Pulling In the Reality Your Body Knows is Possible

Pulling In the Reality Your Body Knows is Possible

What if your body is aware of a realty beyond this reality? Is it time to pull in what is actually possible?

A 7 minute guided energetic creation audio to assist you to pull in the reality your body knows is possible.

Listen audibly once a day, on low throughout your day or while you sleep. Whatever works for you!

You will receive:
* 2 – Pulling In the Reality Your Body Knows is Possible Guided energetic creation audios, one with music mixed in the background and one without music
* 2 – Expanding Out Guided energetic creation audios, one with music mixed in the background and one without music


As this is a download there are no refunds or exchanges.

Changing Your Sweet Body asifbymagic

Changing Your Sweet Body asifbymagic

Have you bought the lie that it is difficult to change your body?
What if it doesn’t have to be?

A 9 minute guided energetic creation audio to assist you to change your body, with your body, as if by magic.

Listen audibly once a day, on low throughout your day or while you sleep. Whatever works for you!

You will receive:
* 2 – Changing Your Sweet Boyd #asifbymagic Guided energetic creation audios, one with music mixed in the background and one without music
* 2 – Expanding Out Guided energetic creation audios, one with music mixed in the background and one without music


As this is a download there are no refunds or exchanges.

Tools to Receive the Judgement that Could Make You Rich AF

Tools to Receive the Judgement that Could Make You Rich AF

For every judgement you resist or align with, your income goes down by $10,000 a year. ?

For every judgement you receive, your income goes up by $5,000 a year. ?Imagine how RICH you would be if you received every judgement?
In this program, you’ll receive:
* Video and audio recording of the ZOOM
* Clearings – written and audio
Previously recorded in 2020 and available for immediate download.
Tools and processes from Access Consciousness®
Communing with Your Business MASTERCLASS

Communing with Your Business MASTERCLASS

If you could co-create with the most aware, creative, potent, magical business partner… would you choose it?

Join me for this 2 hour MASTERCLASS as I take you step by step through my seven step process to commune with your business! (and so much MORE!)

You will receive:
* 2 Hour video and audio recording of the ZOOM
* Glenyce’s 7 Step Process on PDF
* VIP FB Group

Previously recorded in 2020, ready for immediate download.
Tools and processes from Access Consciousness®

For details please go here – https://bit.ly/biz_masterclass


Inconceivable and Undefinable

Inconceivable and Undefinable

Inconceivable and undefinable = POSSIBILITY!
Possibility creates the place from which everything you choose creates something different in the world.
Are you willing to be one of the people who change the world?

You will receive:
* Audio and video recording of the ZOOM
* Clearings – written and audio
* Glenyce’s Personal Clearing Loop on Audio

Previously recorded in 2020 and ready for immediate download.
Tools and processes are from Access Consciousness®

For more details, click here.