Aware AF

INTRODUCTION What magic could you create, if you were willing to be AWARE AF? Join the Program COURSE OUTLINE The MAGIC you will receive in this course Various Ways You Can Read Your Awareness …with exercises how to find out how to read yours Trusting You When...
10 Business Energy Pulls

10 Business Energy Pulls

10 of Glenyce’s Business Energy Pulls on Audio
Ready for Immediate Download

#1 Acknowledging and BEing the Potent Creator You Truly BE Energy Pull
#2 BEing Rich and Famous Energy Pull
#3 BEYOND Mediocre Energy Pull
#4 Communion with Your Business Energy Pull
#5 Having it ALL Energy Pull
#6 Magic of BEing YOU Energy Pull
#7 Pulling the Money that is Waiting to Be Found Energy Pull
#8 Reality of Possibilities Energy Pull
#9 Step the F*CK UP Energy Pull
#10 Whatever it Takes Energy Pull

Previously recorded in 2017, ready for immediate download