Change

Inviting the Fat Cells to Change

What if there is another way to change your body #asifbymagic

A 7 minute guided energetic creation audio to assist you to change your fat cells to create what your body is asking for.

Listen audibly once a day, on low throughout your day or while you sleep. Whatever works for you!

You will receive:
* 2 – Inviting the Fat Cells to Change Guided energetic creation audios, one with music mixed in the background and one without music
* 2 – Expanding Out Guided energetic creation audios, one with music mixed in the background and one without music


As this is a download there are no refunds or exchanges.

Changing Your Weight WITH Your Body

Changing Your Weight WITH Your Body

Look at any magazine and you will see what our bodies are “supposed” to look like.

Is that really what YOUR body is asking for?

Training 1 – Clear the Lies
Training 2 – Communion
Training 3 – Magic Tricks

* Recordings of each Training Video (audio and video)
* Clearings – written and audio for each Training
* Workbook for each Training
* Members Only FB Group

Previously recorded in 2020, ready for immediate download.
Tools and processes are from Access Consciousness®

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